


  • Fortunately the development of linguistics especially the field theory and the theory of mental lexicon has offered theoretical support to thesaurus compilation .

    语言学研究的发展,尤其是语义场理论和心理词库理论研究,为 类义 词典的编纂提供了理论上的支撑。

  • The thesaurus files are empty .

    同义 词库文件为空。

  • We first construct a named entity thesaurus based on the information on the web .

    在此基础上,我们首先通过网络资源建立了实体名 词典 知识

  • Traditional manual thesaurus compilation methods are no longer suitable to the networked environment .

    传统手工编制 词表的方法已不再适用于网络环境。

  • Design of an Information Retrieval System Plug-in Based on Agricultural Thesaurus

    基于《农业 科学 词表 信息检索系统插件的设计

  • Description and Evaluation of Thesaurus Microstructure : Contrastive Analysis of EI Thesaurus and Chinese Thesauri


  • Research and Implementation on Semi-automatic Construction about Domain Ontology Based on Thesaurus

    基于 词表的领域本体半自动构建的研究和实现

  • It is difficult but important to realize recognition of hierarchical relationship during automatic thesaurus construction .

    词汇等级关系的识别是自动构建 词表的重点和难点之一。

  • Identifies a list of expansions or replacements for the terms based on matches in the thesaurus .

    基于 同义 词库中的匹配项标识字词的扩展或替换的列表。

  • The inner bootstrapping utilizes Synonymy Thesaurus to expand pattern semantics .

    内自举借助通用的 同义词词林 扩张模式的语义范围;

  • Thesaurus files contain synonyms of search terms .

    同义 词库文件,它包含搜索词条的同义词。

  • Transformation of E-government Thesaurus to Ontology and Its Application

    电子政务 词表向本体转化的方法与实例研究

  • There is a thesaurus associated with this field .

    有与这个领域有关的一个 辞典

  • This type of search requires integrating some sort of thesaurus into the search engine .

    此类搜索需要在搜索引擎中集成某些 词典

  • A word-pattern dictionary and thesaurus search engine .

    一个世界的蓝图,目录和 词典的搜索引擎。

  • A thesaurus is a useful aid to writing well .

    同义 词典 写好文章的一个有益助手。

  • The second edition Chinese Classified Thesaurus upgrade Bibliographic data Data processing ;

    二版 主题 升级;书目数据;数据处理;

  • If this is another damn thesaurus .

    要是这又是一本该死的 辞典

  • This article discussed the concept and application of thesaurus from thesaurus to thesaurus network its application of Web information retrieval system .

    本文探讨了 词表的概念与应用特点;从叙词表到叙词网络;叙词表在网络信息检索系统中的应用。

  • Hit the thesaurus and find all the synonyms for your words and phrases .


  • Semi-automatic Construction of Domain Ontology Based on Mesh Thesaurus and Co-occurrence Analysis

    基于Mesh 词表和共词分析的 疾病本体半自动构建方法研究

  • The most extensive approach is a full thesaurus .

    最广泛使用的方法是完整的 辞典

  • Use a thesaurus to find synonyms for two of your words .

    使用 词典找到你的词汇中的两个同义词。

  • Because of his achievement on art his resume was collected in Chinese Music Thesaurus .

    由于他的艺术成就,他的个人简历被收录在《中国音乐 辞典 中。

  • Free term indexing is a supplement for subject indexing of Chinese Classified Thesaurus .

    自由词标引是对以 中国分类 主题 词表 为依据的主题标引的补充。

  • PoolParty is a commercial thesaurus management and SKOS editor system that includes text mining and linked data capabilities .

    PoolParty是一个商用的 词库管理与SKOS编辑系统,它包含文件挖掘与数据链接功能。

  • He well-reads dabble 100 divisions made graven contribution to abounding scientific thesaurus of the mankind .

    他博览群书,涉猎百科,对丰富人类的科学 知识 宝库做出了不可磨灭的贡献。

  • A thesaurus is the most complete description for a particular topic .


  • Research and Implementation of the Ontology Driven Thesaurus Visualization System of Relationships among the Descriptors

    基于本体驱动的 词表词间关系可视化系统的研究与实现

  • Click the Dictionary or Thesaurus button on the Compose or Read Message pages .

    单击撰写或阅读邮件页上的词典或 同义 辞典按钮。