testis hormone

[ˈtɛstɪs ˈhɔrˌmon][ˈtestis ˈhɔ:ˌməʊn]

[医] 睾丸激素(睾酮)

  • Methods : The temperature of testis in rats was reduced to - 10 ℃ to observe its morphological structure changes of testis germ cell Leydig cell and Sertoli cell and detect the level of sexual hormone at different time-phase following temperature reduction .

    方法:将大鼠睾丸温度降至-10℃,在降温后不同时段采用光镜、组织化学方法观察 睾丸生精细胞、间质细胞、支持细胞的形态学变化,并测定血清性 激素水平。

  • The weight and morphology of testis the quality and amount of sperm and the serum hormone were examined .

    腹腔 注射 染毒 14d 观察 睾丸重量和形态学 改变,精子数量和质量 改变,血液中 激素 含量的改变;

  • Effect of - 5 ℃ hypothermia on sperm production of testis and the level of sex hormone in rats

    -5℃低温对大鼠 睾丸生精作用及性 激素水平的影响

  • The capillary vessel of testis which is a part of Blood-Testis Barrier transports oxygen hormone and nutriment in order to maintain normal function .

    睾丸微循环担负着氧、 激素、营养物质及代谢产物的供给和运输任务,以维睾丸正常生理机能。

  • Testis is the capital genital gland of masculinity . It secretes androgenic hormone and the place where is spermatogenesis .

    睾丸是雄性最重要的生殖腺,它是雄性 激素分泌及精子发生的场所。

  • The mammiferous testis perform important functions of producing sperm and secreting male hormone .

    雄性哺乳动物的 睾丸具有生精和分泌雄性 激素等重要的功能。

  • Objective : To introduce the application of percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration ( PESA ) in the differential diagnosis between obstructive and non-obstructive azoospermia and to investigate the association of the results of PESA with testis volume and the level of serum follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH ) .

    目的:介绍经皮附睾穿刺取精术(PESA)在梗阻性和非梗阻性无精子症诊断中的应用,并探讨 睾丸体积和血清卵泡刺激 (FSH)水平对其结果的影响。

  • The Effects of Gossypol on Testis Morphology and Sex Hormone in Healthy Men A Morphological and Cytochemical Study on Testes of Rats with Experimental Spleen Deficiency Syndrome

    棉酚对正常男子 睾丸形态学与生殖内泌的影响实验性脾虚 证大鼠睾丸形态学与细胞化学的研究

  • While HBO can restrain interstitial tissue of testis damaged by VC improve their micro-circulation and balance level of reproductive hormone .

    主要机制为VC时 睾丸缺血,缺氧及其微循环灌注障碍;HBO可有效抑制VC 睾丸间质细胞损害进程,改善 睾丸间质细胞生存的微循环,维持生殖 内分泌 激素水平平衡。