threshold circuit

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ˈsɚkɪt][ˈθreʃhəuld ˈsə:kit]


  • Our results indicate that there is a threshold voltage V T in the circuit due to the effect of Coulombian force .

    结果表明:由于库仑力的作用,介观LC 电路中存在着 阈值电压。

  • Numerical Estimation of Rheostat Threshold in 3-dimension Chua 's Circuit

    三阶蔡氏 电路变阻器 阈值的数值估计

  • This paper introduced main engine cylinder liner cooling water temperature automatic control system on the basis of one-chip computer of logic threshold PID regulating introduced hardware circuit of control system design and the scheme of the procedure exactly make the method of putting forward the parameter .

    介绍一种带逻辑 门槛PID调节规律的主机缸套冷却水温度单片机自动控制系统,重点介绍控制系统的硬件 电路设计和控制程序方案,提出了参数整定方法。

  • A threshold adjusted technique for low-voltage CMOS analog circuit is presented .

    介绍了一种用于低电压CMOS模拟 集成 电路 设计 阈值调节思想。

  • Micron Size MOSFET 's Analytic Model of Threshold Voltage Used to Circuit Simulation

    实用于 电路模拟的微米级MOSFET 开启电压解析模型的研究

  • A threshold memory circuit for realizing arbitrary multivalued sequential logic

    一种用于实现任意基数值时序逻辑的 阈值存储 电路

  • New auto - bulk - biased multi - threshold SOI CMOS circuit operating at high temperature

    一种自动体偏置多 阈值 电压高温SOICMOS 电路

  • Determination and Adjustment of Threshold Level in the Over Load Protection Circuit in Model CS - 10 - ⅰ TV Transmitter

    CS-10-I型电视发射机过荷保护 门限值的确定与调整

  • The article introduces a kind of dual threshold frequency control circuit for digital control device .

    文章介绍了一种数控装置的双 门槛频率控制 电路

  • The paper gives a way to reduce the dynamic error using A / D converter in the threshold circuit .

    文中还介绍了在 门槛 电路中使用A/D变换器来减小动态误差的一种方法。

  • The signal processing system is divided into the preamplifier circuit signal integration circuit the threshold judgment and timing circuit system .

    探测器将光信号转化为电信号,信号处理系统分为前置放大电路,信号融合电路,以及 阈值判断与计时 电路

  • This kind of function fine tri-state logic indicating circuit is composed of 555 integrate timer logical level threshold value adjustment circuit and the logic indicating circuit .

    这种功能优良的三态逻辑指示电路由555IC集成定时器、逻辑电平 阈值调节设定 电路、逻辑指示电路构成。

  • The realization of wavelet threshold filter using the hardware circuit can meet the requirement of real-time signal processing .

    通过硬件 电路实现的小波 阈值滤波器,提高了处理速度,满足了信号实时处理的要求。

  • In this range finder an automatic noise threshold control circuit is used to automatically control average noise pulse firing rate . Such that a constant average noise pulse firing rate is obtained .

    测距仪采用自动噪声 电平控制 电路动态控制噪声脉冲的平均发生率,使系统获得稳定的平均噪声脉冲发生率;

  • Especially the technology of burst mode receiver with a self_adaptive threshold setting circuit which is very important for receiving burst mode signal is described in detail .

    采用自动 门限控制技术实现突发式光信号的接收,并采用延迟 锁相 实现“首比特”的相位同步完成数据和时钟的恢复。

  • Applying Floating Threshold Value to the Processing Circuit of CCD Signal

    浮动 阈值 在CCD信号处理 电路中的应用

  • Performance Evaluation of Optical Burst-Mode Receiver Based on Peak-Detector in Adaptive Threshold Control Circuit

    自适应 阈值突发模式光接收机的性能分析

  • The designed circuit includes amplifier-filter circuit AGC circuit and floating threshold setting circuit mainly .

    设计的电路主要有放大-滤波电路、自动增益控制电路和浮动 阈值 电路

  • In addition the power modules the clock circuit a threshold level circuit and the USB interface circuit were implemented .

    另外,完成了电源模块设计、时钟电路的设计、 门限电平产生 电路 设计、串口转USB接口电路设计。

  • Principle and performance of digital matched filter ( DMF ) adaptive threshold technology based on automatic decision threshold level control ( ADTLC ) circuit and improved COSTAS loop are analyzed in the thesis and simulation platforms are built in MATLAB / Simulink for simulation and analysis .

    重点研究数字匹配滤波器(DMF)、基于自动判决 门限电平控制(ADTLC) 电路的自适应门限技术和改进科斯塔斯(COSTAS)环等的原理和性能,并在MATLAB/Simulink中搭建仿真平台进行仿真分析。

  • The RTD has a room temperature peak-to-valley ratio of 5.2 ∶ 1 with a peak current density of 22.5kA/cm2.The HEMT has a 1 μ m gate length with a-1V threshold voltage . A logic circuit called a monostable-to-bistable transition logic element ( MOBILE ) circuit is developed .

    RTD室温下的峰谷电流比为5.2∶1,峰值电流密度为22.5kA/cm2.HEMT采用1μm栅长, 阈值电压为-1V.设计 电路称为单稳态-双稳态转换逻辑单元(MOBILE)。

  • An effective way to reduce the leakage power is by means of multithreshold CMOS technique which can restrain the leakage current by adding a MOS transistor to low threshold circuit .

    多阈值CMOS技术是一种降低电路漏电流功耗的有效方法.它通过接入高阈值MOS管来抑制低 阈值 模块的漏电流。

  • Use the computer simulation technology to simulate the automatic noise threshold the experimental and theoretical calculation it designed a optimal threshold circuit under different working environment .

    利用了计算机仿真技术对噪声自动阈值进行仿真,经实验和理论计算,设计出不同工作环境下最佳 阈值 电路

  • The proper setting of threshold is crucial for the early prediction of the short circuit fault in the low-voltage distributed system when using the method of wavelet decomposition .

    当采用小波分解方法对低压配电系统 短路故障进行早期检测时, 门限 的合理设置对故障检测的可靠性及 灵敏度是至关重要的。

  • Fluctuating Threshold Circuit Based on Constant Fraction Discrimination for Pulse Laser Fuze

    脉冲激光引信恒比定时浮动 阈值 电路

  • In order to maximize to suppress noise and extract the really echo signal we design noise automatic threshold circuits and echo signal identification circuit .

    为了最大限度地抑制噪声提取真回波信号,设计出噪声自动 阈值电路和回波信号真假识别 电路

  • Threshold voltage adjustment in low power digital circuit

    低功耗 电路 阈值电压的调节

  • A kind of automatic adjustment method of CCD binary threshold was designed which is based on the peak detection circuit of positive single pulse .

    设计了一种利用单脉冲正向峰值探测 电路 构成的CCD二值化 阈值自动调节方法。

  • The generator embodies an integrator as a ramp generator and a threshold detector with hysterisis as a reset circuit .

    此电路用积分器产生斜坡信号,用 阈值检测器作为复位 电路

  • The ispLSI design of constant false alarm ratio threshold judgement circuit

    恒虚警率 门限判决 电路的ispLSI设计