third degree

[θə:d dɪˈɡri][θɜ:d diˈɡri:]


  • The following are the most frequently asked questions in the Thanksgiving Third Degree

    以下是“感恩节 逼婚”环节最常问到的几个问题

  • And about the only thing I ever got was the third degree .

    我上的可是 社会 大学

  • In third degree you 'll learn advanced reiki healing techniques .


  • Methods Seven cases of third degree perineal tear were analyzed retrospectively .

    方法回顾性分析7例会阴 损伤女童经前会阴入路手术治疗的临床资料。

  • He gave me the third degree when I finally got home .

    我终于到家时,他对我 盘问再三。

  • I was given the third degree to find out what had happened .

    我为发生过的事情受到了 盘问

  • The holidays are known to cause stress to scores of single women in the throes of'The Panic Years ' who dub the annual visit-cum-interrogation the'Thanksgiving Third Degree ' .

    节假日会给众多单身女性带来压力,《心慌的岁月》正体现出了单身女性这一心头之痛,她们将每年一次的“回家兼受审”称为“感恩节 逼婚”。

  • Changes of organ water content in the early stage of 50 % third degree burns in dogs

    犬50% 烧伤后早期脏器含水量的变化

  • In this there is very marked difference between lie-detection techniques and the use of the third degree which has caused many subjects to confess to crimes from the intolerable situation .


  • I got the third degree when I got home last night .

    我昨夜加家时遭到 盘问

  • Some non linear dynamic equations with second and third degree variables are discussed subharmonic orbits heteroclinic orbits are obtained and the conditions for chaos to occur are presented .

    通过对含二次和 非线性项动力方程的讨论,得到了系统的次谐轨道和异宿轨道等,给出了系统出现混沌的条件。

  • Also we have these results to the third degree smoothing method .


  • They were not however pure as before but diluted to the second and third degree .


  • If dad finds out I smoke he 'll give me the third degree .

    如果 老爸知道我吸烟,他会修理我的。

  • So that when you are finished with your third degree you will also be able to teach if you so desire .

    因此当你完成 时,只要你想,你就也可以去教学了。

  • As soon as I got home my mother gave the third degree .

    我一回到家,妈妈就对我 那的。

  • Train staff better – on how to turn incoming telephone calls into marketing opportunities Third Degree Price Discrimination with Customer Switching Costs

    加强训练员工–让员工能够把顾客的来电,转换成行销机会客户转换成本对 价格歧视的影响分析

  • The police will give Mr. A the third degree if he continues to act strangely .

    假如他的行动还是怪怪的,警察将会 逼供他。

  • A Retrospective Study : The Impact of Chronic Right Ventricular Apical Pacing on Cardiac Function in Patients with Third Degree A-V Block

    长期右室心尖部起搏对 房室传导阻滞患者心功能影响的回顾性研究

  • As an example of the plane problems the stress components for a simply supported beam under the distributed load of the third degree are computed .

    作为算例,对平面问题中简支梁受 分布载荷作用时的应力进行了计算。

  • If the injuries are second or third degree burns it is vital to get the victim to the doctor or hospital at once .

    如果属于二度或 烧伤,应该立即把患者送去看医生或者去医院,这一点至关重要。

  • The next thing you know she 's phoned to complain and you 're suddenly being given the third degree .

    还没等你反应过来,她就已经打来电话抱怨,而你就突然挨了一顿 狠批

  • The parents suspected their son 's drug use ; they gave him the third degree .

    父母怀疑儿子吸毒,所以 他许多问题。

  • Perioperative nursing care of 68 patients with the third degree skin burns treated with implantation of skin cells

    湿润皮簇内置术治疗 烧伤68例围术期护理

  • When the suspected murderer refused to talk the police gave him the third degree . They tortured the prisoner until he made a confession .

    杀人嫌疑犯拒不招供,警察就对其刑讯 逼供。他们给犯人施酷刑,直至他招供为止。

  • The Application of Third Degree Stochastic Dominance Rule in A Security Selection


  • LL : Hey don 't give me the third degree !

    原来是你妈妈打电话给你。对了,你又说我什么啦,我给你 third degree

  • They gave him the third degree to find out who his contacts were .

    他们对他 逼供,想找出他的同谋。

  • Third Degree Price Discrimination with Customer Switching Costs

    客户转换成本对 价格歧视的影响分析