third sex

[θə:d sɛks][θɜ:d seks]

[法] 同性恋者

  • One might almost call these machines the third great sex : in the labour market now it is not simply a question of men versus women but men women and machines .

    人们甚至可能称这些机器为“ 性别”:现在,在劳动力市场上,不再仅仅是男女对比的问题,而是男人、女人和机器。

  • Third there are obvious differences about leadership on different personal characteristics except sex .

    大学生领导力在不同个人特征上存在显著差异,除了 性别

  • The third part of the main works of female consciousness and sex consciousness made detailed explanation .

    部分主要对作品中体现的女性意识和 性爱意识作了详解。

  • The third part the use of longitudinal history study to research the dance art dinkum sex of the nature and cause of formation main function analyzes in the dance art dinkum sex from perceptual into the essence of the theory research .

    部分,运用纵向史学研究来考证舞蹈艺术纯粹 的成因、本质及其主要功能,分析出舞蹈艺术纯粹性从感性转变为理论的实质研究。

  • MORE than a third of adults have sex rarely or never a survey found .

    英国《镜报》7日刊登 文章称,调查发现,超过 之一的英国成年人很少或从来没有 生活

  • The third part is the culture hero of the image with the opposite sex .

    部分是对主人公形象相 异性的文化分析。

  • Third the sex differences contrast research of the equivalent line characteristic teaching effect .

    地理等值线个性化教学效果的 性别差异对比研究。

  • Third to construct the relief litigation system of sex discrimination in employment is suggested .

    ,构建就业 性别歧视诉讼救济机制。

  • Te only time it was weird or uncomfortable was when I was pregnant with my third child and I mentioned to him that sex hurt .

    只有一次我觉得怪异或者不舒服。那 我怀第 孩子,我向我的男妇产科医生说我 做爱的时候疼痛。

  • Perhaps a third of American teenagers have sex before they are legally allowed to and a staggering number have shared revealing photographs with each other .

    也许 之一的美国年轻人都在未达到法定年龄之前有过 行为,互相展示过暴露照片的更是数不胜数。

  • More than a third of childbearing-age Japanese have never had sex : 39 percent of women and 36 percent of men ages 18 to 34 .

    超过 之一的适龄男女从未发生过 关系:39%的女性和36%的男性,年龄介于18至34岁之间,从未发生过性关系。

  • The third place is taken by sex crimes ( 19 % ) .

    青少年犯罪类型比较集中的以盗窃为主(44%),其次是打架行凶(36%), 位是 犯罪(19%)。

  • Third I am asking all programmes to collect and report data disaggregated by sex .

    ,我们要求各项规划在搜集和报告数据时都应按 性别分类。

  • Third by reason of different sex of people in active service obvious differences exist in evaluations about developable environments in units strength in the profession of units and welfare trainings with salaries .

    不同 性别的在职人员在评估单位发展环境、单位行业实力、岗位工作实况、薪酬福利培训 个因素上存在显著差异。

  • Ben is rumored to belong to the third sex .

    谣传 本恩 同性恋者。

  • The third chapter is the sex and the economy in the society of Qin and Han Dynasty .

    章是 与秦汉社会经济。

  • This Warranty excludes actuation . Ben is rumored to belong to the third sex .

    本保证不包括传动装置。谣传 本恩 同性恋者。

  • The third part examines the rural residents ' cognition on controlling the sex ratios of infants .

    部分,考察农村居民对控制出生人口 性别比的认知状况。

  • More than a third of married couples in Japan have stopped having sex many of them because they are too tired or just can 't be bothered a government-backed medical researcher said on Wednesday .

    日本一名政府医学研究人员于本周三称,目前日本有超过 之一的夫妇不过 生活,其中很多人是因为太累或者只是嫌麻烦。

  • Robin Vote is a being of non-sex or the third sex so called in the book .

    主人公罗宾是一个 性别模糊的女性,在书中被称为 三性。

  • The third chapter from several aspects such as living condition loss of identity sex analysis to three agriculture in the new century novels focus on farmers ' tragic fate .

    章,从生存状态、身份缺失、 等几个方面分析新世纪三农小说对农民悲惨命运的关注。

  • The third is unsafe sex .

    是不安全 行为

  • Students ' . Third : Blocked by sex there is not a significant difference between boys and girls in the intuitive thought obstacles of mathematics in the processes of mathematics learning .

    其三,以 性别 分组,男生和女生在数学直觉思维障碍上没有达到显著性差异的水平。

  • The third chapter discusses the market feminism reflected in the novels of ChunShu : marketization of sex and female rebel .

    章则论述了春树小说中所体现的女性意识的市场化: 的市场化和女性反叛精神的市场化。

  • The second and the third chapters analyze the male and female sex marks in the Chinese dialect words and expressions .

    第二、 章根据所掌握的材料,对汉语方言词语中的主要雄性、雌性类的 性别标记加以分类概述。