through document

[θru ˈdɑkjəmənt][θru: ˈdɔkjumənt]


  • The dissemination of scientific information from producers to users is realized mainly through the dissemination of information orally and through document information systems .

    科技情报的转化,从其创造者传递到需求者,主要是 通过口头语言情报和 文献情报系统的传输来实现的。

  • Through document information law the author think that the sports poetry in Tang Dynasty described popular sports holiday sports female sports as well as recreations and so on .

    通过 文献资料法分析认为,唐代体育诗歌描写的内容主要包括当时流行运动项目、节令体育、女子体育以及休闲娱乐活动等。

  • Through document analysis about the category of biochemical marker in myocardial damage and its diagnostic role in the disease we want to provide useful data for clinical definite of myocardial injury .

    通过对有关研究心肌损伤生化标志物的类别及对心肌损伤的诊断作用的 文献分析,为临床确诊心肌损伤提供有价值的资料。

  • Through document analysis methods observation methods exploratory research methods and other research methods this study assorts the interactive system applied in the science exhibitions and analysis the interactive system applied in the science exhibition with examples .

    本研究 通过 文献分析法,观察法,探索性研究法等研究方法,对应用于科普展览展示中的交互系统进行了分类,并结合实例对交互系统的设计和实现过程进行了详细分析。

  • Firstly user defined a document flow and instantiates it through document workflow definition components ;

    用户首先 通过 文档流定义组件定义一个文档流程并实例化,将文档流向不同对象。

  • This will hopefully give you a helpful picture of the procedures as we proceed through the document .

    当我们 文件 进行(工程)时,希望这会将会给您提供有帮助的程序图。

  • In data management documents and relational databases using a combination of methods spatial data through document management time data and non-spatial attribute data using database management .

    在数据管理方面采用了文件与关系数据库相结合的方法,改为 通过 文件对空间数据进行管理、利用数据库对时间数据和非空间属性数据进行管理。

  • These updates occur whenever a change to the configuration occurs through the Document Manager administration tools .

    每当 通过 DocumentManager管理工具修改配置时,就会发生这些更新。

  • Viruses are commonly spread through document files attached toe-mails .

    病毒通常 通过电子邮件的 附件传播。

  • Through document reference this paper explains the feasibility of trans-theoretical model of behavior in physical exercises presents the research findings in the field of stage characteristics of physical exercises in China ;

    解释了行为 转变理论模式在体育锻炼行为中 运用的可行性,呈现了我国在体育锻炼行为的阶段性特征领域的研究成果;

  • Working through this document you gained an insight into the preparation of a cluster for SIBUS deployment .

    通过 本文 实践,您深入地了解了用于SIBUS部署的集群的准备工作。

  • I collected information through document retrievals questionnaires interviews and non-participatory observations . Then I sorted the data and extracted the ways of cooperation from current middle school chemistry teachers ' teaching practice .

    通过 文献检索、问卷调查、访谈和非参与式观察等方法搜集资料,然后对资料进行归类整理和分析,提取出当前中学化学教师在教学实践中采取的合作方式。

  • Through document reference expert interview questionnaire and logic analysis this paper conducts a ( survey ) of the major six capabilities in professional competence structure of the juvenile football coaches in China .

    运用 文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查、逻辑分析等方法,对我国青少年足球教练员职业能力结构中6种主要的能力现状进行了调查研究。

  • Some editors may even provide wizards to guide users through the document creation steps .

    有些编辑器甚至提供向导来指导用户 完成 文档创建步骤。

  • In recent years both at home and abroad through document retrieval trace elements of the anti-cancer effect of molybdenum Anti-Cancer Research progress .

    通过对近几年国内外 文献检索,综述了微量元素钼防癌抗癌作用研究进展。

  • This is done through the document () function which takes a URI as a parameter .

    这是 通过 document()函数实现的,它将URI作为参数。

  • As the user moves through the document the corresponding actions pane controls become visible .

    当用户 文档中移动时,便会显示相应的操作窗格控件。

  • Through document study of business pattern business pattern innovation and corporate competition advantage definition of essence and composition elements of business pattern and business pattern innovation this paper makes a summary about related factors of business pattern innovation motive in the existing study .

    通过商业模式,商业模式创新以及企业竞争优势等相关方面的 文献研读,界定商业模式及商业模式创新的内涵和构成要素,总结现有研究中关于商业模式创新动力的相关因素。

  • This paper Compares CUBA with NCAA in games basketball selection players general knowledge earning and coaches . through document retrieval analysis and comparisons Moreover some advice are put forward .

    通过 查阅 文献、比较分析等方法,对CUBA与NCAA的赛事、运动员选材、文化学习、运动训练、教练员等方面进行比较,并提出建议。

  • Pass through document find information in numerous academic research on the basis of accounting information I have to define the concept of transparency .

    通过 翻阅 文献、查找资料,在众多学者研究成果的基础上提出笔者对会计信息透明度概念的界定。

  • Companies have already found a number of ways to enhance business through document conferencing .

    各公司已经找到 通过 文档会议增强业务的多种方法。

  • Based on the guidelines for the development of the disease - specific QOL module the research has developed QOL for primary liver cancer through document analysis interviews with patients in group and individual health-related experts consultation as well as the field survey .

    本研究依据疾病特异生命质量量表发展引导程序, 采用 文献 资料分析优选法、焦点组访谈与个别访谈相结合、专家咨询、现况调查等方法,发展肝癌病人生命质量量表。

  • It stores only the data you care about and you only pass through the document once .

    它仅存储您所关心的数据,并且只 遍历 文档一次。

  • The second fragment is a recursive method to actually walk through the document representation and perform the modifications .

    第二段是真正 遍历 文档表示和执行修改的递归方法。

  • Data information and explicit knowledge are always converted into organizational capital through document .

    个体所拥有的数据、信息和显性的知识可以 采取 文档形式转化为 文档类组织资本。

  • This paper analyzed the current status of relationships between coaches and athletes in China through document and information research method .

    采用 文献资料研究法,对国内教练员与运动员关系现状进行分析。

  • This paper compares on the job training modes of the Chinese Japanese German and British soccer coaches through document study focusing on grades institutions contents time and forms of training .

    采用 文献 资料法、对比分析法,对比分析了中国、日本、德国、英国等四国足球教练员的岗位培训模式。比较的内容 包括足球教练员的培训等级、培训机构、培训内容、培训时间和培训形式。

  • Throw the hammer throw for teaching and training to provide the theory basis thereby strengthening technical training pertinence scientific pursue the best training effect . Methods : Through document access image film the image analysis mathematical statistics method .

    也为掷 链球的教学和训练提供理论依据,从而加强技术训练的针对性、科学性,追求最佳训练效果。

  • Each transaction or message flows through the document manager as individual business document flows .

    每个事务或消息作为单独的业务文档流 流经 文档管理器。