Dynamic analysis on the fermentation process of milk thistle meal by Bacillus natto
纳豆菌发酵 水飞 蓟粕过程的动态分析
The thistle is one of their food sources .
植物 蓟来源于它们的食物。
For some reason every species is blue-violet : lupine blue-eyed grass thistle gentian .
不知什么原因,所有的物种都是紫蓝色的:羽扇豆,蓝眼草, 蒲公英,龙胆草。
The lace design incorporated rose thistle daffodil and shamrock & the emblems of England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland .
蕾丝图案上有玫瑰、 蓟、水仙花和三叶草(英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的象征)。
I took milk thistle vitamin E and Vitamin C every day .
我把牛奶 蓟,维生素E和维生素C每一天。
Annual Eurasian sow thistle with soft spiny leaves and rayed yellow flower heads .
一年生的欧亚 苦苣 菜,有软的多刺的叶子和黄色的花。
And there passed by a wild beast that was in Lebanon and trode down the thistle .
的女儿给我儿子为妻。后来黎巴嫩有一个野兽经过,把 蒺藜践踏了。
Eurasian thistle growing in sand dunes and dry chalky soils .
在沙丘或干旱白垩土壤中生长的欧亚 蓟。
Not many were in bloom at that time of year but I found several kinds of height berries on shrubs some dry thistle heads .
那个季节开花的不多见了,不过我还是在灌木丛里找到了好几种鲜艳的浆果, 摘 到 写干枯的 蓟 花头。
Microstructure of thistle board undergoing different fire scene temperature and cooling ways was observed and analyzed by using SEM .
利用扫描电子显微镜,对经历不同温度和冷却方式的 纸面 石膏板 试块的显微结构进行观察和分析。
Thistle of western North America having white woolly leaves .
北美洲西部的 蓟,有白色绒毛的叶子。
European thistle naturalized in United States and Canada where it is a pernicious weed .
美国和加拿大已引入的欧洲 蓟,它是一种有害的杂草。
Foot and Thistle Mountain Gorilla of Rwanda .
脚和 蓟。卢旺达的山猩猩。
Stout North American thistle with purplish-pink flower heads .
有粉紫色花的头状花序的北美洲结实的 蓟。
This young gorilla had fallen asleep with a thistle grasped in his foot .
这个年轻的大猩猩睡着了, 可是在他的脚上 生长了 植物 蓟。
The thistle is the emblem of Scotland .
Bees moved humming thoughtfully from scarlet poppy to purple thistle .
蜜蜂在鲜红的罂粟花和 艳紫的 蓟 草花 之间 飞舞嗡嗡低吟。
Even grass like thistle struggles to survive .
连 蓟 草这样的小草都在努力的活下去。
Woolly thistle of western and central Europe and Balkan Peninsula .
欧洲西部和中部及巴尔干半岛的毛叶 蓟。
I take fenugreek capsules and blessed thistle capsules together and find them excellent for increasing my milk supply .
我同时服用了葫芦巴籽和圣 蓟(幸福 蓟),发现它们提高母乳 分泌非常明显!
Thorn roses and thistle and pears .
还有刺玫瑰, 大蓟和梨树。