


  • The theistic God is almost as sterile a principle .

    神论的上帝也是与 这种 观念差不多同样贫乏的一种原理。

  • There are two types of religious naturalism & theistic and non-theistic .

    有两类宗教自然主义: 神论的及非神论的。

  • Hard-boiled physicists unburdened by theistic encumbrances have also had difficulty grappling with this question .

    讲究客观的物理学家不受 神论的拘束,但也难以回答这个问题。

  • Jack you seem to be experiencing some sort of theistic hysteria .

    杰克,你好像 得了一种 崇拜 上帝 症。

  • In particular atheism cannot offer the incentives to conduct and the consolations for misfortune which theistic religions supply to their adherents .

    具体说来,无神论者无法 神论宗教为其信徒所做的那样,为人们的统一行为提供激励,给不幸者带来安慰。

  • A Hindu theistic philosophy ; union of self and the Supreme Being is sought through a state of complete awareness and tranquillity attained by certain physical exercises .

    一种印度 哲学:运用体操 保持全神贯注和心灵平静以达到人 交融的境界。

  • The argument is nonetheless a weak reed on which to rest the theistic thesis .

    但是,它是一根脆弱的芦苇, 难以 神论 提供 什么 支撑

  • The God of theistic religious naturalists is not a supernatural deity but instead is a power or force within the natural universe .


  • We reject both naturalistic and theistic evolution .

    我们反对 自然主义和进化论。

  • Generally speaking Confucianism is thought of as a humanistic philosophy and Christianity is a typically theistic tradition .

    儒学,通常被称作人本主义哲学:基督宗教,则是一种典型的 本主义传统。

  • On the one hand he criticizes traditional theistic proofs including the ontological argument the cosmological argument and the physico-theological argument in order to clear away the traditional knowledge basis of religion .

    一方面是他对传统的关于 上帝 存在的证明(包括本体论证明、 宇宙论证明和自然神学证明)的批驳,即清除宗教哲学的旧的知识论基础。