


  • Various reasons causing blisters on the coating film of car and prevention measures thereof are analyzed .

    分析了轿车涂层 起泡的各种原因以及预防措施。

  • The invention provides a functionality gypsum plate for eliminating hazardous material and the preparing process thereof .

    本发明提供一种消除有害物质的功能性石膏板及其制 方法。

  • The invention discloses a film former for seed coating and the preparation method thereof .

    本发明公开了一种用于种子包衣的成膜剂 及其制备方法。

  • Provide Party B with relevant materials and documents and guarantee the authenticity and legality thereof ;


  • Article 22 The sale and purchase of wildlife under special state protection or the products thereof shall be prohibited .

    第二十二 禁止出售、收购国家重点保护野生动物或者其产品。

  • The present invention also relates to a composition containing sulfamic acids or salts thereof useable in the above methods .

    本发明还涉及在上述方法中使用的包括氨基磺酸或 盐的组合物。

  • The main water-used equipments and water-saving technologies thereof in automobile coatings are introduced .

    介绍了汽车涂装的主要用水设备 及其节水技术。

  • The Purchaser is not entitled to use the Works or any part thereof before taking-over .

    买方无权在验收之前使用工程或工程的任何 部分

  • The invention discloses a basic ionic liquid a preparation method thereof and the application .

    本发明公开了一种碱性离子液体 及其制备方法与应用。

  • The utility model discloses a vehicle leasing system and a management terminal thereof .

    本实用新型揭示一种车辆租赁系统 及其管理终端。

  • Such assignment will have no effect on the obligor without notice thereof .

    未经 通知,该转让对债务人不发生效力。

  • The contractor has included a claim in respect thereof in his final statement .

    承包人已在其最终报告中,包括了对 此事 索赔

  • I have started writing a series of articles explaining how to do source control and the best practices thereof .

    我开始写一系列解释源代码控制和最佳实践的文章。这个系列都包含在以下的各个 章节中。

  • The session sparked my own reflections on the existence or lack thereof of soft power in China .

    这次会议引发了关于是否存在,或 缺乏对中国软实力,我自己的思考。

  • The invention discloses a composite resin and a preparation method thereof .

    本发明公开了一种复合树脂 及其制备方法。

  • All other obligations under this Agreement and the time for performance thereof shall not be affected thereby .

    本协议项下的所有其他义务和履行该等 义务的时间均不受不可抗力 事件影响。

  • Contractor means the Party stated in the form of agreement or any assignee thereof .

    “承包商”指《协议书格式》中规定的当事方或者其 受让人。

  • The invention discloses adverse-resistant relative albumen of a plant and the code gene and the application thereof .

    本发明公开了一种植物耐逆相关蛋白 及其编码基因与应用。

  • Replication can take place on local databases remote databases or any combination thereof .

    复制可以在本地数据库、远程数据库以及任何结合 本地和远程数据库的混合数据库 之上进行。

  • The invention discloses an ultra-thin silica-based particle detector and a preparation method thereof .

    本发明公开了一种超薄硅基粒子探测器 及其制备方法。

  • The invention discloses a double-wave band image identification fire detection alarm system and the monitoring method thereof .

    本发明公开了一种双波段图象识别火灾探测报警系统及其监控 方法

  • The present invention relates to a gas separation apparatus a front wall and a separation rotor thereof .

    一种气体分离设备, 的前壁和分离 转子

  • The special problems easily occurred during the application of the metallic coatings and the countermeasures thereof are introduced .

    介绍了金属漆涂装中易产生的特殊问题 及其解决措施。

  • Payment for maintaining office furniture fittings and equipment shall be by the month or part thereof .

    维修办公室家具、设施及设备所需付款应 按月或部分支付。

  • Setting up or removing the installations of marine exploration and development and the safety areas thereof ;

    设置、 撤除用于海上勘探开发的设施和其安全区;

  • The methods and compositions provided herein relate generally to IL-10 specific antibodies and uses thereof .

    在此提供的方法和组合物一般地涉及IL-10特异性抗体和 用途

  • The declaring documents on the study of feasibility and the approving documents thereof ;

    可行性研究申报文件 及其批准文件;