thermodynamic process

[ˌθɚmodaɪˈnæmɪk ˈprɑsˌɛs][ˈθə:məudaiˈnæmik ˈprəuses]


  • The contradiction between temporal reversibility of Newton mechanics and irreversibility of thermodynamic process has long been one of the most frequently debated problems in physics and philosophy .

    牛顿力学的时间可逆性与宏观 热力学 过程不可逆性的矛盾,很长时间以来一直是物理学和哲学中争论最多的问题之一。

  • Using this theory the discrete parameters of thermodynamic process can be obtained and further the continuous parameters .

    利用这种递推辨识算法对 热工 模型进行参数辨识,得到模型的离散传递函数,进而求得其对应的连续传递函数。

  • This paper deduced the new thermodynamic check calculating method of multi-stage reciprocating compressor by analysis the basic thermodynamic process when they are operating under the variable conditions .

    本文从多级活塞式压缩机基本 热力 过程分析入手,得出了多级活塞式压缩机变工况运行的热力复算新方法。

  • Study of Coal Mine Wind Thermodynamic Process and Ventilation Temperature Dropping Technology Imitation

    矿井风流 热力 过程及通风降温模拟研究

  • The thermodynamic process of the system is described and discussed in this paper and one example is given to show that the technology is feasible .

    本文对这种联合运行的 热力 循环进行了描述和论证,并用一算例证明此 工艺 流程在技术上是可行的。

  • On the Theoretical Basis of Rheological Mechanics ⅱ Rheological process and thermodynamic process

    论流变力学的理论基础&Ⅱ流变过程和 热力学 过程

  • Based on a fluid microelement tracking calculation method the authors have come up with a general method for calculating the dynamic and static characteristics of a boiler single phase heating surface thermodynamic process .

    在流体微元追踪计算方法的基础上,提出了锅炉单相受热面 热力 过程动、静态特性的通用计算方法。

  • Grasp the analytical and plot method to calculate thermodynamic process of moist air .

    掌握用解析法和图解法计算湿空气的 热力 过程的方法。

  • Preliminary Numerical Study on the Dynamic and Thermodynamic Process of Nansha Warm Water

    南沙暖水形成的动力和 动力 过程的初步数值研究

  • Research of thermodynamic process of coal and gas outburst

    煤与瓦斯突出 动力 过程的研究

  • In this paper basic principle and thermodynamic process of the electrochemical deoxidation purified rare earth metal yttrium are firstly demonstrated .

    本文还首次对电化学脱氧提纯稀土金属钇的基本原理和 热力学 过程进行了论证。

  • Grasp how to calculate the entropy in a thermodynamic process .

    掌握 热力 过程中熵变的计算方法。

  • The gas turbine operation involves the process of acceleration and deceleration which is a very complicated aerodynamic thermodynamic process and requires coordinated work of compressor combustor and turbine .

    燃气轮机的运行涉及到加减速过程,燃气轮机的加减速过程是一个非常复杂的气动 热力学 过程,需要压气机、燃烧室和涡轮协同工作。

  • Then analyzes the thermodynamic process of HTGR gas turbine cycle to show the effects of various parameters on the cycle efficiency .

    首先应用发动机 热力 计算 方法导出循环有效效率表达式和最佳增压比解析式,然后对高温气冷堆氦气轮机循环的 热力 过程进行分析,揭示了各参数之间的关系。

  • With the concept of thermal driving force some kinds of flow under the influence of thermodynamic process are qualitatively discussed .

    利用热驱动力的概念对几种 受热 过程影响的流动作了定性的讨论。

  • Theory of finite-time thermodynamics is an extension of classical thermodynamics . Because it has specific contents and distinct research methods it has become an important theoretical tool that is often used in the research of irreversible thermodynamic process constrained in finite time .

    有限时间热力学理论是经典热力学的延伸和推广,它独特的研究内容和方法已经使它成为研究受有限时间约束的不可逆 热力学 过程的一种重要的理论工具。

  • Coli . Firstly it can directly measure the thermodynamic process of system .

    微量量 法用于中草药对细菌的代谢 作用的研究是一种新的手段,首先它能直接监测 生物体固有 热力学 过程

  • According to the numerical simulation of the thermodynamic process the rate of leakage at different radial clearances and parameters of thermodynamic process are obtained .

    通过对 热力 过程的模拟计算,得到了在不同径向间隙时的泄漏量和热力过程参数。

  • This diagram makes it convenient and straightforward in the analysis of the thermodynamic process .

    图比较直观地反映了混合物的基础 性特征,使对 混合物 制冷 热力 循环分析更加方便直观。

  • Based on the steady conduction equation thermodynamic process has been analyzed . Temperature function output power and generating efficiency of p and n semiconductor are obtained .

    从稳态的热传导方程出发,对发电器件 进行热力学分析,推导出P型和N型半导体内部的温度分布函数及输出功率和发电效率的表达式;

  • A basic framework of twisted blade virtual design is set up based on the theory and method of product virtual design and aiming at the thermodynamic process of middle or lower stage of steam turbine .

    运用产品虚拟设计的基本理论和方法,针对汽轮机中低压级的 热力 过程,建立了扭叶片虚拟设计的基本框架。

  • The chemical thermodynamic process and growth phenomena related to the AlN PVT growth are discussed .

    讨论了PVT法生长AlN晶体所涉及的化学 热力学 过程和现象。

  • Such nonlinear characteristic as flow through a throttle and the thermodynamic process in a chamber make it difficult to design a controller for pneumatic servo system .

    为提高控制系统的鲁棒性,增强干扰抑制能力,提出了适用于气压伺服系统的自抗 控制器方案,并讨论了 控制 参数的整定。

  • This paper analyzes thermodynamic process in the cylinder of air powered cars compares the isothermal expansion process polymorphic process adiabatic expansion process .

    本文分析了压缩空气动力汽车气缸中的 热力学 过程,对等温膨胀过程、多态过程、绝热膨胀过程进行了比较。

  • Furthermore this paper discusses the fuzzy control method of thermodynamic process based on thermodynamic system inverse dynamics develops and perfects fuzzy controller design theory and exploits a new application area of thermodynamic system inverse dynamics .

    并在此基础上,探讨基于热力系统逆动力学理论的 热工 过程模糊控制方法,发展与完善模糊控制器设计理论,为热力系统逆动力学开拓新的应用领域。

  • Simulation of Gas-Turbine 's Thermodynamic Process Based on Object-Oriented Technology

    基于面向对象技术的燃气轮机 热力 过程仿真

  • The main researches of this thesis are as follows : 1 . Analyze the thermodynamic process on the ejector . A constant pressure mixing model for ejector is established by the aerodynamics method . 2 .

    本文围绕带喷射器的CO2热泵热水器系统展开研究,主要内容如下:1、对喷射器的 工作原理进行 热力学分析,以等压混合理论为基础,应用气体动力学原理建立了喷射器的一维计算模型。

  • The exergy loss number is used in this paper as the objective function to indicate the irreversibility of the thermodynamic process .

    以损失数作为目标函数来表征该 热力学 过程的不可逆程度,分析了管道内对流换 过程中的损。

  • Analysis of its thermodynamic process indicates that its built-in process is incomplete .

    压缩机 热力 过程分析显示它的内压缩过程是不完善的。