think much of

[θɪŋk mʌtʃ ʌv][θiŋk mʌtʃ ɔv]


  • She did not think much of his plan .

    她并没有表示 赞同他的计划 评价

  • Just between ourselves I don 't think much of him .

    私下地说我并不怎么 看重他。

  • I don 't think much of a man who is not wiser day than yesterday .

    如果一个人的今天没有比昨天变得 聪明,那我是不会 看中他的。

  • Yet it soon becomes clear that he does not think much of the US political system either .

    然而很快我就发现,他也并不 认为美国的政治制度 好。

  • Needless to say I don 't think much of the proposal he put forward at the meeting .

    不用说,我 觉得他在会上提的建议不 怎么样

  • As for conforming outwardly and living your own life inwardly I do not think much of that .

    至于外在顺应,内心过自己的生活,& 关于那我没 多想

  • If I see your point right then you do not think much of her .

    如果我没弄错的话,那么你 觉得她并不 怎么样

  • I don 't think much of being an office worker do you ?

    我觉得当一名办公室人员没 意思,你呢?

  • I didn 't think much of that restaurant they took us to .

    觉得他们带我们去的那家饭店不 怎么样

  • To tell the truth I don 't think much of psychiatrists

    说实话,我不 喜欢精神科医生。

  • I don 't think much of his idea .

    觉得他的主意并不 高明

  • To a sophisticated person there is nothing new under the sun . ; He who has sailed the seven seas doesn 't think much of mere rivers .

    曾经沧海 难为水。

  • She doesn 't think much of the food in this restaurant .

    认为这家餐厅的食物不 怎样

  • I don 't think much of your new record but I suppose it will grow on me .

    我没 觉得你的新唱片 ,但我想我会逐渐喜欢的。

  • I believe that there will be more and more creators concern and think much of it .

    我相信,将有越来越多的音乐创作者关注它, 重视它。

  • He is crazy about the girl but she doesn 't think much of him .

    他对那姑娘很痴心,可是人家 不上他。

  • Yet others do not think much of their college life thus do not benefit as much .

    然而另外一些人 大学生活 不以为然,因些没多在爱益。

  • I don 't think much of your English weather .

    你们英国的天气可不 欣赏

  • I guess you don 't think much of women on ships ?

    我想你不会对船上的女人 看法吧?

  • It would be but a new creation however and I never think much of your new creations .

    可是,这只不过是一个新加封的爵位,我 新加封的爵位从来就 看不起

  • I didn 't think much of it at first .

    我最开始还没有 想到 那么

  • But you told me you didn 't think much of him .

    可你告诉过我你 觉得他不 怎么样

  • Well I don 't think much of his teaching methods .

    嗯,我 认为他的教学方法并不 怎么样

  • Everyone 's singing the praises of his new film but I don 't think much of it .

    大家都在对他的新影片大加赞扬,可我却并不 觉得 怎么样

  • You don 't think much of him although you 've hung around him for ages .

    虽然你跟他 许多年了,你 他的 评价并不高。

  • A : I don 't think much of the film .

    认为电影不 怎么样

  • And I really don 't think much of the way they dress out there .

    而且我不 喜欢他们那里的着装方式。

  • I do not think much of apples .

    我不 喜欢苹果。

  • But Chen doesn 't think much of this game .

    但陈锐并没有 那么