


v.(气候)解冻( thaw的现在分词 )(态度、感情等)缓和(冰、雪及冷冻食物)溶化软化

  • Perhaps these sorts of intimate exchanges hold the key to a new thawing between nations and peoples .

    也许这种类型的亲密交换把握住了国与国、人与人之间新的 融洽相处方式的关键。

  • This means the thawing process should start days ahead of the feast experts said .

    这意味着 解冻的工序在节日前几天就得开始了。

  • The change of thermal thawing sensibility corresponds to the changes of seasonally freezing and thawing process .

    冻土热 敏感性变化也与冻融过程的变化相一致。

  • Experimental research on water migration in remoulded soil during freezing and thawing process

    重塑土冻 过程中水分迁移试验研究

  • Abstract : Extracting of marine algae oil from chlorella by alcohol was studied using the freezing and thawing technique .

    摘要:本实验以小球藻为原料,利用 反复 技术破碎细胞壁,利用乙醇提取海藻油。

  • The misty river of ice was thawing .

    迷蒙的冰河 开冻了。

  • Supernatant from freeze thawing haemocytes was applied for the tests of immunoprecipitation bacteriostasis and phagocytosis .

    取冻 的血淋巴细胞上清进行免疫沉淀、抑菌、吞噬杀菌实验。

  • There 's nothing like some hot singing for thawing things out .

    没有什么比劲歌更能 解冻的了。

  • It appears to be still deep frozen under a surface of ice cracking and thawing .

    这似乎是下仍然深度冷冻的冰面,有开裂和 融化

  • Experimental study on effects of freezing and thawing on mechanical properties of clay


  • Evaluation and Application of the Estimation Methods of Frozen ( Thawing ) Depth over China

    估算冻结( 融化)深度方法的比较及在中国地区的修正和应用

  • An example of a tipping point is the thawing of the permafrost .

    气候引爆点的一个例子就是永久冻土层的 融化

  • However there were more signs of a thawing in frozen credit markets yesterday .

    另一方面,遭遇冻结的信贷市场昨日出现更多 解冻迹象。

  • And avoid thawing and refreezing food as this can increase contamination risk .

    避免 反复 食物,因为这样会增加污染的可能性。

  • Granular snow formed by alternate thawing and freezing .

    反复 融化和冻结而形成的 坚硬的颗粒状表层的雪。

  • Any packaged dish or food that can be prepared quickly and easily as by thawing or heating .

    易于 解冻和加热的打包饭菜和食物。

  • A market that was frozen is thawing .

    冻结了市场也 开始 活动

  • For thawing a frozen turkey in the refrigerator is to allow a day for every five pounds of meat .

    专家 ,要给冰箱里的冰冻火鸡 解冻,一条很好的 经验 法则是每五磅肉留出一天时间 解冻

  • Freezing and thawing of water will lead to uneven frost thawing and pumping of the subgrade .

    水分的冻结与 融化会引发路基的不均匀冻胀、融沉和翻浆。

  • Block stones were used to protect permafrost from thawing by air convection effect in the embankment of Qinghai-Tibet Railway .

    青藏铁路广泛采用的块石护坡和块石路基是通过空气对流 降低路基的温度起到保护 冻土的作用。

  • It had been snowing and thawing and the streets were sloppy .

    天一直在下雪,雪又一直在 融化,街上泥泞不堪。

  • A research on frozen wall temperature field thawing characters under multi-coil tube freezing

    多圈管冻结下冻结壁温度场 融化特性的实测研究

  • Nikita did not answer for some time apparently still intent on thawing out his beard and moustache .

    尼基塔没有回答,有一段时间,但显然仍在意图就 融化了他的胡子。

  • An event some call a watershed in thawing chilled ties between the two countries .

    这次演出被一些人认为是使美国和北韩两国冷漠关系 解冻的分水岭。

  • Corporate finance once frozen is thawing fast .

    曾一时冻结的企业融资正在快速 解冻

  • And the permafrost is thawing .

    现在这些冻土层正在 融化

  • The Effect of the Frost Heave and Thawing Settlement on Oil Pipeline in Frozen Soil Region

    冻胀 沉对冻土区输油管道建设影响的研究

  • Most fruit and vegetables after thawing are not as crisp as when they were fresh .

    多数蔬菜和水果在 解冻 以后,就不再像新鲜时那样鲜嫩了。

  • In this respect the recent thawing of relations with Tokyo is welcome .

    在这方面,中日关系近期 回暖是值得欢迎的。