this day week

[ðɪs de wik][ðis dei wi:k]


  • When you manually create a report parameter and bind it to this field users can filter report data by day of the week .

    手动创建报表参数并将其绑定到 字段时,用户可以按 每周工作 筛选报表数据。

  • The weather report said this Tuesday would be a rainy day last week .

    上周天气预报说 这个周二会有 中雨

  • I do this sort of thing semi-professionally every day of the week ;


  • He will be in Paris this day next week .

    下个 星期的他将在巴黎

  • This suggests that setting aside one day per week for research is less likely to be productive than putting aside one hour per day-though two or more hours per day would be even better !

    似乎是在说每天抽出一个小时来做研究会比在一 中专门抽出一 时间,效果很可能会更好。

  • When a company goes down the administrator must respond & and this could easily mean any time of day night or week .

    当一个公司业绩下滑时,管理者必须做出反应& 可能意味着 白天黑夜或者 周末的任何时候 得上班。

  • Since this may not be your most productive day use it to set the stage for the rest of your week .

    也许周一不是状态最好的 ,但可以用它来为 的工作搭建舞台。

  • This could be a couple of 10-minute bouts of activity every day or 30-minute exercise sessions five times a week for example .

    也就是 每天两次10分钟的运动,或 每周五次,每次30分钟的运动。

  • This is where he went day after day week after week year after year in order to earn the weekly paycheck which would satisfy the needs of his family .

    他到处去卖油漆和汽车玻璃, 是他 每天每个星期,每年马不停蹄所做的事,为了要拿到薪水养家。

  • It is true that the oceans would flow toward the poles in a stopped rotation but this process is slow and does not move that much water during a5.9 day stopped rotation week .

    地球停转之时海洋将朝着两极流动,这是千真万确的,但 过程是缓慢地,在自转停止5.9 的那 并不会有那么多海水移动。

  • Perhaps if this was Children 's Day this particular achievement may be very difficult but spread over a week it 's truly very accessible .

    也许假如儿童 事件只是 ,那么完成这个成就的确非常困难,但是我们把他分散在一 ,那将真的变得非常简单。

  • This is a secret at present ; I 'll tell you some day next week .

    目前 还是个秘密; 下周的某 我会告诉你的。

  • Apply this three times a day for a week and you 'll recover .

    这个药一 三次,用一个 礼拜你就会痊愈了!

  • I think that this is the happiest day for her this week .

    我想 是她一 最快活的 吧!

  • According to Brunnstrom stage therapeutic methods of flaccid paralysis or spastic paralysis are applicable to the patients in this two groups once a day for five days a week and the course of treatment was 28 days .

    两组均根据Brunnstrom分期分别制定弛缓期和痉挛期的治疗方案。治疗1次/ ,5次/ ,28天为一个疗程。

  • We try to encourage this type of blue-sky thinking through ' 20 percent time '– a full day a week during which engineers can work on whatever they want .

    我们尝试着鼓励工程师在工作中抽出“20%”的时间来创新思考( blue-skythinking), 每周 整天 时间可以让他们尽情发挥想象,做平时自己想做的任何事。

  • This amounts to almost one full day a week using their phone so its no wonder almost four in ten users admitted feeling lost without their gadgets .

    合计起来,人们 每周有整整 时间 在手机上,难怪有将近十分之四的人承认,不使用手机的 时候,他们会有一种失落感。

  • In this economy it 's hard to imagine asking for additional benefits but imagine how much more you could get done if you telecommuted one day a week .

    这个经济情况下,要提出别的福利请求难以想象,不过想象一下,自己如果一 周有远程办公,能多做多少事。

  • Results By appling this iodine-enriched solution ( fed 1 ml / day . every hen ) after one week the iodine contents of the iodine-enriched eggs are similar in the amounts ( 21-23 μ g / g · egg ) .

    结果使用 饲料添加剂(每只蛋鸡1ml/ ),1 后可获得与国内外合总量相似(21~23μg/g)、疗效相同的碘蛋。

  • A simple service like this could normally be written in a day or two but it took us most of the week as my mentor explained each step to me while we pair programmed our way through the process .

    一般 这样的简单web服务程序只需要一到两 ,而我们俩在师傅的一步步指导下花了一整个 礼拜,通过结对编程方式完成了整个流程。

  • This page displays the shared processor pool usage for570-1 over the last day week month and year .

    这个页面显示570-1在前一 、前一 、前一月和前一年的共享处理器池使用情况。

  • It also sets the user parameters specific to this gadget such as the background color ( orange ) and the first day of the week ( 0 is for Sunday ) .

    它还设置了特定于 小部件的用户参数,比如背景颜色(橙色)和 每周的第一 (0表示Sunday)。

  • And although members of this sign don 't like to work overtime Geminis can produce more in a working day than most people accomplish in a week .

    尽管他们不喜欢加班,但他们一 的工作量比大多人一 的工作量还要大。

  • Based on patterns of this kind controllers build up expectations for traffic activity in their sectors by time of day time of week time of year and so forth .

    基于 这种模式,管制员将建立其所在扇区 每天每周、每年甚至更长时间空中交通流量的预测。

  • This time I will offer five challenges per day each day for one week .

    这次,在将近一个 礼拜的时间,我会在 每天提供五项挑战。

  • Of course this did not happen in a day or a week or even a single year .

    当然 这种情况不会发生在单一的一 星期甚至一年之中。

  • This ensures that new memory errors are caught within a day or a week from the time that they were introduced which is much better than catching them after releasing the software .

    这样确保了新的存储错误可以从他们引见的时间的一 或者一 内捕获,这样比释放软件之后捕获要好得多。

  • Wouldn 't it be great if we could workout at this same time and day every week ?

    你觉得我们 每周 的同一时间 进行训练如何?