


  • THE THIAMINE NIACIN RIBOFLAVIN AND PROTEIN CONTENTS OF RICE USED IN CANTON The manufacture of thiamine from the simple substances present in the minimal medium does not take place in a single chemical reaction .

    广州市 稻米的 硫胺素、尼克酸、核黄素、蛋白质测定从最低培养基中的简单物质制造硫胺素,不是通过单一的化学反应。

  • Chiral Resolutions of Ethyl 2 - ( 9-Anthryl ) - 2-methoxyacetate by High-performance Liquid Chromatography The most abundant bases are cytosine thiamine and uracil ( pyrimidines ) and adenine and guanine ( purines ) .

    2-(9-蒽基)-2-甲氧基乙酸乙酯的高效液相色谱手性拆分最丰富的碱基是胞嘧啶, 胸腺嘧啶,尿嘧啶,腺嘌呤和鸟嘌呤。

  • Spectroscopic Characterization of a Novel Quinoline-4-phosphoramidate Derivative The Levels of Blood Thiamine and Its Phosphate Esters Derivatives in Patients in Alzheimer 's Disease and Effect of Benfotiamine on Cognitive Function of Senile Mice

    一种新型的喹啉-4-氨基磷酸酯衍生物的波谱学研究阿尔茨海默病患者全血 硫胺素及其磷酸酯衍生物含量测定与苯磷硫胺干预的研究

  • Food additive & Vitamin B1 ( Thiamine hydrochloride )

    GB14751-1993食品添加剂维生素B1(盐酸 硫胺

  • Objective To discuss the CT appearance and diagnostic value of brain type infantile beriberi ( thiamine deficiency ) .

    目的探讨婴儿脑型 脚气病的CT表现 特点及诊断价值。

  • It can also lead to thiamine deficiency ( see'Fish'below ) .

    它也可能导致 硫胺素缺乏症(见'鱼'下面)。

  • A study on the thiamine requirement of Canton Middle School Boys

    广州市中学男生 硫胺素需要量的研究

  • Thiamine Deficiency Induced β - amyloid Deposition and Tau Hyperphosphorylation


  • Thiamine changes starchy foods into energy .


  • The most abundant bases are cytosine thiamine and uracil ( pyrimidines ) and adenine and guanine ( purines ) .

    最丰富的碱基是胞嘧啶, 胸腺嘧啶,尿嘧啶,腺嘌呤和鸟嘌呤。

  • Thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) Organic compound part of the vitamin B complex necessary in carBohydrate metaBolism .

    硫胺素亦称维生素B1):有机化合物,维生素B复合体的一种,为 日常 饮食所必需。

  • Feed additive & Vitamin B1 ( thiamine mononitrate )

    GB/T7296-1987饲料添加 维生素B1(硝酸 硫胺

  • This fruit is a good source of potassium and also contains vitamin C magnesium niacin and thiamine .

    钾、维生素C、镁、烟碱酸、和 硫胺是这果实的良好来源。

  • Cacao contains protein calcium carotene thiamine riboflavin magnesium and sulphur .

    可可富含蛋白质,钙,胡萝卜素, 硫胺素,核黄素,镁和硫。

  • While raw unrefined varieties of honey - from farms and health food stores - do contain trace vitamins and minerals ; niacin riboflavin thiamine and vitamin B6 they only make up about two per cent of honey 's total content .

    实际上,养蜂场里的和健康食品店中的未经加工的生蜂蜜确实含有多种维生素和矿物质,如烟酸、 核黄素维生素 B1、B6等,但它们的总量也只占到2%。

  • Alcoholism is the most common cause of thiamine deficiency in the USA and may lead to deficiencies of magnesium zinc and other vitamins .

    在美国,酒精中毒是导致 硫胺素缺乏的最常见因素, 现时也可以导致镁、锌和某些维生素的缺乏。

  • Beriberi ( pronounced Berry-berry ) is a nervous system ailment caused by a deficiency of thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) in the diet .

    脚气病是一种神经系统病,主要由 硫胺(维生素B1)缺乏所致。

  • In this paper the solubility of thiamine nitrate are measured by Laser method under different conditions .

    采用激光法测量了不同溶液条件下硝酸 硫胺的溶解度, 进一步 确定了硝酸 硫胺 活度 常数

  • The manufacture of thiamine from the simple substances present in the minimal medium does not take place in a single chemical reaction .

    从最低培养基中的简单物质制造 硫胺素,不是通过单一的化学反应。

  • I find it useful to periodically measure blood levels of zinc copper selenium vitamin C thiamine vitamin B6 vitamin B12 and25-hydroxyvitamin D in some patients .

    我发现在一些患者中定期检测血的锌、铜、硒、维生素C、 维生素 B1、维生素B6、维生素B12和25-羟维生素D水平很有用。

  • Determinate contents of thiamine and riboflavin of the three kinds of beers by fluorescence . 3 .

    荧光法测定三种啤酒中 硫胺素和核黄素的含量。

  • Thiamine is involved in the breakdown of energy molecules such as glucose and is also found on the membranes of neurons .


  • Apoptosis and variation of thiamine monophosphatase activity in amygdala neurons of posttraumatic stress disorder rats

    创伤后应激障碍大鼠 杏仁核神经元凋亡及三偏磷酸酶活性的变化

  • Cells making up the germ also contain prevent them from becoming rancid Cells making up the germ also contain protein iron niacin thiamine and riboflavin .

    构成胚芽的细胞也含有蛋白质、铁、尼克酸、 硫胺素和核黄素。

  • Atrophy of tongue due to avitaminosis caused by lack of thiamine ( vitamin B1 ) .


  • Study of a Novel Biosensor Based on Catalysis of Thiamine

    基于 硫胺催化作用的新型生物传感器研究

  • Good sources of thiamine include unrefined cereal grains .

    硫胺素在谷物粗粮中 含量丰富。

  • Ham is a source of high-grade animal protein thiamine and iron .

    火腿含有高级动物蛋白质、 铁质 维生素 B1

  • Effects of thiamine and riboflavin on H_2O_2-induced DNA oxidative damage
