

[医] 血栓形成

  • Intravascular stand 's haemocompatibility is very important because it directly influences the occurrence of thrombogenesis in blood system .

    支架的血液相容性极为重要,它直接影响血液系统中是否会出现 血栓

  • Transcatheter thrombolysis treatment of acute A-V internal fistula thrombogenesis in hemodialysis patients Evaluation of Safety and Effectiveness of Different Doses of Urokinase for Clearance of Occluded Central Venous Access Devices in Patients with Cancer

    血液透析动静脉内瘘急性 血栓 形成的溶栓治疗尿激酶在静脉导管内溶栓的有效性与安全性研究

  • ADP-P2Y12 receptor pathway plays a crucial role in platelet activation and thrombogenesis .

    ADP-P2Y12受体途径在血小板激活、 血栓 形成中发挥重要作用。

  • It is a perfect material for haemostasis because the HPS has the haemostasis effect by inducing platelet aggregation promoting thrombogenesis and activating the blood-lotting system .

    它可以通过诱导血小板聚集、促进 血栓 形成和激活凝血系统从而起到止血作用,是一种理想的止血材料。

  • Objective To investigate the value of transcatheter thrombolysis treatment of acute A V internal fistula thrombogenesis in hemodialysis patients .

    目的探讨经导管溶栓治疗血液透析 静脉内瘘急性 血栓 形成的价值。

  • The principal problem associated with blood-contacting biomedical device and artificial organs is thrombogenesis .

    血栓是与血液接触的生物医学装置和人工器官中存在的主要问题,研究者一直试图通过发展新的材料和新的 改进方法攻克这一问题。

  • Effects of Ginsenoside Rg_2 on Thrombogenesis and Platelet Aggregation in Rats

    人参皂苷Rg2对大鼠体内 血栓 形成及血小板聚集的影响

  • PAI-1 was the inhibitor of t-PA which could result in the generation of activatory plasmin reduction and lead to the obstacle of fibrin degradation in favor of thrombogenesis .

    PAI-1是t-PA的抑制物,可使有活性的纤溶酶生成减少,导致纤维蛋白降解障碍,有利于 血栓 形成

  • In this Review we present an overview of the established and purported mechanisms for thrombogenesis in atrial fibrillation .

    在本篇综述中,作者列举了房颤时 血栓 形成 有共识和可能的机制。

  • Conclusion : detecting a β 2GPI can help to diagnosis of AID a β 2GPI can be looked as an important indes to disease of thrombogenesis .

    结论:检测aβ2GPI有助于自身免疫病的诊断,aβ 2GPI是血栓性疾病重要的检测指标。

  • Results No fatal pulmonary embolism occurred . No migration of the filters was found . Thrombogenesis of inferior vena cave occurred in 1 case after 2 months .

    结果:无致死性肺动脉栓塞发生,无滤器移位,1例患者术后2个月时出现下腔静脉 血栓形成。

  • As atherosclerotic plaque gets into the unstable state from the stable state plaque ruptures and enhanced platelet aggregation and adhesion bring about thrombogenesis and angiemphraxis regarded as a common pathological basis on acute cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases .

    动脉粥样硬化斑块(Atherosclerosis,AS)由稳定状态进入不稳定状态,斑块破裂,血小板粘附聚集, 血栓 形成阻塞血管是急性心脑血管疾病共同的病理基础,因此AS的防治始终是研究领域的重点和热点之一。

  • Resveratrol is a kind of phytoestrogen which has effects on the oxidation of lipoprotein intensity of inflammation hyperplasia of vascular smooth muscle angiectasis angiogenesis platelet aggregation and thrombogenesis .

    白藜芦醇是一种植物雌激素,其可影响脂蛋白氧化、炎症反应、血管平滑肌增生、血管扩张、血管形成、血小板聚集和 血栓 形成,对动脉粥样硬化起预防作用。

  • Objective : To study the correlation between concentration of Lp ( a ) and thrombogenesis and the influence of oral aspirin medication .

    目的:探讨血清脂蛋白a含量与 血栓 形成之间的相关关系及阿司匹林对 他们的影响。

  • Inflammation has a significant role on atherogenesis it can influence atherosclerosis occurrence development and its succession . Inflammatory reaction involves in the whole process of atherogenesis such as atherosclerosis onset progression plaque rupture and thrombogenesis .

    炎症在AS发生、发展和演变过程中起着重要作用,炎症反应贯穿于AS起始、病变进展及斑块破裂、 血栓 形成的全过程。

  • Rat Photochemical Thrombogenesis under Microscopic Light

    显微光照下的大鼠光化学 血栓 形成

  • The time of thrombogenesis and the variation of D-Dimer in peripheral venous blood were surveyed .

    观测 血栓 形成时间和周围静脉血D-D二聚体值变化。

  • Protective effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on focal cerebral ischemia and thrombogenesis of carotid artery in rats

    银杏叶提取物(EGb)对大鼠局部脑缺血及颈动脉 血栓 形成的保护作用

  • Now it has been confirmed that rupture or erosion of the vulnerable plaque platelet aggregation and thrombogenesis in the coronary artery is the main pathogenesy of ACS .

    目前已经证实易损斑块的破裂、血小板聚集和 继发 血栓 形成 造成冠状动脉急性 严重 狭窄或闭塞是ACS的主要发病机制。

  • Blood pump was removed to investigate shaft bearing wear and thrombogenesis . Results : The blood pump was implanted to left ventricular directly without cardiopulmonary bypass which worked for 24 hours continuously without mechanical failure and had stable working performance .

    摘除血泵,检查血泵轴承磨损 状况和泵 血栓 形成情况。结果:血泵直接植入左心室,无需体外循环,连续运行24小时期间,工作性能稳定,无机械故障发生。

  • Shear-induced platelet aggregation ( SIPA ) plays a key role in arterial thrombogenesis .

    剪切诱导血小板聚集(shear-inducedplateletaggregation,SIPA)是动脉 血栓的重要 成因

  • Incisional wound infected 3 infected of lung 1 thrombogenesis in the deep veins of lower limb .

    切口感染 6 ,肺部感染3 ,下肢深静脉 血栓 形成1