


  • The chemical principle of self-catalytical leaching was discussed based on the mechanism and model of leaching gold of thiosulfate .

    根据作者提出的 硫代 硫酸盐浸金机理,对自催化浸金工艺的化学原理、氨在自催化浸金中的作用进行了分析与探讨。

  • Study on Function of NaCl in Gold Leaching by Thiosulfate with Anodic Dissolution of Gold

    用金的阳极溶解方法研究氯化钠在 硫代 硫酸盐浸金过程中的作用

  • Thiourea or sodium thiosulfate can reduce polymer degradation in RPW solutions .

    硫脲和 硫代 硫酸钠均可减轻污水溶液中聚合物的降解。

  • The thermodynamic criterion of the gold leaching with thiosulfate is deduced and the equilibrium criterion of the leaching process is proposed and the thermodynamic criterion and relative parameters of gold leaching with cyanide and thiosulfate are analyzed and compared .

    推导 硫代 硫酸盐浸金过程的热力学判据,提出硫代硫酸盐浸金的平衡常数判据,比较和分析硫代硫酸盐和氰化物浸金的热力学判据和相关参数。

  • Ammonium thiosulfate as a novel sulfiding agent was used for presulfidation of hydrodesulfurization ( HDS ) catalysts .

    研究了新型固体硫化剂 硫代 硫酸铵对加氢脱硫催化剂的预硫化。

  • The thermodynamic criterion of the gold leaching with thiocyanate is deduced the gold leaching reaction with thiocyanate in the presence of oxidant is thermodynamically analyzed and discussed . The thermodynamic criterion and concerned parameters of gold leaching with thiocyanate thiosulfate thiourea and cyanide are compared .

    推导硫氰酸盐体系浸金的热力学判据,从热力学角度分析和讨论氧化剂参与下硫氰酸盐浸金的反应过程,比较硫氰酸盐、 硫代 硫酸盐、硫脲和氰化物浸金的热力学判据和相关参数。

  • The property of copper-ammonia complex and its function mechanism on leaching of gold with ammonia and thiosulfate are discussed .

    介绍了铜氨配合物的性质及其在氨和 硫代 硫酸盐浸金中的作用,分析并探讨了铜氨配合物的催化作用和 氧化作用。

  • The Problems in the Preparation and Demarcation of Sodium Thiosulfate Standard Solution

    配制和标定 硫代 硫酸钠标准溶液时应注意的问题

  • Effect of thiourea dioxide on gelatination of PAM and HPAM was investigated and it was suggested that thiourea dioxide be used as a reductant in the composition of chromium gelling system for water shut off instead of sodium thiosulfate .

    本文探讨了二氧化硫脲对PAM和HPAM凝胶化的影响,并提出用二氧化硫脲代替 硫代 硫酸钠作为铬凝胶体系堵水剂配方中的还原剂。

  • Cyanide-free copper electroplating in sulfite / thiosulfate bath

    亚硫酸盐/ 硫代 硫酸盐体系无氰镀铜

  • New Technology to Extract Gold from Concentrate by Thiosulfate

    硫代 硫酸盐从金精矿中提金新工艺的 研究

  • Experimental study on improvement of the leaching rate of low grade gold by the use of ammonium thiosulfate

    氨性 硫代 硫酸盐对提高低品位金浸出率的试验研究

  • This paper studies the process of the extraction of gold by ammoniacal thiosulfate leaching from the roasted copperbearing sulphureous gold concentrate .

    研究了 硫代 硫酸盐法从焙烧后的含铜硫金精矿中回收金的工艺过程。

  • Determination of Iodine in Edible Salt Added Potassium Iodate by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry determination of chromate iodide sulfite thiocyanate and thiosulfate

    加碘酸钾食盐中碘含量的紫外分光光度法测定铬酸盐、碘化物、亚硫酸盐、硫氰酸盐和 硫代 硫酸酯的测定

  • Determination of Sulfide Thiosulfate and Sulfite in Alkaline Vanadate Solution

    碱性含钒溶液中硫化物 硫代 硫酸盐和亚硫酸盐的测定

  • The leaching rate of gold is increased to 90 % by ammonium thiosulfate as against the 15 % under the condition of cyanide leaching .

