


  • The terrane structures and nappe structures in the central and southern part of the Sanjiang area have obviously controlled the formation and distribution of the gem jade deposits .

    三江中南段的 构造及推覆构造控制了宝玉石矿床的形成和分布。

  • The Bikou terrane lies at the junction of Qinling orogenic belt Songpan-Garze orogenic belt and Yangtze Plate .


  • What is more the influence of karst surface of carbonate terrane on red clay formation was analyzed .

    着重分析碳酸盐 地表岩溶的作用、 特点对红粘土形成的重要影响;

  • The quartz vein-type Fanjiabu gold deposit is economically the most important gold deposit in the Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic terrane Jiaodong Peninsula .

    范家埠金矿是胶东半岛苏 鲁地体内规模最大的石英脉型金矿。

  • Apply in deep-sea on the other hand seawater decreased to go up gradient of Fu terrane pressure .

    另一方面在海洋的应用,海水减少了上 岩层压力梯度。

  • The Liwu copper deposit is a typical medium-sized polymetallic deposit in the western margin of Yangtze terrane which has a complex metallogenic setting and is potential for the prospecting .

    里伍铜矿床位于扬子 地台西缘,是中型铜多金属矿床,其成矿背景复杂,找矿潜力巨大。

  • Tectonic style and deformational sequence of Dabie metamorphic terrane

    大别变质 的构造样式及变形序列

  • Terrane tectonic theory its analysis and Application


  • Counter-tilt slopes are those with anti-direction terranes in other word the slant of slope is opposite to that of the terrane .

    反倾边坡是指具有反倾结构面(即边坡的倾向与结构面的倾向相反)的 边坡

  • Research on geological problems of Archaean high-grade terrane in Eastern Hebei Province

    冀东太古宙高级 变质岩 若干地质问题的研究

  • The importance of terrane nature for the first place subduction-accretionary assemblages in formation of mineral deposits is proved .

    论证了一些 性质,尤其是俯冲-增生杂岩对矿床形成的重要意义。

  • Paleomagnetic study and tectonic evolution of Hainan terrane and its vicinal Continental Coast the late Mesozoic to Cenozoic

    海南岛 及其毗邻陆缘晚中生代&新生代古地磁研究和构造演化

  • The southward movement in Palaeozoic era from new palaeomagnetic data of North Qilian terrane

    北祁连 古地磁新数据及古生代 南向位移 事件 发现

  • In land fracture pressure is go up by what layer brings to bear on the case of Fu terrane pressure is numeric .

    在陆地,压裂压力是由地层施加的上 岩层压力的函数值。

  • The Longshoushan Group of Paleoproterozoic age in the Dongdashan district is a metamorphic terrane composed of metamorphic rocks of amphibolite facies .


  • Crustal growth at ~ 2.5 Ga in the North China Craton : evidence from whole-rock Nd and zircon Hf isotopes in the Huai ' an gneiss terrane

    华北克拉通2.5Ga地壳生长事件的Nd-Hf同位素证据:以怀安片麻岩 为例

  • Dehydration Partial Melting Experiments on UHP Eclogites and Its Dynamic Significance Dabie-Sulu Terrane

    大别&苏 鲁超高压榴辉岩脱水部分熔融实验及动力学意义

  • Calc alkaline lamprophyres formed in the active continental margin and orogenic belt related to gold deposits are come from enriched mantle caused by subduction of Plate terrane or slab .

    形成于活动大陆边缘和造山带与金矿有关的钙碱性煌斑岩来源于由板块, 和板片俯冲作用引起的富集地幔;

  • The terrane on both sides of the valley got steeper under the influence of the faultage and formed a landform without towering stone pillars .

    在断层的作用下山谷两侧 岩层就变陡了,也就没有耸天立的石柱。

  • In the middle to late Jurassic period owing to a large-scale left-lateral displacement of Tanlu fault zone the Jiaobei terrane moved to the present position from the east of Bengbu-Wuhe area .

    中晚侏罗世,郯庐断裂带发生了巨大的左行平移,胶北 从蚌埠- 五河的东部推移到现在的位置。

  • Each type is characterized by its own geochemistry which provides evidence for terrane division in the area .

    运用金矿石及 岩石铅同位素进行分区,为 划分提供了佐证。

  • Hence the formation of Continental Crust is a synthetic result of terrane accretion and separation .

    同时已形成的大陆 地壳 沿着 断裂 分裂、离散而

  • Advanced study of Hekou Group would have important implications for understanding of the feature and evolution of the basement structure of Western Margin of Yangtze Terrane .

    对河口群的深入研究,有助于深化认识扬子 地台西缘基底结构的特点及演化过程。

  • The tectonic setting and attribute of the Bikou Terrane related to the Proterozoic Bikou Group have been disputed .

    有关中元古界碧口岩群的成岩构造环境及中元古代 构造属性长期存在争议。

  • Elementary Analysis on Engineering Practice of Large-diameter Deep Long Bored Pile in Soft and Hard Terrane

    浅析大直径深长钻孔桩在软、硬质 岩层的工程实践

  • Genetic Relationship Between Pegmatite Formation and Anatexis of Ultrahigh-Pressure ( UHP ) Metamorphic Rocks in the Weihai Area North Sulu UHP Terrane

    北苏鲁威海地区 伟晶岩的形成过程及其与超高压岩石深熔作用的成因关系

  • The Qiyugou gold deposit Songxian County Henan Province is a typical explosive breccia-type gold deposit occurring at the Xiong'er terrane southern margin of the North China craton .

    雨沟金矿位于华北克拉通南缘的熊耳 ,是典型的爆破角砾岩型金矿。

  • During the period of meteorite hitting the terrane the phase that meteorite strike excavated the terrane also started .

    在陨石向 岩层的撞击 在持续的 时候陨击过程开掘岩层的阶段也开始了。

  • The metamorphic core complex of South Kalatag is located in the Zhongtianshan terrane in the Dongtianshan region .

    喀拉塔 格南变质核杂岩位于东天山地区中天山古陆中,为大陆边缘型变质核杂岩构造。