terms of payment


  • The terms of payment are included in Annex IV.

    支付 条件在附件IV中有详细说明。

  • I agree with you . I hope easy terms of payment can result in more orders .

    赵: ,我希望宽松的 付款 方式能给我们带来更多的订单。

  • We could grant you the favourable terms of payment as D / A45 days after sight .

    我方可以给贵方见票45天承兑交单 付款的优惠 条件

  • The Purchaser fails to meet the terms of payment as stipulated by you in your listing .

    买家未能符合阁下所刊登而由阁下规定之 付款 条款

  • We have altered our terms of payment .

    我们已经修改了我们的 付款 条件

  • Details of prices discounts and terms of payment ;

    详细说明价格、折扣及 付款 条件

  • Our terms of payment are by a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight .

    我们的 支付 方式是以保兑不可撤消的、凭即期汇票支付的信用证。

  • We would also like to know your terms of payment .

    我们还想了解你 支付 条件

  • W : Irrevocable letter of credit of course . It 's the normal terms of payment in international business .

    W:当然是不可撤销信用证了,这是国际贸易常用的 付款 方式

  • You must know our terms of payment well .

    贵方 付款 条件一定很了解。

  • I have no alternative but to accept your terms of payment .

    我别无选择只能接受你们的 付款 方式

  • Our terms of payment are30-day credit period not60-day credit . It 's customary .

    外贸英语培训&我们的 付款条件是30天信用期,而非60天信用期,这是惯例。

  • OK . We have agreed on the terms of payment .

    好的, 付款 条件谈定了。

  • Our terms of payment are by confirmed irrevocable letter of credit available by draft at sight .

    我方的 付款 条件是采用保兑的,不可撤销的即期信用证。

  • We are sorry to inform you that the listed terms of payment do not correspond to customary business practice .

    很抱歉通告你方,所列 付款 方式与我们通常的贸易做法不符。

  • This is the normal terms of payment in international business .

    这是国际贸易中惯用的 付款 方式

  • Will you please state your earliest delivery date your terms of payment and discounts for regular purchases ?

    请贵公司说明最早的交货期, 付款 条件,定期购买的折扣。

  • Payment by instalments is one of the terms of payment that has been accepted .

    分期付款是通常被接受的一种 付款 方式

  • I see . And what are your terms of payment ?

    我明白了,你们的 付款 条件是什么?

  • Terms of payment : irrevocable letter of credit to be drawn at sight .

    该装运 付款 方式:不可撤销即期信用证。

  • Trade-off and Terms of payment : will mail you at same time with catalogue issued .

    交易与 付款 方式:以邮购为原则,将与目录同时寄送交易办法,在台北亦提供传统门市交易。

  • We agree to accept the terms of payment you proposed this morning .

    我们同意你上午 关于 支付 条款的建议。

  • Now we have settled the terms of payment .

    现在我们已经 谈妥付款 条件

  • Our customary terms of payment as by letter of credit .

    我们通常采用的 支付 条件是凭信用证 支付

  • Since we have made such big concessions on price now it 's your turn to make some concessions on terms of payment .

    既然我们在价格上作了这样大的让步,现在该轮到你们在 付款 条件上做点让步了。

  • When quoting please state terms of payment and time of delivery .

    贵方报价时,请声名 付款 前提和交货时间。

  • We would adopt the terms of payment by installment for present purchase .

    这次交易我们将采用分期 付款方式。

  • EFI expressly deliver on the basis of our general terms of payment and delivery .

    很明显,EFI会根据我们的 支付和运输 条款进行运送。

  • Our terms of payment are cash on delivery .

    我们的 付款 条件是货到 付款

  • Secondly I also need to know the terms of payment and after service .

    其次,我还需要知道 支付 条件和售后服务。