think tank


  • 《 New Weekly 》 said think tank is the brain of a country .

    《新周刊》说, 智库是一个国家的智商。

  • The survey was released Monday by the Korea Institute for Defense Analyses ( KIDA ) a state-funded think tank .

    由国家资助的 智库韩国国防分析研究所星期一公布了这项民调。

  • JUSTLONG is in possession of the most excellent think tank .

    嘉朗集团拥有着一只最优秀的 智囊

  • President Bush 's think tank gave him some suggestions when planning to start the war in Iraq .

    布什的 智囊 对布什献计,计划发动伊拉克战争。

  • I want to talk about what you really a good think tank should have some quality .

    我想谈一下到底真正一个好的 智库应该具有哪些素质。

  • We are in the think tank now Villarreal said .

    “我们现在有这种 想法,” 维拉利尔说。

  • Zhu : I 'm very glad to have the opportunity to meet experts on China with the Research Section of the US Congress and the US Think Tank .

    朱:非常高兴有机会和美国国会研究部的中国问题专家和美国 智库的中国问题专家见面。

  • This is my refuge & outside is my design studio / think tank / laboratory .

    这里是我的避难所&外面是我的设计工作室/ 智囊 /实验室。

  • The Research on the Establishment and Development of the Non-profit Think Tank in China

    我国非营利 思想 的建立与发展研究

  • A think tank ? Really ? Well who 's going ?

    智囊 ?真的?谁会去?

  • The think tank plays an important and unique role in the process of establishing india 's diplomatic stratagems and policies .

    摘要 思想 在印度对外战略和政策制定过程中起着非常重要和独特的作用。

  • He believes UNESCO should play a strong role advising on science policy coordinating research and acting as a science think tank .

    他认为UNESCO应该在为科学政策提供建议、协调研究和担任科学 智库方面扮演一个强大的角色。

  • An American think tank says North Korea 's preparations for a planned rocket launch may have been delayed by heavy snow .

    一个美国 智囊机构说,朝鲜为计划中的火箭试射所进行的准备工作可能由于大雪天气而延迟。

  • Its Hong Kong Coalition of Service Industries is a think tank on service policy .

    智囊 香港服务业联盟,专就服务业政策提供意见。

  • From what I gather its a legal think tank that has proposed a bill to the NPC .

    从我所收集的资料来看,是一个法律研究 智库向全国人大提交了一个议案。

  • The think tank is a very important social phenomenon of America .

    思想 是美国一个非常重要的社会现象。

  • One of our scholars in served as senior officials give them a better chance to know think tank therefore in the understanding of policy produced more credible voice .

    我们某个学者在担任了高官,给他们更好的机会了解 智库,因此在了解政策方面产生更可信的声音。

  • However research from a New York think tank has suggested this generation might have had too much choice as many of them are childless well into their30s and40s .

    然而,纽约一个 智囊 的研究表明,这一代女性可能因为可选择的太多了,所以许多人都三十好几甚至四十多岁了还没有孩子。

  • Every day a small group of scientists go into a think tank to conduct experiment .

    每天,一小组科学家加入 智囊 进行实验。