thioglycollic acid


  • Study of Hydrogen Peroxide Biosensor Based on Thioglycollic Acid and Ionic Liquid

    基于 巯基 乙酸与离子液体 修饰的过氧化氢生物传感器的研究

  • Papers with thioglycollic acid and methanol as raw material in chapter ⅱ in the reactor with extension tube connected to a micro-mixer and composed of micro-structure conducted a study on preparation of methyl thioglycolate .

    论文第二章以 巯基 乙酸和甲醇为原料,在以微结构混合器及与之相连的延长管组成的微通道中,进行了巯基乙酸甲酯制备的研究。

  • A method is described for selective complexometric determination of copper ( ⅱ ) thioglycollic acid being used as demasking agent .

    本文描述了一种用 巯基 乙酸作解蔽剂选择性络合测定铜的方法。

  • Conclusion Thioglycollic acid exposure by respiratory tract might have some inhibit effect on the humoral immunity and nonspecific immunity of mice .

    结论 巯基 乙酸经呼吸道 吸入染毒对小鼠的体液免疫和非特异性免疫功能可能有抑制作用。

  • A study on reproductive toxicity of thioglycollic acid through percutaneous administration

    巯基 乙酸经皮生殖毒性的研究

  • Effect of thioglycollic acid exposure via respiratory tract on the immunological function of mice

    巯基 乙酸经呼吸道染毒对小鼠免疫功能的影响