thermosetting adhesive

[ˈθɚmoˌsɛtɪŋ ædˈhisɪv][ˌθə:məuˈsetiŋ ədˈhi:siv]


  • Epoxy resin is a kind of thermosetting resin which is an important base resin for ACF adhesive . Epoxy-based ACF has many outstanding performances such as great adhesive stress chemical resistance and low shrinkage .

    环氧树脂是一种 应用 广泛 热固性树脂,是ACF 胶粘剂重要的基体树脂,环氧树脂型ACF具有粘结力强、固化收缩率小、耐化学介质稳定性好等优点。

  • The uses of thermosetting resin have problems of low toughness short corona resistant time lower breakdown strength filed on adhesive and impregnating varnish aspect . This restricted its use on high voltage electromotor and frequency conversion system .

    目前 热固性树脂在绝缘 粘合剂和浸渍漆方面的应用存在着韧性低、耐电晕时间短、击穿场强低等问题,这就限制了其在高压电动机及变频调速系统绝缘中的 广泛应用。

  • Preparation of a class H thermosetting adhesive tape of polyimide film

    H级 热固性聚酰亚胺薄膜 带的研制

  • This article introduces the preparing process of a class H thermosetting adhesive tape of poly ˉ imide film and main technology index . The main factors of effecting on the tape quality are discussed .

    叙述了聚酰亚胺薄膜H级 热固性 带的制造过程及主要技术指标,讨论了测试结果和影响质量的主要因素;

  • Epoxy resin is a thermosetting resin with some good features including electrical properties chemical stability adhesive processability and so on .

    环氧树脂是一种 热固性树脂,具有良好的电性能、化学稳定性、 粘接 、加工性等特点。

  • Epoxy resin is one of the most widely used thermosetting materials with attractive properties such as high strength and stiffness excellent adhesive property anti-corrosion insulating as well as thermal properties .

    环氧树脂(EP)是聚合物基复合材料中最常用的 热固性树脂之一,具有优异的力学性能、 粘结性能、耐腐蚀性能、电气绝缘性能和耐热性等。

  • This article adopts thermosetting character epoxy adhesive contained high - toughness modified polyester-imide to manufactured coating 410 type Nomex fibre paper products .

    采用含有聚酯亚胺结构的改性高韧性 热固性环氧 胶粘剂制造涂胶410型Nomex纤维纸产品;

  • With its excellent dimensional stability and elastic properties thermo-expandable microspheres are used as a foaming agent in many different fields such as thermoplastic resin thermosetting resin underbody coating printing ink adhesive paper and explosives .

    作为发泡剂,其稳定的膨胀性能和高回弹性,被广泛应用于国防和商业的各个领域,如热塑性树脂、 热固性树脂、汽车底部涂层、印刷油墨、 粘合剂、纸张、爆炸物等。

  • A intermediate temperature curing thermosetting oil-surface adhesive was prepared by using the product as curing agent for epoxy .

    以此作为环氧树脂的固化剂,配制成中温固化的 热固型油面

  • Polyphenols-formaldehyde resin a new thermosetting adhesive is developed by Guizhou Research institute of Chemical industry its analytical method for free phenol and aldehyde is discussed in the article .

    多元酚&甲醛树脂是本院开发的 热固 粘接剂新产品,本文给出了这一产品技术指标中游离酚、游离醛含量的测定方法,并对方法进行了讨论。

  • A adhesive was compounded from the thermosetting and the hot-melt adhesive and its properties were satisfied with the requirements for military shoe production .

    本研究制备了一种 热固 胶粘剂与热熔胶复配而咸的 胶粘剂,性能满足了军鞋生产要求。

  • One - part thermosetting filter adhesive was prepared based on PVC paste resin tackifier plasticizer modified resin and filler .

    以PVC糊树脂为主体材料,加入增粘树脂、增塑剂、稳定剂、改性剂和填料等,制备出单组份加热 固化滤芯