


  • I thought that performance third-rate .

    我认为那 演出 的。

  • In fact the enterprise supply chain cash flow order information flow storage and distribution flow third-rate one formed the basic is the value and information transfer .

    供应链其实是企业现金流、订单信息流、仓储配送 流三 一而成,其根本在于价值和信息的传递。

  • I have a problem with the fact that they just make really third-rate products .

    我持异议的是他们真的只做 的产品。

  • Goat and Big Big Wolf If you put the international community is a third-rate animation in the country has won the super-class income .

    《喜羊羊与灰太狼》如果放到国际上就是一部 的动画片,在国内却获得了超一流的收益。

  • Being as the important component of colleges and universities the third-rate university aims to cultivate the applied talents .


  • The real lesson of history is that a relatively small crisis over a chunk of third-rate eastern European real estate will produce a global conflict only if decision makers make a series of blunders .

    历史给我们留下的真正教训是,只要决策者犯下一系列错误,即使 围绕一 大片东欧 房地产发生的相对较小的危机,也能 演变成全球冲突。

  • In addition the majority of rural tourism development in Guizhou pursued short-term economic interests and ignored the integration of other industries and the effects of long-term sustainable development . And its disadvantage was of the first-class resources the development of second-class third-rate management basically .

    此外,贵州大多数乡村旅游开发追求短期经济利益,忽视了与其他产业整合和长期持续发展的效应,基本处于一流资源、二流开发、 管理的不利境地。

  • In the consensus first-class enterprise as the standard second-rate brand companies do third-rate companies make products and the post-crisis era domestic and international strive for the right of industry standards to have intensified .

    在一流企业做标准,二流企业做品牌, 企业做产品的共识下,在后危机时代的大背景下,国际国内对行业标准制定权的争夺已愈演愈烈。

  • The second-and third-rate ones do their best but do not get very far .

    二流 的科学家竭尽全力,却无法走很远。

  • That is just a third-rate company .

    那只是个 公司而已。

  • One who is third-rate or distinctly inferior .
