think upon

[θɪŋk əˈpɑn][θiŋk əˈpɔn]


  • With the students ' understanding to have PE lesson at present the author think it should be based upon four sides to obtain the whole domino effect in training and developing students ' interests of PE lesson .

    针对目前学生对上体育课的认识现状,应 立足四个大的方面,以取得培养和提高学生上体育课兴趣的整合效应。

  • Think upon railway network in Southeast Asia

    关于东南亚铁路网的 思考

  • The most frequent general criticism I receive is I think upon the style .

    对我最常见的大众性批判是,我 个人 认为,是 关于我的写作风格。

  • Correspondingly a practical logic is a theory of what practical agents think and reflect upon which will be beyond the range of deductive logic and investigates many new topics .

    实用逻辑是一种 关于实践的智能体 什么以及 反思了什么的理论,它将大大地突破演绎逻辑的范围,去研究许多新的课题。

  • Yes but I think we should decide upon the length of this contract .

    哦,我 我们该 决定合约的时效了。

  • When people try to think of similar expressions based upon one name they list the Cruyff turn ? And ? Erm ? That 's about it !

    如果让我们想一 相类似的这种表达方式,大家一定会提到克鲁伊夫 踢法,是不是?还有哪?啊?对,就是这个意思!

  • I blush to think upon this ignomy .

    想到 羞辱就脸红。

  • She began to think it rather hard upon the mare to have such double duty ;

    范妮开始 觉得,让这匹马承受这样的双重 负担,未免有些残酷。

  • And sometimes he would maybe think upon a prayer and sometimes he would maybe think of his old mother so be as she 's alive ;

    有时候他会 想起一段祈祷文;有时候他会想起他的母亲,如果她还活着的话;

  • My God think thou upon Tobiah and Sanballat according to these their works and on the prophetess Noadiah and the rest of the prophets that would have put me in fear .

    我的神阿,多 比雅,叁巴拉,女先知挪亚底,和其馀的先知要叫我惧怕,求你记念他们所行的这些事。

  • Recently I think I 've been hitting upon some pretty simple concepts that really work for me at least .

    最近,我 我终于领悟到了一些瘦身的基本观念,虽然它们都很简略,但至少在我 上是有效的。

  • Think upon me my God for good according to all that I have done for this people .

    我的神啊,求 记念我为这百姓所行的一切事, 施恩与我。

  • You will not think I have presumed upon your defencelessness-been too quick and unreflecting will you ?

    你不会 以为你没有防备时太鲁莽吧?&我来得太快,也没有 ,你会不会?

  • I do not know why they come up with this point but do you think we can really throw light upon it ?

    我不知道为什么有人会想出这种问题,你 觉得你能真正分清楚吗?

  • Do you think she could be prevailed upon to do those things ?

    觉得有可能 说服她去做那些事情吗?

  • I think of other ages that floated upon the stream of life and love and death and are forgotten and I feel the fredom of passing away .

    想起了那些漂流 生、爱和死的溪流上的过去了的年代,它们已被忘记,我感到了离开尘世的自由。

  • I desire the reader will calculate my remedy for this one individual kingdom of Ireland and for no other that ever was is or I think ever can be upon earth .

    我还要请读者 明鉴,这套济州方略是专为爱尔兰这个国家而制订,并不适用于过去,现在,以至将来世界 其他任何国家。

  • Think Back upon the Pulse Theory of TCM

    中医脉象理论的 反思

  • Through patient calculation I think I have hit upon the cause of your confusion and misunderstanding of the existing facts .

    通过耐心计算,我 我刚好找到了你 现存事实混淆和误解的原因。

  • Think upon it for a moment and in that event why would you create a scenario full of disaster death and destruction ?

    花点时间 一想吧,在那种情形下,为什么你们还要去创造一出充满灾难,死亡与毁灭的景象呢?

  • For his part Howie doesn 't think he 'll be called upon to take over any time soon .

    对霍华德来说,他不 觉得自己会很快 走马上任

  • What follows is how corporations might want to think about CVC largely based upon our successes and failures .

    本文主要的基础源自我们的成败得失, 阐述了企业应如何 看待CVC。

  • Many think that time will soon be upon us .

    许多人 认为 狄塞尔说的这一时代可能会很快到来。

  • I think winter is upon us because the cold also followed here .

    冬天已经 来临了,因为寒冷也跟着来了。

  • But he would not think much upon the question of why he did so .

    但是他并不愿意 多想他为什么这样做。

  • Remember whatever you consistently think about and focus upon you move toward .

    记住,你只会朝着任何你一直 思考在注意的 事物的方向前进。

  • One may think Bella 's response reasonable upon waking up to find your jewelry being licked by a baby brother .

    一觉醒来发现还是婴儿的弟弟正在舔你的首饰时,你可能 认为贝拉的反应是合理的。

  • I 've taught an introductory software engineering course for a couple of years and I think I 've hit upon an approach that works .

    我曾经教授过一门介绍性的软件工程课程,讲了两年的时间。我 我探索出 一套行之有效的方法。

  • The presence of differences within the Christian community challenged us to think and to reflect upon church traditions critically to love the people wholeheartedly and to give thanks to God .

    基督徒社休中差异性的存在挑战我们 严谨的 反思教会的不同传统,去全然投入的爱别人,也将所有的感谢归给上帝。

  • But really Ma'am I think it would be very hard upon younger sisters that they should not have their share of society and amusement because the elder may not have the means or inclination to marry early .

    不过,太太,要是因为姐姐们无法早嫁,或是不 早嫁,做妹妹的就不能有社交和娱乐,那实在太苦 她们。