thickness of shell

[ˈθɪknɪs ʌv ʃɛl][ˈθɪknɪs ɔv ʃel]

[化] 壳体厚度

  • Then based on stability condition we get the influence of intensity and stability to the thickness of spherical shell in ideal conditions .

    之后进行稳定性分析,研究理想条件下,强度要求和稳定性要求对球 厚度的影响。

  • The resolution results of this model are analyzed and compared with the tested thickness of solidified shell from casting broke out slab which demonstrates the correctness and applicability of this model to the practical continuous casting process .

    模型求解结果与漏钢测试得到的凝固 厚度进行了对比分析,从而证实了方法的正确性和实用性。

  • Secondly the operational modal analysis of the dry sump is operated and further the effect of the filling ratios and the thickness of the shell on the oil-shell system .

    本文进一步计算出油底壳干 的工作模态,分析出 壳体充液以及 厚度改变对油壳系统的影响。

  • Research on Oversize in the Thickness of Shell of Launcher with Pane Figure

    方腔式导轨发射装置 壳体 尺寸超差研究

  • The influence of many factors including the thickness of shell and curvature of liner on the formation of EFP is studied and the relationship of many structural parameters is obtained .

    研究壳体 厚度、药型罩曲率等因素对EFP成形的影响规律,得出形成理想EFP外形的各结构参数之间的关系。

  • A semi-analytical method with no assumption of stress and displacement is developed in which the thickness of shell is not restricted and the uniform distribution of springs is not needed .

    分析方法是半解析法,没有应力和位移模式的假设,不限制 厚度,不要求两 间的连接弹簧或其它支撑弹簧均匀分布;

  • Research on the thickness of solidified shell of CSP THIN SLAB

    珠钢CSP薄板坯凝固 厚度研究

  • Influences of force parameters on wall thickness of shell pierced by cross roll piercing

    斜轧穿孔力参数对 毛管的影响

  • An optimization system for the pass of cross roll piercer is successfully developed . The system has three main functions : optimization of tool design optimization of adjusting parameters for piercer and analysis on lateral evenness of wall thickness of shell pierced .

    开发了主要功能为穿孔工具优化设计、穿孔调整参数优化计算以及 毛管横向壁 均匀性分析的斜轧穿孔机孔型优化系统。

  • However there is no significant difference in the thickness of shell membrane among these five kinds which indicates the relative stability of the thickness of shell membrane .

    但以上五类蛋的 厚度差异均不显著(P>0.05),表明壳膜厚度较为稳定。

  • The computed thickness of billet shell basically tallies with measured thickness .

    计算坯 厚度与实测坯 厚度基本吻合;

  • The strength and equivalent stress of the remainder wall thickness of reactor shell under new working condition were checked .

    对反应器 壳体剩余壁 在新工况条件下的强度和当量应力进行了校核;

  • The solidification thickness of shell derived from model solution is coincident with that which was obtained from on site measurement on the leakage of steel .

    模型求解得到的凝固 厚度与漏钢测试结果吻合,说明所采用的方法正确、实用。

  • Measures by enlarging the wall thickness of shell decreasing inside diameter of the baffle selecting greater g value and increasing machining allowances of internal surface etc in centrifugal casting process sample of primary piping are casted .

    在离心铸管工艺中,用加大型 、减小档板内孔直径、选大的重力加速度g值、增加内孔加工余量等措施铸造出主管道样件。

  • Though contrasting and analyzing of calculate formula for thickness and film stress of cylindrical and conical shell the limited condition is deduced to calculate thickness of conical shell on the basis of middle diameter formula .

    通过对圆筒形壳体和锥形壳体薄膜应力及壁厚计算公式的分析和比较,提出了锥形 壳体按中径公式计算 时的限定条件。

  • The effects of technical parameters on the thickness of solidified shell were studied such as base strip thickness liquid steel superheating and dipping time .

    研究了母带厚度、钢液过热度、浸渍时间等工艺参数对薄带凝固 厚度的影响规律。

  • Relationship between the hard-shell structure and each ingredient in the shell the results showed that the content of lignin is not only positively correlated with seal grade and mechanical strength also very significantly correlated with the thickness of shell .

    对不同品系核桃坚果硬壳结构与硬壳中各成分含量的相关性分析表明:木质素含量与缝合线紧密度、机械强度之间显著正相关,木质素含量与 硬壳 厚度极显著正相关。

  • The sound radiation can decrease along with thickness of shell increased as well as damp of shell ;

    壳体 厚度,壳体的噪声辐射就越低;

  • The thickness of shell has been determined through theoretical calculation and the shell structure has been performed for strength check .

    通过理论计算确定了 外壳 厚度,然后对外壳结构进行了强度校核。

  • 2024 aluminum alloy ingot with 135 mm in diameters was produced by air-slip semi-continuous casting with varied processing parameters . The effects of pouring temperature pouring velocity gas pressure on thickness of solidified shell and microstructure of aluminum alloy ingot have been described .

    采用气滑铸造技术,按照不同的铸造工艺参数半连续铸造制备直径为135mm的2024铝合金锭坯,研究了浇注温度、浇注速度、气压对铸锭凝 厚度和微观组织的影响。

  • The influences of the separating force and axial force of the piercing point bar on the wall thickness of the shell pierced and on its lateral uniformity are analyzed quantitatively .

    定量分析了穿孔轧制力和顶头轴向力对 毛管及其横向均匀性的影响。

  • Therefore the cooling intensity and the casting speed can be rationally determined by the thickness of strand shell .

    因此可根据坯 厚度合理地确定冷却强度及拉坯速度或由冷却强度预测坯 厚度

  • The design and calculation of mostly parts are carried out specifically which includes of power of heater element of heater thickness of shell vacuum system and drive etc.

    设备的设计计算主要包括加热器的功率、加热元件、 壳体 、真空系统、传动等方面的计算。

  • And the result showed that eggshell intensity could be relative with the thickness of shell membrane fibers of shell membrane spacing of cone layer and cranny of cover .

    同时研究结果表明,鸡蛋壳强度的大小可能与壳 膜层壳膜的 厚度膜纤维的 粗细,锥体层乳头间的空隙大小以及覆盖层上裂隙的深浅和数量有关。

  • Then multiple factor analysis of OSC including the thickness of outer shell flange plate and web plate of T-shaped members with or without ribbed stiffeners is carried out .

    采用有限元模型对外套管式节点进行包括外套 厚度、T型件翼缘厚度、T型件腹板 厚度以及有无加劲肋的多因素分析,分析总结了这些因素对节点性能的影响。

  • The paper analyses the minimum thickness of shaped shell and deduces its formula .

    对成形 壳体的最小 的控制位进行了分析并给出了相应的计算式。

  • Moreover the thickness of shell has little impact on expandable force and stress storage coefficient but it restricts the outside diameter of expandable screen and the size of inside accessory . The reasonable thickness of shell is 12 mm .

    波纹管 对其膨胀力和应力储备系数的影响均不大,但制约了可膨胀筛管的外径和内部构件的尺寸,可膨胀筛管外壳波纹管的合理壁厚为 2mm。

  • Results of numerical simulation show that the height and thickness of spherical shell have greater influence on counter-intuitive phenomenon .

    数值模拟结果表明,球 的矢高与 对反直观影响较大。

  • In the case of radial heterostructures for some core radius and a certain thickness of the shell the dislocation density in the shell obtained from theoretical calculation are compared and analysed with the experimental data .

    在径向异质结构中,对于一定的核半径和 壳层 厚度,理论计算得到了壳层中的位错密度,并与实验数据进行对比和分析。