text argument

[tɛkst ˈɑrɡjəmənt][tekst ˈɑ:ɡju:mənt]

[计] 正文变元,文本变元

  • Contains & select all elements that contain the text passed to the selector as an argument ( for example contains ( 'this text ' ))

    contains&选取所有包含作为 参数传递给选择器的 文本的元素(例如,contains('thistext'))

  • Here MATCH () looks in the field passed to it as argument for text matching the argument passed to AGAINST () . Matches if any are returned in the normal way .

    在此,MATCH()将作为参数传递给它的字段中的 文字与传递给AGAINST()的 参数进行比较,如果有匹配的,那就按照正常的方式返回。

  • Keep in mind that although the request is sent on each keystroke the argument sent is the entire content of the input text component .

    记住,虽然对于每次按键都会发送请求,但是发送的 参数是input text组件的整个内容。

  • This text combines the credit system of the Dali College to carry out the condition 4 essential guarantee carry out from the credit system launch concrete analytical argument the calculator assistance manage to important function that the smooth implement of the credit system rise .

    本文结合大理学院学分制实施状况,从学分制实施的4个必备保障体系展开具体分析, 论证了计算机辅助管理对学分制的顺利实施所起的重要作用。

  • A scientific text is considered a logical argument .

    一篇科学 文本被认为是一个逻辑的 论证

  • The breakthrough in this text : Research method : keep out of subjective sensuous analyses prove by a lot of statistic and textual criticism benefit from the way of philological and style put forward some new stuff and argument .

    在研究方法上,避免了主观感觉化的分析,以大量的统计、考证作为证据,借鉴 文献学、文体学的分析方法,从而提出了许多新的材料和 论据

  • A parameter can be text a number or an argument name assigned to a value that is passed from one routine to another .

    参数可以是 文本,数值或赋予某个值的 参数名,该值是从一个例程传递到另一个例程的。 参数可作为定制程序操作的一种手法。

  • Part VI is the full text of the final part of the process of the author from the above argument on this issue will draw its own conclusions of the study and hoping to study and explore the issue in a certain sense of innovation .

    第六部分是 全文的最后一个部分,笔者从上述 论证的过程中将得出对这个问题一个自己研究的结论,并希冀于对该问题的研究探讨有一定创新的意义。

  • This paper attempts to probe into the teaching strategies of English Reading with Collaboration Learning Mode in the text book of the Reading Plus such as competition collaboration argument and roll playing .

    本文结合中央广播电视大学开放教育英语专业专科的主要课程《新思维英语阅读》 教材,尝试探讨协作学习模式中的竞争、协作、 辩论及角色扮演教学策略在英语阅读教学中的应用。

  • Preface part briefly analyses the era particularity of contemporary Chinese transition explains the research background of this text research object and proposes the main argument of this text pointing out the studying purpose and meaning .

    前言部分简要分析了当代中国转型时期的时代特殊性,交代了 本文的研究背景、研究对象,提出了本文的主要 论点,并点明了研究的目的及意义。

  • On the logic of his tight body of the text had Strong argument .

    他的论体 逻辑严密, 论证有力。

  • The text posits the argument that architectural production should be interrogated as cultural production and that the process of making architecture relevant to this society at this time is an important part of the process of ' Nation Building ' .

    文章 观点是,建筑生产应该被看作是文化的生产,而且,与当时的社会密切相关的建筑生产过程是“国家建设”过程的一个重要组成部分。

  • Based on Seng Zhao ' text this paper analyses Seng Zhao ' argument of the idea ' Things Are Not Moving ' .

    本文依据僧肇 文本,具体分析了僧肇对物不迁的 论证及其思想观点;

  • After the full text of argument the author initially assumed is basically supported by the data .

    经过 全文 论证,作者最初的假设基本上得到了验证。

  • Argument diagramming is an important link of text of argument analysis . It is also an analysis technique widely used in introductory logic and informal logic or critical thinking textbook .

    论证图解是 论证 文本分析的一个重要环节,也是逻辑导论和非形式逻辑或批判性思维教科书普遍使用的 论证分析技术。

  • Public Art in Modern City is the topic of the text it expounds the basic concept characteristic function of public art and makes systematical argument about the course .

    本论文以现代都市中的公共艺术为课题,详尽地 阐述了公共艺术的基本概念、特性、功能,并对其历史 沿革进行了系统的梳理。

  • Among them the first part is the full text of the argument based on two major works from the form-the form and content to justify a new school is indeed a strong sense of aesthetic-decadent color .

    其中,第一部分是 全文 论证基础,从构成作品的两大部分&形式和内容来证明了新感觉派确是具有浓厚的唯美-颓废色彩。

  • This text gives sufficient elucidation and argument to the statistical method from the angle of statistical history .

    本文从统计史的角度并结合现实生活对统计方法的精确度给予了充分的说明与 论证

  • For this reason this text put forth effort in researching the productivity construction difference in each district argument that united tax system will have the different influence to the economic of every district because of the substitution effect of taxation .

    因此 本文致力于通过对各地区生产力结构差异的研究, 论证出由于税收替代效应的存在,导致统一(地区之间的统一)的税收制度对各地区经济会产生不同的影响。

  • Take charge of the meeting board of directors and manager 's layer exist a kind of mutually check and supervision of relation for the sake of good above relation of three levels of processing this text kit the strict argument matter rule to guarantee .

    监管会、董事会和经理层之间存在一种相互制约的关系,为了处理好以上三个层面的关系, 本文配套了严格的 议事规则来保证。

  • The utility reads text input either from the standard input or from a filename given as a command line argument .

    该实用程序从标准输入或从作为命令行 参数给出的文件名读取 文本输入。

  • When Burnett comes along it 's * advertising is still very much word driven text driven argument driven .

    李奥贝纳接手之时,广告仍然都以广告语、长篇 文字命题为主。

  • Chapter 6 is the concluding part text summarization clear argument .

    第六章是结论部分,总结 全文,明确 论点