thick-film technology

[计] 厚膜技术

  • In the production process we innovative use of Laser writing Thick-film depicts to produce micro-strip thick-film circuit Through the process of analysis and parametric technology research finally we find the best technical parameters for it .

    在制作过程中,创新性的采用了激光 写描绘厚膜 工艺来制作微带 厚膜电路,通过对工艺理论的分析和 工艺参数的研究,找到了 适用于微带电路描绘的最佳工艺参数。

  • An Analysis of Thick-film Multi-layer Technology

    薄膜多层布线 工艺分析

  • Developed the high reliable thick-film hybrid integrated DC / DC power supply circuit needs to solve a series of thick-film hybrid integrated technology problems .

    研制出高可靠的厚膜混合集成DC/DC电源电路需要解决一系列 厚膜混合集成 工艺 技术问题。

  • The experiment results show that the leakage current in drift tube manufactured by thick-film technology is very little which is suitable for the fast real time detection at high temperature .

    实验结果显示, 厚膜 工艺 制作的迁移管在高温下的漏电流儿 可以忽略 不计,使得FAIMS高温条件的实时快速检测成为可能。

  • In this article we first systemically introduce the basic knowledge of thick-film technology and the design principles and methods of the micro-pressure thick-film sensor .

    根据厚膜压力传感器的基本原理,对厚膜微压传感器进行理论分析、方案设计和 电路设计,并给出信号调理电路的工艺版图;在 厚膜 工艺生产线上,加工制作了厚膜微压传感器。

  • The drift tube manufacture processes based on thick-film technology are proposed for the first time to avoid leakage current in borosilicate glass at high temperature .

    针对高温工作时 作为迁移管 的硼硅玻璃材料存在漏电流不 利于 仪器 快速 检测的问题,首次提出了基于 厚膜 技术的迁移管 芯片制作方法。

  • Thick-film Dielectric Electroluminecent ( TDEL ) technology has several advantage over Thin Film Electroluminescent ( TFEL )? TFT-LCD ? PDP technologies particularly in structure simplicity manufacturing cost and video quality .

    厚膜介质电致发光( TDEL)显示器与无机薄膜发光显示器、TFT-LCD、PDP相比有许多优点,尤其是结构简单、制造成本低和图象质量好。

  • The thick-film technology was applied to assemble the module circuit devices on a 10mm × 15mm alumina substrate .

    应用 厚膜 电路 技术,将电路所用器件装在-10mm×15mm的氧化铝基片上。

  • Oxygen sensors fabricated by thick-film thin-film and lamination technology decreased total impedance leading to the decreases of working temperature and reducing response time .

    厚膜、薄膜和叠片 工艺制作的氧传感器,降低了总阻抗,从而降低了工作温度和缩短了响应时间。

  • Based on above discussion the low noise method of thick-film resistors and reliability diagnostic technology are outlined .

    在以上讨论的基础上,对 厚膜电阻器的低噪声 进行了 简单的分析,展望了噪声 作为可靠性 表征参量的 前景

  • Organic gold ink as a new material has used for thick-film technology . It is a homogeneous system .

    有机金浆作为一种新材料被应用在 厚膜上。