


  • Effects of thiopentone of inward rectifier K ~ + current in human atrial myocytes


  • Methods Forty patients undergoing cardiac radical surgery were divided into group P ( propofol ) and group T ( thiopentone ) the contents of IL-8 IL-10 and activity of GST in blood samples were measured .

    方法贲门癌根治术患者40例,分异丙酚(P组)和 硫贲妥钠(T组),麻醉 前后抽取静脉血,检测血清IL8、IL10、GST。

  • The plasma levels of cortisol and aldosterone in etomidate group were statistically lower than those of thiopentone group ( P < 0.01 ) .

    依托咪酯组明显低于 硫喷妥钠组(P<0.01)。

  • Objective To assess the effect of propofol midazolam thiopentone and ketamine on auditory evoked potential index ( AEPI ) and the value of AEPI in the monitoring of anesthetic depth .

    目的研究丙泊酚、咪唑安定、 硫喷妥钠、氯胺酮麻醉时听觉诱发电位指数(AEPI)的变化规律。

  • Effect of thiopentone midazolam etomidate and propofol on the serum potassium increase muscle fasciculations and myalgia following suxamethonium administration

    不同 麻醉 诱导药对血钾浓度变化及肌颤和 肌痛的影响

  • Application of Thiopentone Ketamine and Diazepam to Combined Anesthesia in Rabbits


  • The effect of propofol and thiopentone on serum IL-8 、 IL-10 and GST of patients undergoing operative for cardiac cancer radical surgery

    异丙酚和 硫贲妥钠对贲门癌根治术患者血清IL-8、IL-10、GST的影响

  • Programmed Infusion to Maintain a Desired Plasma Concentration of Thiopentone

    指数 曲线程序给 维持静脉 麻醉 稳定浓度& 硫喷妥钠的研究

  • During the therapy the propofol group was anesthetized with propofol the thiopentone group was anesthetized with thiopentone .

    每次治疗时,异丙酚组给予异丙酚静脉麻醉, 硫喷妥钠组给予硫喷妥钠静脉麻醉,全麻 诱导后皆静注 琥珀 胆碱 肌肉 松弛 后行 MECT治疗。

  • Thiopentone and ketamine show the similar anesthesia time which can be easily controlled .

    硫喷妥钠、氯胺酮 联合 使用麻醉 时效 同步,便于控制麻醉时间。

  • Effects of midazolam Diazepam and Thiopentone on Respiratory and Cardiovascular Function during induction of anesthesia

    咪唑安定、安定和 硫喷妥钠在全麻诱导中对呼吸和循环系统的影响

  • Nevertheless plasma concentration of cortisol and aldosterone were markedly higher than those of preanesthesia values 1 and 2 hours after incision in thiopentone group ( P < 0.01 ) .


  • Conclusion Recovery from propofol is more rapid and complete than from thiopentone and ketamine therefore convenient and safe in pediatric ambulatory anesthesia .

    结论使用异丙酚比 使用 硫喷妥钠和氯胺酮恢复快且完全,是小儿短小手术便捷、安全的麻醉药。

  • Objective To observe the effect of intravenous agent thiopentone on red cell immune function in mice .

    目的观察静脉麻醉药 硫贲妥钠对小鼠红细胞免疫功能的影响。

  • Effects of thiopentone and propofol on cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury during pediatric open heart surgery under deep hypothermic circulatory arrest


  • Anesthesia was induced with diazepam thiopentone and fentanyl .

    麻醉诱导用地西泮、 硫喷妥钠和芬太尼。

  • Conclusions There is certainly clinical advantage of propofol compared to thiopentone in terms of preventing riskiness of tracheal intubation if hypotension of propofol is unconcerned .

    结论异丙酚预防气管插管危险性的临床 效果比硫喷妥钠具有一定的优越性,但异丙酚的低血压发生 硫喷妥钠 明显 增高

  • MAP decreased with propofol more than thiopentone .

    异丙酚组MAP降低程度大于 硫喷妥钠 P 0.01), HR 差异

  • Comparison of propofol with thiopentone or ketamine in pediatric ambulatory anesthesia

    异丙酚用于小儿短小手术麻醉并与 硫喷妥钠和氯胺酮的比较