


  • Learn to Thanksgiving have a love .

    学会了 感恩,便拥有了爱。

  • My parents and I drive to my grandma 's house every year to eat Thanksgiving dinner with our family .

    每年我父母和我开车去我奶奶家,和一大家人一起吃 感恩节晚餐。

  • Thanksgiving is a time when I tell you that I love you .


  • The Prince 's unexpected recovery was celebrated with a thanksgiving service in St Paul 's.

    人们在圣保罗大教堂为王子的意外康复举行了 感恩 祈祷仪式。

  • They associate turkey with Thanksgiving .

    他们把火鸡和 感恩节联系在一起。

  • Though we are not with you but we miss you all on this Thanksgiving day .

    虽然 感恩节你不能和我们在一起,但是我们会想念你的。

  • I went home with Tom Campbell to Long Island for Thanksgiving .

    我和汤姆。坎贝尔一起去了长岛,在他家 共度 感恩节

  • No matter where his business took him he always managed to be home for Thanksgiving

    不管因生意关系去了什么地方,他总要赶回家 感恩节

  • Can we have Thanksgiving in China ?

    我们在中国也可以 感恩节吗?

  • I 'd like to wish you and your family a very happy thanksgiving .

    我想祝你和你的家人 感恩节愉快。

  • Will you be seeing your family on thanksgiving ?


  • It 's because Thanksgiving Day is America and Canada 's festival not British 's.

    因为 感恩节是美国和加拿大的节日,不是英国的。

  • It 's going to be the most magnificent Thanksgiving dinner we ever had .

    这将是我们参加过的最盛大的 感恩节晚餐。

  • Might he have celebrated a vegetarian Thanksgiving ?

    他可能过了个素食 感恩节吗?

  • God bless you and your family at Thanksgiving and always !

    上帝会在 感恩节里保佑你和你的家人,直到永远。

  • The turkeys get together and celebrate the twelfth Thanksgiving Day the ninth Mid-autumn Festival the harvest .

    火鸡聚集到一起来庆祝第十二个 感恩节,第九个中秋节和丰收。

  • Thanksgiving Day arrived I always grateful for having this life have you .


  • a Thanksgiving dinner of turkey and all the trimmings .

    有火鸡及各色配菜的 感恩节大餐

  • I just said a prayer of thanksgiving .

    我进行了 感恩的祈祷。

  • The Colonel bowed his head and whispered a prayer of thanksgiving

    这位上校低头轻声做 感恩祈祷。

  • The orthodox Thanksgiving dinner includes turkey and pumpkin pie .

    传统的 感恩节晚餐包括火鸡和南瓜馅饼。

  • I know . It 's Thanksgiving Day .

    我知道。是 感恩节

  • May my heart be filled with thanksgiving for You forever !

    愿我的心永远充满了对 感恩

  • Black Friday is as much of a ritual as having Thanksgiving dinner .

    黑色星期五和 感恩节晚餐一样成为了一种仪式。

  • I wish you and your family a safe and happy Thanksgiving holiday !

    我祝你和你的家人过一个平安而愉快的 感恩节

  • But I 'll see you every new year 's and Thanksgiving day .

    但我每年的元旦和 感恩节会来看你的。

  • Bob the Thanksgiving Day is coming do you have someone special want to thank ?

    鲍勃, 感恩节到了,你有什么特别要感谢的人吗?

  • Daming : That 's great ! I think I like Thanksgiving too !

    筑坝于:太好了!我认为我也喜欢 感恩

  • Americans love to travel during the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays .

    美国人喜欢在 感恩节和圣诞节旅游。