thomas cook&sons


  • Description : Thomas Cook was the father of modern tourism .

    说明: 托马斯·库克是现代旅游的创始人。

  • Indeed since she took charge at Thomas Cook the share price has risen more than six-fold .

    事实上,自从她掌管 托马斯 库克集团以来,这家公司的股价已经上涨超过5倍。

  • ■ A good map is the Thomas Cook Rail Map of Europe ( 7.95 ) which is clear because it marks only the railway lines not the roads .

    Thomas Cook欧洲铁路地图(售价7.95英镑)是一本好地图,很清楚,因为它只标出了铁路线,没有公路。

  • Thomas Cook is having the worst year in its 170-year history .


  • Apple is widely assumed to be an innovator in the tradition of Thomas Edison or Bell Laboratories locking its engineers away to cook up new ideas and basing products on their moments of inspiration .

    人们普遍认为,苹果是接班 托马斯 爱迪生和贝尔实验室的创新者,它把设计者关在一个地方 想出新点子,依靠灵感的迸发制造产品。

  • Thomas Cook could sell some of its seven hotels or its6 % stake in National Air Traffic Services a navigation provider .


  • But the company insisted that Thomas Cook the UK Travel Group in which it holds a 53 per cent stake would remain unaffected .

    但该公司坚称,其持股53%的英国旅游集团 thomas cook将“不受影响”。

  • Your best bet is to go to Thomas Cook in high street .

    胜算最大的做法是去高街 托马斯库克

  • Meanwhile competitor Thomas Cook said bookings surged by35 percent on Sunday and Monday as fans looked to get away from it all following England 's failure to make the World Cup semi-finals .

    同时,据业内同行 通济隆旅行社介绍,上周六和周日的旅游预约狂涨了35%,球迷们为了摆脱英格兰未能进入半决赛的烦恼,纷纷出游散心。

  • It is no coincidence that Ms Green has filled her top team at Thomas Cook with a marathon runner a triathlete and a former gymnast .

    并非巧合的是,格林在 Thomas Cook的高管团队中有一个马拉松选手、一个三项全能运动员和一个前体操运动员。

  • Thomas Cook Sport will also provide overseas travel to UK fans including official travel packages to all of the Reds'away matches in the UEFA Champions League .

    托马斯 库克将为英国球迷提供海外旅行服务,包括在欧冠客场比赛的官方旅行套餐。

  • This week alone as Air France and Philippine Airlines were hit by strikes talks were being held to try to avert industrial action at Britain 's Thomas Cook Airlines .

    单单在这一周里,法国航空公司和菲律宾航空公司就遭遇了罢工,为了防止相同事态扩散到英国的 托马斯 库克航空公司,人们对其缄口不言。

  • Green recalls citing the obvious risk in joining Thomas Cook .

    格林回忆道,还提到了当时加入 托马斯 - 库克明显面临巨大风险。

  • Thomas Cook packages include a match ticket four or five-star hotel accommodation and a tour of the stadium and club museum .

    托马斯 库克的套餐包括比赛门票,4-5星级酒店住宿和俱乐部博物馆到球场的交通。

  • This is fantastic news for Thomas Cook and on the eve of the new season we 're eager to develop this part of our business further .

    这在赛季开始前对于 托马斯 库克是个好消息,我们可以进一步拓展自己的生意。

  • Thomas Cook a travel company saw its share price collapse after it sought to negotiate a second round of debt financing within a month and delayed the publication of its annual results .

    旅游公司 托马斯·库克在寻求协商第二轮的举债筹资后经历了股价跳水,同时还推迟了公布其年度报表的时间。

  • In the forties of the 19th century the British Thomas Cook created the earliest tourist service organization in the world and organized a group travel in forms of chartering train this has comparatively extensive publicity and it is an organized and extensive prepared commercial activity .

    库克创造了世界上最早的有组织的旅游服务形式,用 包租火车的形式组织了一次团体旅游,这次活动具有较为广泛的公众性,而且是有组织和筹划的大规模商业性活动。