threshold signal

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ˈsɪɡnəl][ˈθreʃhəuld ˈsiɡnəl]


  • Application of Wavelet Threshold Denoising to Weak Signal Measurement

    小波分析在微弱 信号测量中的应用研究

  • The speed and accuracy are increased by improving the search strategy adjusting the threshold of the video signal envelope and setting the corresponding transitive state .

    通过改进搜索策略、调整视频包络 信号 门限 和设置相应的过渡状态等方法,提高了自动磁迹跟踪的速度和准确性。

  • An Improved Threshold Function at One-dimensional Signal Denoising

    一种改进 阈值函数在一维 信号去噪中的应用

  • Demodulation threshold signal level of receiver

    接收机解调 门限 信号电平

  • Optimum Wavelet Threshold Technique for Fractal Signal Estimation

    分形 信号估计的最佳子波 门限方法

  • The waveform and threshold values of driving signal are given .

    给出了驱动 信号的波形和 阈值

  • Some basic relation among system bandwidth threshold signal interference ratio maximum number of access users as well as the system spectral efficiency are studied for traditional CDMA and LAS-CDMA . Their comparisons are also given .

    本文对传统CDMA和LASCDMA系统中的带宽、 门限 扰比、最大用户数及系统的频谱效率等基本指标进行了探讨和比较。

  • The Effects of Diltiazem Hydrochloride on Permanent Heart Pacing Threshold and Intracordial Electrical Signal Amplitude

    盐酸地尔硫卓对永久人工心脏起搏器起搏 阈值及心内电信 波幅的影响

  • The selection of the optimal threshold of signal detection .

    信号检测的最佳 门限选择;

  • In order to maximize to suppress noise and extract the really echo signal we design noise automatic threshold circuits and echo signal identification circuit .

    为了最大限度地抑制噪声提取真回波信号,设计出噪声自动 阈值电路和回波 信号真假识别电路。

  • Research of wavelet de-noising method based on new threshold function in UWB signal detection

    超宽带 信号检测中基于新 阈值函数的小波去噪方法研究

  • Depth analysis of the threshold noise reduction algorithm of the threshold value functions and threshold threshold signal denoising reference-based spectral subtraction speech enhancement algorithms based noise extraction of the door threshold to determine the algorithm .

    深入分析了阈值降噪算法中阈值函数和门限 阈值信号去噪效果的影响,参考基于谱减法的语音增强算法,研究了一种基于噪声提取的门限阈值确定算法。

  • Application of Adaptive Wavelet Threshold Algorithm in ECG Signal Denoising

    自适应小波 阈值算法在心电 信号去噪中的应用

  • The threshold value signal of two-valued is offered by Digital potentiometer which is controlled by SCM .

    该方法中 输出 信号进行二值化时 阈值 信号由数字电位器提供,单片机产生 数字电位器的控制 信号

  • Increased enrollment of higher education reduces learning cost entering college will cause signal over-investment enhance education level of separate equilibrium that is enhancing the employment threshold depreciates signal effect of diploma .

    扩招降低了进入大学的学习成本,导致了教育信号的过度投资及分离均衡的教育水平提高(即就业 门槛提高),文凭的 信号作用贬值。

  • The analysis and discussion of the wavelet threshold denoising method wavelet threshold denoising method of signal to noise separation method for the study analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of the method .

    分析并且讨论小波阈值去噪方法,对小波 阈值去噪方法 噪分离的方法进行了相应的探讨,同时分析该方法的优点和弱点。

  • Differential threshold of sound signal duration in relation to signal duration

    声音 信号的时程辨别 与信号时程的关系

  • The traditional unilateral threshold is replaced by the window threshold in signal discrimination which solves the module 's design difficulty in extra-large-signal processing and thus the rate of error-trigger and error-discrimination is much reduced .

    信号甄别的过程中,用窗函数代替传统的单边甄别 ,解决了甄别电路处理超大 信号的难题,大大降低了系统的误触发和误甄别率。

  • Based on these features we introduced a new cost model both the size and shape of a LA are taken into considerations to find out an optimal location update threshold for signal costs minimizing .

    而依据上面所述的特色与概念,我们提出了一个新的成本模型同时考量最佳化的位置区域的大小与形状,来找寻最佳位置更新的 门槛 降低行动管理机制对 系统资源的消耗。

  • A new method the wavelet based neural network method is presented to estimate hearing threshold from BAEP signal .

    本文提出了一种新的 听阈 检测方法:基于小波变换的神经网络 检测方法。

  • The watermark embedded in this algorithm is a significant binary image and adaptively embedded according to frequency masking threshold of audio signal . The watermark can be extracted by hypothesis test .

    嵌入的水印为视觉可辨的二值图像,水印能根据音频 信号的频域掩蔽 阈值进行自适应调整,水印的提取采用假设检验的方法。

  • The relation between the wavelet threshold and the signal-to-noise ratio in wavelet image denoise is presented . From many simulations of wavelet image denoise the unimodal property between the wavelet threshold and the signal to noise ratio ( SNR ) under different noise strength was developed .

    本文研究了小波图像去噪过程中阈值与信噪比的关系,通过大量的仿真得出了小波图像消噪过程中,在不同的噪声强度下, 噪比与小波 阈值之间存在单峰性的特征。

  • Second under the bridge to monitor signal and the characteristics of wavelet transform features wavelet transform modulus maxima de-noising and wavelet threshold de-noising the signal and compares three different threshold de-noising results .

    其次根据桥梁监测信号的特点结合小波变换的特性,采用小波变换模极大去噪和小波 阀值信号进行去噪处理,并比较了三种不同阀值去噪方法的结果。

  • Firstly we introduce the uniform speech enhancement algorithms and the theoryof wavelet threshold used for signal de-noising .

    介绍了常用的语音增强算法,小波分析的基本理论,小波 阈值法的主要思想;

  • Studied algorithms to calculate capture threshold analysed and compared the capture probability and the false alarm probability of different algorithms determined the capture threshold under different signal to noise ratio ( SNR ) by computer simulation . 4 .

    研究了捕获门限的计算方法,分析比较了不同算法的捕获概率和虚警概率,通过计算机仿真实验确定了不同 噪比下的捕获 门限

  • This method uses a linear CCD as photoelectric sensor . After binarized processing CCD output signal is stored with high speed in SRAM then finished the data gathering function . The binarized threshold signal is provided by the software through digital potentiometer .

    该方法采用线阵CCD作光电传感器,CCD输出信号经二值化处理后采用静态存储器进行高速存储,完成数据采集的功能,且可通过数字电位器用计算机软件提供二值化 阈值 信号

  • Application of wavelet threshold to signal de - noising

    利用小波 门限 进行 信号去噪

  • Application of improved wavelet threshold de-noising in turbulent signal processing

    改进的小波 阈值消噪法在湍流 信号处理中的应用