third stage

[θə:d stedʒ][θɜ:d steidʒ]

第三级[医] 第三产程

  • But there is a third stage .

    但是之后会有第 阶段

  • Some human hold those only the third stage is really writing .

    有人说只有这 阶段的书面表达才是真正的书面表达。

  • The major tasks of the third stage so to test and modify the prototype iteratively .


  • Writers however have to reach the third stage in order to be successful .

    这一说法可能失之偏颇,但成功的写作是必须达到这 阶段的。

  • This third stage of development of electronics is still in his infancy .

    电子学发展的 阶段仍处在它的幼年时期。

  • West Triangle Economic Zone is at the initial period of the third stage of economic zone development and its further development needs central government policy support and people 's promotion .

    西三角经济区处于经济区发展的 阶段初期,其进一步成型还需要国家政策支持和人为推动。

  • Its first stage was military adventurism in the second it turned into military conservatism and finally in the third stage it became flightism .

    其第一阶段是军事冒险主义,第二阶段转到军事保守主义,最后, 阶段,变成了逃跑主义。

  • It suggests that placental blood collection not only provide vital blood sources but also decrease postpartum blood lossing and shorten the course of the third stage of labor .

    说明采集胎盘血不仅提供了宝贵的血源,而且减少了产后出血量,缩短了 程。

  • The third stage is the present stage the War of Resistance .


  • 38 . The third stage will be the stage of the counter-offensive to recover our lost territories .

    (三八)第 阶段,是收复失地的反攻阶段。

  • The third stage is that of the Anti-Japanese National United Front .

    发展 过程 阶段,就是抗日民族统一战线的 阶段

  • In the third stage the Party 's intellectual policy try back Marxist track .


  • And passing out of the third stage he entered into the fourth stage of deep meditation .


  • The third stage is to recollect and reactivate these memories where necessary .


  • The global crisis has finally killed off the third stage .

    此次全球危机最终让第 阶段寿终正寝。

  • The third stage is the intuitive stage .


  • Some couples in this third stage hardly see one another but still deny that anything 's wrong .

    处在第 阶段的一些夫妻,虽然对对方熟视无睹,可是嘴上仍然可能否认出现了问题;

  • With the German attack on Kerch and Sevastopol in May this year the war entered its third stage .

    从今年五月进攻刻赤和塞瓦斯托波尔起,进入战争的 阶段

  • The third stage is the legal due diligence .


  • The participation of environmental NGO is the third stage which should not be overlooked in terms of environmental protection .

    市场机制调节、政府干预以及环境NGO参与,三者缺一不可,环境NGO参与是环境保护中不可忽略的“ ”。

  • The third stage is to explore a more balanced induced humoral and cellular immune response .


  • In the third stage we should launch the strategic counter-offensive .

    在第 阶段中,应该是战略的反攻战。

  • Third stage water pump house sink well is designed and down sink construction technology are introduced in this paper .


  • The third stage will involve Chinese productions with international participation .


  • This third stage is the one that represents the real transforrnation and the major payoff .
