


  • This is a case of Hashimoto 's thyroiditis with complication of insufficient thyroid function .

    此病案是桥本氏 甲状腺炎并发甲状腺功能不足症。

  • Expressions of interleukin-17 in thyroid tissue in patients with Hashimoto thyroiditis

    IL-17在桥本 甲状腺炎甲状腺组织中的表达研究

  • Objective : To analyse the clinical manifestation diagnosis and treatment of Hashimoto 's thyroiditis .

    目的:分析桥本氏 甲状腺炎的临床表现、诊断及治疗。

  • Diagnostic Value of High-frequency Ultrasonography in Hashimoto 's Thyroiditis

    高频超声对桥本 甲状腺炎的诊断价值

  • Efficacy of Interleukin-10 for Experimental Autoimmune Prostatitis Effect of leptin on the induction of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis

    白介素-10在自身免疫性大鼠前列腺炎中的作用瘦素在自身免疫性 甲状腺炎中的免疫 调节 机制

  • Also called chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis Hashimoto 's disease is the most common cause of hypothyroidism in children and adolescents is an autoimmune disease .

    桥本病又称慢性淋巴细胞性 甲状腺炎,是儿童和青少年甲状腺功能低下最常见的原因,是一种自身免疫性疾病。

  • Objective To discuss the imaging value in the diagnosing of Hashimoto thyroiditis ( HT ) .

    目的探索各种影像检查诊断 桥本氏病的价值。

  • The Expression of ES iNOS and bFGF in Hashimoto Thyroiditis

    ES、iNOS及bFGF在桥本氏 甲状腺炎中表达的研究

  • Objective : To study the Clinicopathological characteristics of lymphocytic thyroiditis with thyroid papillary carcinoma .

    目的:探讨淋巴细胞性 甲状腺炎 合并甲状腺乳头状癌的临床病理特点。

  • Objective To study the relationship b tween of iodine and lymphocytic thyroiditis .

    目的探讨碘过多与慢性淋巴 甲状腺炎的关系。

  • The risk of postpartum thyroiditis was significantly elevated in the high-risk group ( odds ratio 6.69 ) .

    高危人群组产后 甲状腺炎的风险显著升高(风险比:6.69)。

  • Analysis of Serum T3 to T4 Ratio in Graves ' Thyrotoxicosis and Subacute Thyroiditis

    血清T3与T4的比值对Graves病甲亢与亚 引起的 甲状腺毒症的分析

  • Riedel 's Thyroiditis Clinical Analysis of Surgical Treatment

    Riedel 甲状腺炎外科手术治疗临床分析

  • The Effect of Administration of Iodine and Selenium on the Antioxidation and Apoptosis with Autoimmune Thyroiditis

    碘硒干预对自身免疫性 甲状腺炎抗氧化及凋亡的影响

  • An Epidemiological and Basic Study on Postpartum Thyroiditis

    产后 甲状腺炎的流行病学和实验研究

  • Clinical value of serum IL-10 IL-12 and relative index level changed in children with Hashimoto thyroiditis

    儿童桥本 甲状腺炎IL-10和IL-12及相关指标变化的临床价值

  • Objective To systematically evaluate the efficacy and safety of selenium in treatment of autoimmune thyroiditis ( AITD ) .

    目的系统评价补硒治疗自身免疫性 甲状腺炎(AITD)的效果和安全性。

  • The antibodies involved gradually can damage and in some cases destroy the thyroid a condition known as Hashimoto 's thyroiditis .

    该免疫反应产生的抗体逐渐侵蚀、在某些情况下会毁坏了甲状腺,而引发了所说的Hashimoto 甲状腺炎

  • Main Outcome Measures : We measured incidence clinical presentation and course of postpartum thyroiditis .

    主要观察指标:我们观察了产后 甲状腺炎的发病率、临床表现和 发病过程。

  • Conclusion Ultrasonograhy is an effective way for the diagnosis and observation of subacute thyroiditis .

    结论:超声检查是诊断和观察亚急性 甲状腺炎的一种有效的方法。

  • Conclusion All the imaging examination are valuable in the diagnosing of Hashimoto thyroiditis .

    结论各种影像检查对 桥本氏病的诊断有一定价值。

  • Objective To evaluation the diagnostic value of ultrasonography and scintigraphy in the subacute thyroiditis .

    目的评价超声、核素影像学在亚急性 甲状腺炎诊断中的作用。

  • Results The ultrasonographic changes of subacute thyroiditis were characterized by thyroid enlargement and diffused or limited low echoes .

    结果:亚急性 甲状腺炎的声像图特征主要表现为甲状腺肿大及弥漫性或局限性低回声。

  • Ultrasonic features of Hashimoto 's thyroiditis in different clinical types

    不同临床类型桥本氏 甲状腺炎的超声特征

  • In total 169 ( 3.9 % ) of the women had postpartum thyroiditis .

    总共169例妇女(3.9%)患有产后 甲状腺炎

  • Objective To study the influence of trace element iodine and selenium on the level of autoantibodies and the antioxidative capacity with autoimmune thyroiditis ;

    目的研究微量元素碘和硒在自身免疫性 甲状腺炎过程中对自身抗体水平及抗氧化能力的影响;

  • Diagnostic value of ultrasonography in subacute thyroiditis and judgement on course of treatment of prednisone

    超声对亚急性 甲状腺炎的诊断价值和强地松疗程的判断

  • Hashimoto encephalopathy ( HE ) is one kind of recurrent or progressive encephalopathy associated with Hashimoto thyroiditis .

    桥本脑病是一种与桥本 甲状腺炎有关的复发或进展性脑病。