

  • Another direct yarn numbering system is the tex system .

    另一个定 纱线细度度量系统是 特克斯系统。

  • A variety of open source and commercial tools can translate XSL-FO to TeX Adobe 's PDF and other ( non-XML ) output formats suitable for print and typesetting .

    各种开源的和商业的工具可以将XSL-FO转换成 TeX、Adobe的PDF和其他适合打印和排版的(非XML)输出格式。

  • It was soon obvious that the little German shepherd crossbreed would be a large dog & too large to continue sharing a doghouse with Tex and the yellow cat .

    没多久就看得出这只小德国杂种牧羊狗会长成一条大狗,大到不能再和 特克斯及黄猫同享一间狗屋。

  • The minute I got home I gave Tex a gigantic hug .

    一回到家,我就给 特克斯一个大大的拥抱。

  • He made an appointment for Tex at the local college 's veterinary laboratory .

    专家为 特克斯在当地大学的兽医学实验室预约了门诊。

  • Spinning production and quality control of the low tex light weight ramie fabric

    苎麻低 薄织物的纺纱生产及质量控制

  • Any number of times we 've seen Heinz push tex aside to get him out of the horses way .

    不知多少次我们看见海因茨把 特克斯从马腿边推开。

  • Each evening when the dogs settled in for the night Heinz gently took tex 's nose in her mouth and led him into his house .

    每天傍晚两只狗要进狗屋过夜时,海因茨就用它的嘴轻轻咬住 特克斯的鼻子,领着它进它的屋子。

  • Production of Brazil Cotton 18.2 tex Knitting Yarn

    巴西棉 18.2tex针织纱的生产

  • Raw Silk Size Testing Method Applicable to Tex Count System

    实行 特克斯 生丝纤度检验方法研究

  • Tex Thornton is today forgotten McNamara was driven from the defence department by public hostility and his private doubts .


  • Well Tex said taking the old green baseball cap off his head you could borrow my lucky hat .

    好吧, 特克斯从他头上摘下那顶绿色的旧棒球帽,说,你可以借我的幸运帽。

  • Believe that tex ? Do I believe in my own existence !

    相信那 ?就像相信我自己存在着一样!

  • I don 't use TeX because for years TeX and PostScript really didn 't go together .

    之所以没有使用 TeX,是因为那几年TeX和PostScript不能很好地协同。

  • Tex : He 's got a black eye . What a shiner ! How did he get it ?


  • Development and production of six-weft satin drill of fine tex and high density


  • Without any training or coaching Heinz had become Tex 's seeing eye dog .

    没有经过任何训练或辅导。海因茨成了 特克斯的导盲犬。

  • Cooperative solution of scientific and research projects in tex - tile technology and textile machinery focused on the following problems

    合作解决围绕下述 纺织技术和纺织机械中的科研项目问题

  • Experience of Producing C 18.2 tex Rotor Yarn


  • Litton a proverbial success story by any conceivable yardstick was the creation of Tex Thornton the leader of the whiz kids .

    利顿一个众所周知的按照任何标准衡量都很成功的故事是神童队队长特克斯桑顿( TexThornton)创造的。

  • Research and development of low-twist differential tex plied combed cotton yarn

    精梳棉异 合股低捻纱线的研制与开发

  • He takes the East tex freeway to work every day .

    他每天都走 东面 免税高速公路去工作。

  • Development of 11.8 tex Siro-spun soybean protein fiber yarn product


  • Yarn-dyed viscose jacquard furnishing fabric Production difficulties and solutions in air jet weaving of fine tex viscose fabric

    色织粘胶大提花装饰布喷气织机生产 粘胶纱织物的难点及解决措施

  • Production Practice of Pure Bamboo 14.8 tex Yarn

    纯竹浆纤维 14.8tex纱的生产实践

  • One major area transformation work is the building of transformations to MathML from TeX the mathematical typesetting system developed by Donald Knuth .

    一项主要领域的转换工作是建立从MathML到 TeX的转换, TeX是DonaldKnuth开发的数学排版系统。

  • Fabrics specif in Note 9 Section XI ( layers of parallel syn tex yarn )

    第十一类注释九所列的机织物(平行合成 纤维纱线层迭织物)

  • Application of PR-Su size in fine tex and strong twist pure cotton ply yarn sizing

    PR-Su浆料在纯棉细 强捻股线上的应用

  • The mathematical typesetting system TeX has a similar functionality .

    数学排版系统 TeX具有一个类似的功能。