through illumination

[θru ɪˌluməˈneʃən][θru: ɪˌlu:məˈneɪʃən]

[医] 透照[法]

  • Through our illumination of the prolepsis of God we find that Epicurean Epistemology and Epicurus ' Theology are united as a whole .

    并且 通过对于神的 prolepsis的阐明,我们看到伊壁鸠鲁的认识论和神学是统一的整体。

  • The image is pretreated through the reference white illumination compensation method to compensate the color deviation .

    为解决图像中存在的色彩偏差问题,对图像进行预处理, 采取了参考白光 补偿方法。

  • During measurement a full illumination image is captured first then 3-D profilometry integrated with feature capturing is implemented through combing the boundary detection of the full illumination image with feature recognition from Gray code .

    提出了基于格雷码投影的融合特征捕捉的光学三维测量方法,在测量过程中采集一幅无光栅图像, 通过光栅图像的边界检测与格雷码特征提取相结合,实现了三维测量与特征捕捉的融合。

  • In lighting design in line with the principle of energy conservation choose fluorescent lamps as light source through the use of illumination required coefficient calculation method to determine the optimum number of light for employees and customers to create a good working environment .

    在照明的设计中,本着节能的原则,选择荧光灯为光源, 通过运用需要系数法进行 照度计算,确定最佳光源数,为员工和顾客们创造了一个良好的工作环境。

  • Through integrating motion information with gradient information one novel method of moving objects detecting and extracting in video sequences with low illumination is proposed in this paper .

    本文 结合运动信息和梯度信息,提出了一种新的低 照度视频序列运动目标检测与提取方法。

  • This article focuses on about interior lighting art through the aspects of il-luminance and effect photo chromic and atmosphere illumination angle and mentality feeling and structural drawing of lights .

    本文主要从照度与效果、光色与气氛、 角度与心理感受、灯具的构图四个层面对室内照明艺术 进行探讨。

  • The electric field distribution mechanism for polarized light S passing through mask is simulated . The results show that imaging contrast and resolving power can be improved through modulating polarization of illumination light .

    模拟了S偏振光通过掩模的电场分布机理,结果表明,可以 通过调制 照明光的偏振性来提高成像对比度和分辨力。

  • Resolution and DOF Improvement through the Use of Square-shaped Illumination

    采用方形 照明提高分辨率和焦深

  • Through the analysis of a variety of illumination compensation algorithm an illumination compensation algorithm was proposed for multi-view video coding system based on discrete wavelet transform .

    通过对各种 亮度补偿算法的分析,本设计在基于小波变换的多视角视频编码系统中实现了一种亮度补偿方法。

  • As a resolution enhancement technique ( RET ) off-axis illumination ( OAI ) can enhance resolution and improve depth of focus ( DOF ) through adjusting illumination .

    作为分辨率增强技术(RET)之一,离轴照明技术(OAI) 通过调整 照明方式,不但能提高分辨率还能很好地改善焦深。

  • Through the load control PV system can work at the max power point in a variety of illumination and temperature conditions achieving the max power point tracking .

    通过对负载的控制,可以使光伏阵列在各种不同的 日照和温度条件下都能工作在最大功率点,实现逆变器的最大功率点跟踪。

  • Through auto transformation from die bearable phase voltage to a half of the line voltage the excellent illumination energy conservation mode can be achieved .

    通过对照明灯具从承受相电压至承受线电压一半的自动转换,实现最优 照明节电模式。

  • Daylight came in through its glass roof ; this was now the only illumination .

    日光 透过玻璃屋顶照入;眼下这是室内惟一的 照明

  • A rheostat that varies the current through an electric light in order to control the level of illumination .

    各种电流 通过电光设备以控制 照明水准的可变电阻器。

  • Through the design and simulation with optical software and instrumentation of the new structure the improvement on illumination area uniformity and compactness of the new system design was proved .

