the academic year

[ði ˌækəˈdɛmɪk jɪr][ðə ˌækəˈdemik jə:]


  • A tradition states if one looks at it during the academic year he will not be found deficient in academics .

    那个鹰在华盛顿厅的前部,如果一个人在整 学年都看它,那么他学术上的缺陷将不会被发现。

  • They reopen this week along with state schools where the academic year was delayed to prepare for the flu .

    本周这些学校同国立学校 道重又开课, 学年因猪流感问题而延期开课。

  • The academic year 2008-2009 has found me with 17 tutorial students andalmost 200 new undergraduate and MBA students in banking and finance courses plus I am trying to keep up with my research interest corporate governance in financial services .

    2008至2009 学年,我要辅导17名学生,向近200名本科及mba学生教授银行与金融学课程,此外,我还要努力跟上自己的研究兴趣金融服务业的企业治理。

  • The credit system compared with the academic year system has quite a lot of advantages for instance choosing classes freely gives students more opportunities to develop diameter unlimitness of time for study guide the process and the opening of plan .

    摘要学分制相对 学年制而言,有其诸多的优越性,如自主选课给学生提供有利于自主学习和个性发展的自由空间,学习时限的灵活性、培养过程的指导性和培养计划的开放性等。

  • Along with large-scale recruit students and Reform on the credit system in advanced colleges the traditional courses arrangement way based on class in the academic year system has fallen into disuse .

    随着当前招生规模不断扩大和学分制改革不断深入,传统 学年制下以班级为核心 排课方法已经难以继续。

  • Interested in traveling but can 't during the academic year ?

    喜欢旅游,却在 学年中没有机会去?

  • The academic year usually starts in September .


  • The experiments in the present study were carried out in the first term of the academic year of 2002-2003 in two intact classes of junior English majors in the course of Intensive Reading with one class as the experimental group and the other as the controlled one .

    论文作者在2002&2003 学年在西北师范大学外国语学院英语专业三年级两个班的阅读课上进行了一学期的教学实验,其中一个班为实验班,另一个班为控制班。

  • Being up against the situation of education reformation it analyses the characteristics advantages and disadvantages of the credit system and the academic year system .

    针对教育改革的形势,分析了 学年制与学分制的各自特性、优缺点。

  • The academic year commences at the beginning of October


  • The undergraduate program of the civil and environmental engineering department UC Berkeley for the academic year 1996-1997 is briefly introduced and analyzed to outline the higher education of civil engineering in America .

    本文简要介绍并分析了 美国伯克莱加州大学土木与环境工程系1996-1997 学年的本科教学计划, 中可以略窥美国土木工程高等教育的某些特点。

  • In the academic year after launching its first version last November Lore was used in at least one class in 600 universities and colleges .

    Lore在去年11月推出它的首版,在 那个 学年 ,600所大学和学院里都至少有一间使用Lore的班级。

  • The quantitative data are collected from two surveys of 30 first-year college students who have undergone a multimedia based College English course teaching program in the academic year of 2004-2005 at Dalian Maritime University China .

    定量研究材料来源于对多媒体实验班的30名大连海事大学非英语专业学生的两次问卷调查。 这些学生于2004&2005 学年参加了为期一年的大学英语课程基于多媒体内容 语言学习项目试验。

  • The academic year begins when school opens is September .


  • The academic year is divided into two terms .


  • Please login with NEW User ID / Password for the academic year 2006 / 07 .

    请用新的用户名称及密码登入 2006/07 年度 「网上评估系统」。

  • Did you really connect with a professor during the academic year ?


  • The Development of Local Colleges Educational Administration System of the Academic Year 's Credit System


  • Applications from current students are normally processed in May of the preceding academic year and those from new students in September at the beginning of the academic year .

    旧生一般会在五月申请下一学年的资助,而新生则于九月 学年开始时接受申请。

  • Although the academic year begins in the fall term August or september many United States institutions accept new students for their other terms as well .

    美国学校 学年虽从秋季学期八月或九月开始,但许多 学校也在别的学期招收新生。

  • The teams of six plus a reserve had been training since the beginning of the academic year .

    为了在比赛中获得胜利,每支队伍的六名选手外加一名预备选手自 学年伊始就开始接受训练。

  • A campus job is the only kind of employment a foreign student can reasonably hope to have during the academic year .

    校内工作是外国留学生在 学年 所能希望找到的唯一工作。

  • The second part clarifies several conceptions such as credit the credit system the academic year .

    第二部分,对学分、学分制、 学年 学年学分制等几个概念进行界定。

  • Public schools are gonna be closed most Fridays for the remainder of the academic year .

    公立学校的学生在本 学年剩下 日子 将关闭。

  • The academic year begins on Monday 24 September 2007 .
