


  • The As atomicity of most tetrahedrite is greater than 1 indicating that tennantite is in dominant position .

    整个盆地内 铜多金属矿床的 铜矿系列 矿物的As-Sb原子数呈极好的线性负相关,大部分 铜矿的As原子数大于1,以砷 铜矿占优势。

  • Little work has been done on the dissolution experiment of tetrahedrite both at home and abroad .

    通过 淋溶实验和 模型 预测露天 开采地下水的影响进行了研究。

  • The deposit underground thermal ore forming phase and surface oxidation phase . The thermal ore forming phase consists of a pyrite arsenopyrite quartz stage a gold tetrahedrite galena sphalerite quartz stage and a quartz carbonate stage .

    矿床形成分热液成矿期和表生氧化期,其中热液成矿期又分黄铁矿 -毒砂 -石英阶段、金 - 铜矿 -方铅矿 -闪锌矿 -石英阶段、石英 -碳酸盐阶段。

  • Tetrahedrite minerals in different types of gold deposits have different characteristic parameters .

    在不同类型金矿中, 铜矿具有不同的特征参数。

  • The distinguished feature of the Ag-Cu polymetal deposits in Lanping basin is the occurrence of large quantity of tetrahedrite series minerals which are the main Ag-bearing minerals .

    云南兰坪盆地内的银铜多金属矿床以产大量 铜矿系列矿物为特征。

  • Gold in stratiform major orebody is mainly included in bornite and tetrahedrite as fine grain of native gold .

    层状主矿体中金主要以细小的自然金形式包裹于斑铜矿和 铜矿中。

  • A preliminary experimental study on the dissolution of natural tetrahedrite

    天然 铜矿的溶解实验初步研究

  • The properties of gold-bearing and silver-bearing minerals of Shimian-Huili deposit in Sichuan province are analyzed . Gold and silver are mainly contained in pyrite and tetrahedrite . The upper part of deposit contains mainly silver-gold while natural gold is distributed mainly in middle and bottom part of deposit .

    分析了石棉会理金矿床主要含金、银矿物的特征,指出金、银分布于黄铁矿、 铜矿矿物中,矿区上部以银金为主,中下部主要为自然金。

  • But there are isomorphous in many natural minerals such as tetrahedrite tennantite galena clausthalite ferberite hubnerite and so on . It is difficult to distinguish these minerals with similar characteristics using microscope .

    但是自然界很多矿物存在类质同象现象,如 铜矿和砷黝铜矿、方铅矿和硒铅矿、钨铁矿和钨锰矿等,这些矿物在显微镜下特征相似难以区分。

  • There is a vertical change in chemical composition of minerals downward from zinc and antimony rich tetrahedrite to iron and arsenic rich tetrahedrite .

    在垂向上, 铜矿的成分自上而下由富锌锑向富铁砷演变。

  • A study on the tetrahedrite family of reformed Cu deposits in West Yunnan

    滇西改造 铜矿床的 铜矿 矿物

  • Investigation on pretreatment of lead concentrate containing silver-bearing tetrahedrite with sodium hydroxide solution to improve extraction of silver

    苛性钠溶液预浸含 铜矿的铅精矿以提高银提取率的研究

  • The effect of silver-bearing tetrahedrite on the recovery ofsilver was established .

    查明了含银 铜矿对银回收率的影响。

  • The gold ore consists of pyrite tetrahedrite group minerals galena sphalerite and gold silver series minerals with an element association of Au Cu Ag Pb As Sb Bi .

    其中 分布 有为 较多 铜矿 矿物,与黄铁矿、 黄铜矿、方铅矿、闪锌矿和Au-Ag系列矿物共同组成矿石的矿物组合和Au-Cu-Ag-Pb-As-Sb-Bi的元素组合。

  • Ore bodies range in the fracture zone and anticline core with accompanying minerals like as quartz pyrite arsenopyrite sphalerite galena tetrahedrite chalcopyrite antimonite and chlorite .

    矿体分布在断裂(带)和背斜核部。共伴生矿物为石英、黄铁矿、毒砂、闪锌矿、方铅矿、 铜矿,黄铜矿,辉锑矿、绿泥石等。

  • Chalcopyrite containing tetrahedrite and tennantite is a typical kind of copper kind .

    伴生有 铜矿和砷黝 铜矿的黄铜矿是一种比较典型的铜资源,它是重要的炼铜原料,但直接冶炼时会严重恶化冶炼环境。

  • Tetrahedrite group minerals in gold deposits of shimian Sichuan

    四川石棉金矿床中的 铜矿 矿物

  • EPMA studies of tetrahedrite - group minerals

    铜矿 矿物的EPMA研究

  • Tetrahedrite is a common cupreous sulfide mineral in the Ashele volcanic massive sulfide deposit .

    新疆阿舍勒火山岩 块状硫化物铜矿床中 铜矿广泛产出,并以锌砷 铜矿为特征。

  • Element As occurs in arsenopyrite partly in pyrite pyrrhotite marcasite and tetrahedrite in the form of isomorphous admixture ;

    As以毒砂形式存在,部分以类质同像形式存在于黄铁矿、雌黄铁矿、白铁矿和 铜矿中;

  • Sb Bi occur in tetrahedrite pyrite arsenopyrite and marcasite in the form of solid solution mixture ;

    Sb,Bi以固溶体混入物形式分布于黄铁矿、毒砂和 铜矿中;