this is the case with

[ðɪs ɪz ði kes wɪð][ðis iz ðə keis wið]


  • Unfortunately this is often the case with most people .

    不幸地是, 往往 我们每个人 写照

  • This is not the case with atoms .

    atoms不会 出现 这种 情况

  • This is the case with Fabio Viale as his works do not seem to be created from bulky marble but rather seem like they have been created by lightweight styrofoam .

    法比奥Viale 案件作为他的作品似乎没有从笨重的大理石创建而是看起来,他们已经轻质发泡胶制造。

  • This is the case with AMIs that already have the latest versions of WebSphere running on them .

    使用的AMIs已经有WebSphere最新的版本在其上运行 案例

  • If this is the case experiment with window IDs at different positions in the @ windows array until you find the correct ID for the main Google Earth window .

    如果发生 这种 情况,在 @windows数组中的不同位置测试窗口ID,直至找到GoogleEarth主窗口的正确ID。

  • This is the case with virtually all the islands being disputed on Paracel and Spratly archipelagos .

    几乎所有在西沙和南沙有争议的海岛都属于 这种 情况

  • This is generally the case with objects with a ritual or sacral background .

    与宗教仪式和祭奠活动相关的文物通常都 这种 情况

  • This is the case with newborn mortality another big problem we need to address .

    新生儿死亡率 如此 我们需要处理的又一个重大问题。

  • This is the case with the term cloud which describes the practice of using the Internet to host applications and services in ways that had not been seen or used as pervasively before .

    就是 这种 情况,它描述了使用Internet来支持应用程序或者服务的实践,这种方法之前没有见过,或者没有被广泛使用。

  • This is the case with pseudo-random number generators as used by most programming languages .

    就是大多程序语言使用 随机数生成器。

  • This is frequently the case with REST .

    也是REST 常见 情况

  • This is not the case with Kanban .

    了看板, 不再 问题

  • But as if by divine coincidence this is not the case with Greece .

    但是,有如天意巧合,希腊 不是 这种 情况

  • This is often the case with all the things that we accumulate .

    收集物品通常 属于 这种 情况

  • While investment banking offers a structured career path this is not the case with private equity he says . Opportunities occur through networking and personal connections .

    他表示,投资银行业提供了结构化的职业路线, 私人股本业 并非 如此,那里的机会来自人际网络。

  • This is the case with manufacturing as well as with agricultural interests .

    工业有利,对农业也一样好 实例

  • Judges make law and this is the case even with international judges .

    法官 案件 审理 确实在造法, 一点连国际法庭的法官也不例外。

  • This is not the case with HL7 .

    不是HL7 情况

  • If this is the case with you then try to get rid of that person as soon as possible .

    如果丢失了爱情,要尽你所能让爱重新回到你 生活。

  • This is currently the case with most computers .

    就是大多数计算机目前 状况

  • But as we have already seen this is by no means the case with the metaphysic of understanding if it conform to its principle .

    但我们已经知道, 知性形而上学里,按知性的原则 来说并不是这样。

  • But this is not the case with plants because they have too little experience to cling to .

    但是植物不会,因为它们 经验太少了,没什么好执着。

  • Our objective was to assess whether this is also the case in patients with peripheral arterial disease .

    研究的目的是评估外周血管疾病 患者是否 也是 如此

  • This article is by the case with the first case of light pollution in Shanghai to illustrate our current urgency in light pollution legislation .

    本文 就是通过在上海 发生 一起被成为中国光污染第一案 案例来说明我国目前在光污染立法方面的迫切性。

  • In my decade of coaching top executives this is far more often the case with women .

    在我培训高管的10年中,女性高管碰到 问题 频率 高于男性。

  • This is the case with Being containing the three grades of quality quantity and measure .

    存在 范围内,包含有质、量和尺度三个阶段。

  • This is often the case with these commissions that a final report is sometime away probably far away from when we of course suffered such a blow in our financial markets .


  • This is also the case with many of today 's asset liability structures for pension funds .

    当今许多养老基金的资产负债结构 也是 如此

  • This is also the case with agent technology as it is a form of artificial intelligence .

    同样 适用 代理技术 情况,因为代理技术也是人工智能的一种。