

n.小偷小偷,盗贼( thief的名词复数 )

  • The wall guards the place from thieves .

    围墙保护此地不受 盗贼

  • Some thieves have eaten off their irons with mercury water .

    有些 窃贼用汞水腐蚀他们的镣铐。

  • He fell among thieves and was stripped .

    他遇到 窃贼,所有东西都被抢走。

  • Police in France are looking for two attractive female thieves who bared their breasts at a man at a cashpoint to distract him before stealing his money .

    法国警方目前正在缉捕两名美丽 女贼,她们朝一名自动取款机前的男子露出自己的胸部以分散他的注意力,随后便将他卡里的钱偷走。

  • The thieves forced the lock of the safe .

    强盗 用暴力把保险箱的锁撬开。

  • The two thieves will appear at New Street Court tomorrow morning .

    那两名 盗窃 明日上午将在新街法院出庭受审。

  • He returned from hospital to find thieves had ransacked his home .

    他从医院回来,发现家里被 小偷洗劫一空。

  • A team of officers is trawling through the records of thousands of petty thieves

    一组警员正在翻查数以千计的 小偷 犯罪记录。

  • I have one lock but I bought another as an additional insurance against thieves .

    我有一把锁,但我又买了一 作为附加的 防盗保障。

  • Some thieves do not even bother to melt down stolen silver for its scrap value .

    有的 小偷懒得为了一点蝇头小利去费劲把偷来的银器熔掉。

  • The thieves snatched the camera .


  • The thieves cleared out the store .

    盗贼把那家商店 洗劫一空。

  • Thieves broke into the manor at night .


  • The thieves cut a hole in the fence


  • A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars

    警方打击 的行动遭遇了一点小挫折:匪徒偷走了一辆警车。

  • Thieves ransacked the office taking a sack of loose change


  • He ganged up with some thieves .

    他跟 勾搭上了。

  • The thieves fled ramming the policeman 's car


  • He found himself in a den of thieves .

    他发现自己陷入了 贼窝

  • Thieves shinned up a drainpipe and forced open the window .


  • The police gave chase but the thieves made away with the jewels .

    警察进行了追踪,但 盗贼还是带着珠宝逃走了。

  • The thieves must have deliberately triggered the alarm and hidden inside the house


  • The thieves are often armed and in some cases have killed for their plunder .

    这些 小偷常携带凶器,有时会为赃物杀人。

  • The alarm went off when the thieves went in .

    盗贼进去时,警铃 作响

  • Two hours later the police caught all the thieves .

    两个小时以后,警察把 小偷都捉住了。

  • Unknown thieves had forced their way into the apartment

    不知名的 窃贼 破门闯入了公寓。

  • The thieves hid their plunder in the cave .


  • Thieves carried off the farmer 's sheep during the night .

    晚上, 小偷 农民的羊 走了。

  • The thieves got away from the jeweler 's with a good haul .

    那些 了大批珠宝后逃离了珠宝商店。

  • Art thieves will often hide an important work for years after it has been stolen .

    艺术品 盗贼偷走重要艺术品后常常会把它藏匿好几年。