thermosetting resin

[ˈθɚmoˌsɛtɪŋ ˈrɛzɪn][ˌθə:məuˈsetiŋ ˈrezɪn]


  • Epoxy resin is a thermosetting resin with some good features including electrical properties chemical stability adhesive processability and so on .

    环氧树脂是一种 热固性 树脂,具有良好的电性能、化学稳定性、粘接性、加工性等特点。

  • Epoxy resin as a typical representative of the thermosetting resin has been widely used because of its excellent properties .

    环氧树脂作为 热固性 树脂的典型代表,优良的综合性能使其得到了广泛的应用。

  • Luminous painting with crystal-glass effect is made by coating with thermosetting resin .

    网印仿晶面玻璃夜光画是由 热固性 透明 树脂涂布工艺与光致发光材料 印工艺 组合而制成的。

  • Experimental research on shear strength of basalt fiber composites reinforced by thermosetting resin

    热固性 树脂 玄武岩纤维复合材料性能的研究

  • Development of thermosetting resin matrix used for advanced composite materials

    先进复合材料用 热固性 树脂基体的发展

  • A thermosetting resin . GMS ( glycerol monostearate )

    甘油单 硬脂酸酯( 树脂润滑剂)

  • The curing process of thermosetting resin matrix composite materials involves complex mechanical thermal and chemical reactions .

    树脂基复合材料的热固化成型是一个力、热与化学反应 相互耦合的过程。

  • This paper described the principle and characteristic of curing of thermosetting resin with microwave heating Using a better microwave absorbing agent and a microwave furnace the technology of microwave curing was discussed .

    介绍了微波固化 热固性 树脂的原理和特点,利用微波炉设备和选择的一种较好微波吸收剂,探讨了微波固化工艺。

  • A clear thermosetting resin made from urea and formaldehyde and used in electrical fittings adhesives and finishes .

    一种清亮的 硬化 树脂,由尿素和甲醛制成,用于电器装备、粘合剂和末道漆中。

  • CF / thermosetting resin composites laminate is of bad anti-impact property property .

    碳纤维/ 热固性 树脂复合材料层合板的抗冲击性能差。

  • So far the polyimide is the only thermosetting resin that can resist high-temperature oxidation for a long period of time . This paper presents the mechanics and thermal properties of the CF / polyimide composite in different temperature .

    目前在耐高温 树脂中能经受长期高温氧化的 热固性 树脂只有聚酰亚胺,作为耐高温 树脂 基体及其复合材料,本文研究了CF/聚酰亚胺复合材料在不同温度的力学性能和热性能。

  • This monomer can be used to modify the properties of thermosetting resin .

    此单体可对 热固性 树脂进行改性。

  • The heat of the sun hardens clay . a thermosetting resin .

    太阳的热使黏土变硬。一种 硬化 树脂

  • Cyanate ester resin is a kind of high performance thermosetting resin and developed after the epoxy resin bismaleimide and polyimide resin .

    氰酸酯树脂是继环氧树脂、双马来酰亚胺树脂和聚酰亚胺树脂之后发展起来的一种高性能 热固性 树脂

  • Polymer matrix composites showed well wear-resistant . The matrix was thermoplastic resin or thermosetting resin and the enhanced materials were organic or inorganic components .

    聚合物基耐磨复合材料是以热塑性树脂或者 热固性 树脂为基体,通过添加有机或者无机减磨组分以及抗磨增强组分而呈现良好耐磨性能的。

  • A thermosetting resin ; used chiefly in strong adhesives and coatings and laminates .

    一种 硬化 树脂,主要用于强力粘合剂和涂料、绝缘层中。

  • The uses of thermosetting resin have problems of low toughness short corona resistant time lower breakdown strength filed on adhesive and impregnating varnish aspect . This restricted its use on high voltage electromotor and frequency conversion system .

    目前 热固性 树脂在绝缘粘合剂和浸渍漆方面的应用存在着韧性低、耐电晕时间短、击穿场强低等问题,这就限制了其在高压电动机及变频调速系统绝缘中的 广泛应用。

  • With its excellent dimensional stability and elastic properties thermo-expandable microspheres are used as a foaming agent in many different fields such as thermoplastic resin thermosetting resin underbody coating printing ink adhesive paper and explosives .

    作为发泡剂,其稳定的膨胀性能和高回弹性,被广泛应用于国防和商业的各个领域,如热塑性树脂、 热固性 树脂、汽车底部涂层、印刷油墨、粘合剂、纸张、爆炸物等。

  • Study on NdFeB / Thermosetting Resin Matrix Magnetic Composites ; Nanocomposite Nd-Fe-B-based Permanent Magnetic Materials by Melt-spinning

    钕铁硼/ 热固性 树脂基磁性复合材料的研究快淬工艺制备钕铁硼纳米复合稀土永磁材料

  • Unsaturated polyester ( UP ) is an important thermosetting resin .

    不饱和聚酯(UP)是一种重要的 热固性 树脂,用纤维增强的不饱和聚酯具有 广泛 应用

  • In this paper the preparation process of thermosetting resin composite materials from ramie noil fiber hot press felt and non woven fabrics were introduced .

    本文介绍了落麻纤维、落麻热压毡、落麻无纺毡制备 热固性 树脂复合材料的工艺过程;

  • Carbon brush ⅰ and ⅱ using foliate graphite A and B respectively were prepared under the same technological conditions and with modified thermosetting resin as binder .

    用改性 热固性 树脂作粘结剂,分别用A和B两种鳞片石墨作原料,采用相同的工艺条件制得和两种炭刷坯体。

  • The reason of surface checks developed during post forming process of thermosetting resin impregnated decorative laminated sheet was discussed .

    本文讨论了 热固性 树脂装饰层压板后成型过程中,表层 产生裂隙的原因,并提出了 若干 防止产生裂隙的 建议

  • The review of short sisal fiber reinforced composites mostly includes the study of short sisal fiber reinforced thermoplastic resin thermosetting resin rubber cement gypsum and other matrix composites .

    对剑麻纤维增强复合材料的综述主要包括剑麻纤维增强热塑性树脂、 热固性 树脂、橡胶、水泥和石膏等其他基体复合材料的研究。

  • The Uses of Dielectric Analysis in the study of the Curing Process of Thermosetting Resin

    介电分析法在 热固性 树脂固化研究中的应用

  • Epoxy resin is a kind of thermosetting resin who has been widely used .

    环氧树脂是一种 性能优良、应用广泛的 热固性 树脂

  • Epoxy resin is a kind of thermosetting resin with excellent general performances but its toughness is not enough .

    环氧树脂是一种综合性能优良的 热固性 树脂,但其韧性不足。

  • The sand inclusion glass fiber reinforced plastic pipe takes thermosetting resin as base body take glass fibre and its products as reinforced material .

    玻璃钢夹砂管道(以下简称夹砂管)是玻璃纤维与 合成 树脂及石英砂的复合体。

  • On-Line Measure and Control Thermosetting Resin Curing Processes

    热固性 树脂固化过程的在线测量和控制