    通过光学软件设计、仿真及新的照明 光学系统的制作,证明了改进后的系统在 照明面积、 照明均匀性以及结构紧凑性上都有了明显的改善。

  • A New Public Health Paradigm : Promoting Health through Design & A Brief Introduction of Active Living by Design an American National Program and Its Illumination

    规划设计促进人类健康&美国设计 推动的积极生活计划及 启示

  • Through studding the related theory we are intent to make inherent illumination about the existing problems and phenomenon .

    通过这些理论的学习,目的在于对现存的问题和现象进行本质性的 阐释

  • Flat ring lights achieve no shadow through diffusion plate of special structure to change LED illumination which have small reflection uniform illumination and compact structure .

    平面无影光源 采用特殊结构的导光板改变LED 照射 ,实现 照射 无影 效果,具有反光小、照射均匀、结构紧凑等特点。

  • Through the experiment this method to uneven distribution of intensity of illumination the image of the whole partial dark image segmentation with good results .

    通过实验得出,这种方法对 照度分布不均匀,图像整体偏暗的情况的分割有很好的效果。

  • This paper try to fully express Poincare s insisting on the value of science through the illumination on the truth of science promotion on the ethics and appreciation in the beauty of science .

    彭加勒对科学真理的阐述、科学对道德的弘扬以及对科学美的 体验,充分展现他对科学价值的执着追求。

  • Through a specific example of illumination system the software characteristics of distribution analysis of intensity of illuminations for point lamp are analyzed .

    运用一个具体的 照明 光学系统分析了点光源的光照度分布分析软件的特性。

  • This chapter explains the necessity of Community Correction through the illumination of the theoretical principles . Third the current situation and our reference of the overseas Community Correction .

    本章 通过对社区矫正理论基础的 阐释,说明了社区矫正的必要性。三、国外社区矫正的现状及借鉴。

  • This tester is used to determine the isolation character of the shoe material . Through auto transformation from die bearable phase voltage to a half of the line voltage the excellent illumination energy conservation mode can be achieved .

    本机在测试鞋底或绝缘鞋材所能承受的电压值,以了解其耐电压程度。 通过对照明灯具从承受相电压至承受线电压一半的自动转换,实现最优 照明节电模式。

  • In this paper a novel method to handle both pose and lighting conditions simultaneously is proposed which calibrates the pose and lighting to a predefined reference condition through an illumination invariant 3D face reconstruction .

    提出了一种对人脸图像中的姿态和光照变化同时进行校正处理的方法,即 通过 不变的3D人脸重建过程,将姿态和光照都校正到预先定义的标准条件下。

  • Through measuring lighting performance of the light-pipe on three typical weathers in summer the luminous flux and indoor illumination distribution have been obtained .

    通过比较分析证明,季节变化对光导管的光传输量的影响很大,太阳高度角于室内 照度分布的影响也很大。

  • It attains the aim of the automatic control in the greenhouse through gathering the temperature the humidity the intensity of illumination and the soil moisture and adjusting the above parameter automatically ?

    通过对温室内的温度、湿度、 、土壤湿度等参量的采集,并根据上述参数实现对温度、湿度、 、土壤湿度等参数的自动调节,达到了温室大棚自动控制的目的。

  • An attempt to find an method for greenhouse regulation through the function of temperature setting from physiological feedback information illumination and humidity was made .

    进而将植物电信号作为生理反馈信息,建立了植物电位与 环境 、温度、湿度等因子的定量关系,建立与输出温度设置的关系,为温室环境调控 提供一种方法。

  • Garden plant landscape illumination as the secondary appearance of garden plant landscape during nighttime is to shape plant landscape at night through modern illumination technology and artistic processing .

    园林植物景观照明即是在园林植物景观的基础上, 利用现代 照明技术和艺术手段来塑造植物夜间景观。

  • Through regulating sucrose 6-BA NAA PP333 concentration in the medium and illumination condition microrhizoms in vitro from ginger tissue culture seedlings were successfully induced .

    通过对蔗糖、6&BA(6-苄基腺嘌呤)、NAA(萘乙酸)、PP(333)(多效唑)和 条件的调控,由组培苗成功地诱导出微型姜。