

n.胸膛,胸部<解>胸,(昆虫的)胸部( thorax的名词复数 )

  • Conclusion : The perioperative management on geriatric patients over 70 years with thoraces is quite significant because the organic deterioration in each system and the complications of the disease can mutually facilitate the aggravation of the pathogenetic condition . Therefore the surgical risk is much more high .

    结论:对70岁以上老年 病人围术期处理十分关键,因老年人 全身各系统器官的衰退及疾病本身的并发症相互叠加,风险较大;

  • But if only the surgical approaches are selected suitably the processes of surgical operations are managed exactly and the perioperative courses are handled appropriately the operative effects on geriatric patients over 70 years of thoraces are satisfactory .

    但只要手术 选择合适,手术中间处理严密,围术期处理恰当,70岁以上老年患者 施行 手术效果理想。

  • The rain and dew from the sky trickle upon your thoraces and we make our steps on the Chinese soil .

    雨露滴在你的 胸膛,我们走在中国的大地上。

  • Application of sufentanil combined with lornoxicam in the elderly patients controlled intravenous analgesia after thoraces surgery

    舒芬太尼复合氯诺昔康在老年人 胸部手术后静脉自控镇痛的应用