this evening

[ðɪs ˈivnɪŋ][ðis ˈi:vniŋ]


  • It is a great honour to be with you at this evening party .

    今天很荣幸能参加你们的 晚会

  • This evening the Students'Union will give a party to welcome the new students .

    今天由学生会出名,召开迎新 晚会

  • I was wondering if you might want to take in a movie with me this evening .

    不知道 今晚你愿不愿意和我一起去看场电影?

  • I 've got nothing to do this evening . I think I 'll see a film .


  • We are dining out this evening .


  • I went to practice driving in the daytime and I learned the One Where Joey Moves Out this evening .

    白天,我去练车了。 今天 晚上,我学习了《乔伊搬走了》。

  • Please come back to dinner this evening as early as possible .


  • Who is conducting this evening ?


  • I 've been invited to dinner this evening ; I have invited somebody to dinner this evening .

    今天 晚上有个应酬。

  • I 'm going over to his pad this evening .


  • I have nothing particular to do this evening .

    今天 晚上我没有什么特别的事要做。

  • And she had a dictation with me this evening .

    今天 晚上,她和我一块听写了那些内容。

  • It was just gone 7 o'clock this evening when I finished .


  • The play begins at 7 p.m. this evening .


  • Would this evening be convenient for you ?

    今天 晚上你方便吗?

  • He made an excuse and did not come to the party this evening .

    他推托有事,没有参加 今天 晚会

  • Are you meeting Bill this evening ?


  • A forest fire is sweeping across portions of north Maine this evening


  • I 'm much the same this evening .

    今天 晚上的情况同原来差不多。

  • I need to think about this and discuss it with my family this evening .

    我要好好考虑一下, 晚上 回去和我家人商量下 件事情。

  • If I cook the meat this morning we can have it cold this evening .

    如果我早上把肉煮好, 晚上我们就可以吃冷的

  • I 'll be engaged with a client this evening .


  • I shouldn 't be surprised if he cropped up this evening .

    如果他 今晚突然出现,我并不感到惊讶。

  • I should be happy if you would bring them this evening

    如果 今晚你将他们带来的话,我会很高兴。

  • The president and his aides flew to Rome this evening .

    总统及其助手 今晚飞往罗马 了。

  • Call in this evening if possible .

    如有可能, 今晚 来一趟。

  • Why don 't you come across to our house this evening ?


  • I have an engagement this evening .

    今天 晚上有个约会。