    甘肃 金矿为例,其浸出率可由 氰化法的15%提高到90%。

  • Application of Sodium Thiosulfate in the Preparation of ZnO Nano-Materials

    硫代 硫酸钠在制备ZnO纳米材料中的应用

  • In this thesis the process of the recovery of gold from thiosulfate leaching solution were studied .

    本论文就 硫代 硫酸盐金浸出液中金的回收进行了研究。

  • Ammonia had different influence on adsorption of silver from sodium thiosulfate .

    两种性质不同的 (氨水和 硫代硫酸钠)对活性炭吸附银的影响 也是不同的。

  • Study on the technology of covering membrane-dropping-heap leaching gold by copper ammonia thiosulfate

    覆膜&铜氨 硫代 硫酸盐滴淋堆浸提金工艺研究

  • The results showed that tetracycline sodium azide sodium thiosulfate had promoting effect on enzyme activity .

    本实验通过 添加 保护剂对酶 保护进行了研究,结果表明,四环素、叠氮化钠、 硫代 硫酸 对酶 保护有促进作用。

  • Ion exchange resin recovery of gold from thiosulfate leaching solution has been investigated . The suitable ion exchange resin and proper process conditions which content gold adsorption and gold desorption from loaded gold resin were tested .

    采用离子交换树脂 进行了 硫代 硫酸盐浸金液中金的回收研究,通过试验研究和理论分析,优选出了适宜的离子交换树脂和金吸附及载金树脂金洗脱工艺条件。

  • Direct determination of gold in ammonium thiosulfate solution by AAS

    原子吸收法直接测定 硫代 硫酸铵溶液 金系统中金的研究

  • Results show that it is completely possible to recover gold from copper-containing ore by self-catalytical leaching with thiosulfate .

    本文对这一新工艺进行的研究表明,含铜金矿完全可以不外加铜离子实现 硫代 硫酸盐的自催化浸金。

  • Reasonable technical parameters were also fixed through comparison tests of various operating conditions ( concentration of thiosulfate liquid-solid ratio leaching time and temperature ) .

    并对各个作业条件( 硫代 硫酸盐浓度、液固比、浸出时间及温度)进行了对比试验,确定了合理的技术参数, 达到预期的指标。

  • The effects of impurity in the thiosulfate solution before and after leaching on determination of gold have been detected .

    硫代 硫酸盐浸取用液以及浸取后 中杂质对金测定的影响进行了考察。

  • This paper discusses the influence on the oxidation number of each sulfur atom when the charge possesses different position in thiosulfate polythionate and so on .

    本文讨论了硫代、连多 硫酸 等中所带电荷在不同位置时对氧化数所产生的影响,提出了确定 硫代、连多 硫酸根等中每个硫原子氧化数的方法。

  • Hydrogen peroxide and cyanide consumptions can be reduced with the similar gold leaching speed and recovery . The leaching rate of gold is increased to 90 % by ammonium thiosulfate as against the 15 % under the condition of cyanide leaching .

    在金浸出速度和浸出率基本相同的情况下,可以降低过氧化氢和氰化物的耗量。以 甘肃 金矿为例,其浸出率可由 氰化法的15%提高到90%。

  • Experiments indicate that gold can be effectively leached from printed circuit boards scrap with thiosulfate .

    研究表明, 硫代 硫酸盐能够非常有效地从废弃印刷线路板中浸取金。

  • Experimental Study of Gold-bearing Sulfide Ore by Thiosulfate Leaching Gold Process Research on the Mine-forming Character of Polymetallic Sulfid Deposits in Langshan District Proterozoic

    含金硫化矿 硫代 硫酸盐浸金试验研究狼山地区元古代多金属硫化物矿床成矿特征探讨