threshold element

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ˈɛləmənt][ˈθreʃhəuld ˈelimənt]


  • 7 elements in the study area by using multifractal methods is higher than anomaly threshold of the traditional method of anomaly threshold Au element does not have multifractal characteristics .

    研究区内7种元素应用多重分形方法所确定的下限值均高于用传统方法计算的异常 下限,Au 元素不具有多重分形特征。

  • The experiment shows that the saturated energy threshold of CCD element is 0.45 μ J / cm ~ 2.The CCD is damaged by six pulses with energy density of 0.14 J / cm ~ 2 and the damage is due to lattice heat and evaporation with plasma .

    结果表明:激光能量密度为0.45μJ/cm2时,达到像元饱和;能量密度为 0.14J/cm2时,辐照6个脉冲后实现了CCD 器件的硬损伤,硬损伤源于晶格被加热并汽化形成等离子体;

  • The body of a neuron . Acts approximately as a linear threshold element .

    神经元的本体,其作用近似于一种线性 阀值 器件

  • Measures such as the floating of threshold braking by positive sequence current driving up the threshold during power swing etc are suggested to prevent the starting element from mal-operating during power swings .

    采用浮动门槛、 正序电流制动和静稳破坏后提高动作 门槛值的方法,来防止系统振荡时误启动。

  • When the zero sequence voltage is below the threshold this element adopts the recorded voltage of the faulted-phase to replace the zero sequence voltage and then determine the zero sequence power direction . The simulations use recorded fault data show that this element is correct and reliable .

    当零序电压低于 门槛 时,依据选相结果,该 元件采用保护安装处故障前的故障相电压代替零序电压,进行零序功率方向判别。

  • The distributions of metal element of all the paint samples were determined in accordance with the threshold of an element that the response value of the element to be determined is 10 times more than the response value of that element in the carrier gas .

    以油漆样本中待测元素响应值大于10倍载气中相应 元素响应值为该元素的检出 阈值,对各油漆样本的元素分布进行确认。

  • It is low in the technological threshold under the homogeneity market environment of service the service of meeting users is a central key element forever .

    在技术 门槛低,服务同质化的市场环境下,满足用户的服务永远是核心的 要素

  • The RTD has a room temperature peak-to-valley ratio of 5.2 ∶ 1 with a peak current density of 22.5kA/cm2.The HEMT has a 1 μ m gate length with a-1V threshold voltage . A logic circuit called a monostable-to-bistable transition logic element ( MOBILE ) circuit is developed .

    RTD室温下的峰谷电流比为5.2∶1,峰值电流密度为22.5kA/cm2.HEMT采用1μm栅长, 阈值电压为-1V.设计电路称为单稳态-双稳态转换逻辑 单元(MOBILE)。

  • This paper includes three sections as follows . Firstly study on the threshold of the the abnormal element Sn in the eastern of Gejiu deposite . In the research on the geological anomaly it is vital to determine the threshold .

    论文包括以下三部分内容首先对个旧东区锡 元素异常的 阈值进行研究。

  • This article describes the high-power semiconductor laser light oscillation conditions the threshold current output characteristics model theory thermal properties and dynamic characteristics of finite element analysis with ANSYS software thermodynamic wide strip of the thermal characteristics of semiconductor lasers are analyzed .

    本文介绍了大功率半导体激光器的光振荡条件、 阈值电流、输出特性、模式理论、热特性及动态特性,用 ANSYS软件对宽条形半导体激光器的热特性进行了分析。

  • Introducing the select methods of gradation threshold and structure element and proposing the further direction in the research of self adapted obtaining of gradation threshold .

    介绍了灰度 阈值和结构 元素的选取方法,并提出了灰度阈值自适应获得的进一步研究方向。

  • The upper set performs the mid-controller address setting the mid-controller working condition inquiring and the threshold value of environment element setting and then achieves uniform management of several grain depots .

    上位机可以设定中间控制机地址、查询中间控制机的工作状态、设定温湿度的报警 阀值,从而实现对多个粮库的统一管理。

  • Through the preparation of PC software management system can query the work of the mid-controller . Real-time monitoring and display a variety of temperature and humidity data . The threshold value of environment element setting and then achieves uniform management of several warehouse depots .

    通过编写上位机软件管理系统可以实现查询中间控制机的工作状态,设定温湿度的报警 阀值,实时监测并显示各种温湿度数据,从而实现对多个仓房的统一管理。

  • The broadband beam space high resolution processing possesses lower resolution threshold and better performance than the element space processing .

    宽带波束域处理分辨 门限 ,性能优于 域处理方法,是实现水下目标高分辨方位估计的重要途径。

  • The Relation Between the Pure-tone Auditory Threshold and the Trace Element

    耳鸣耳聋患者的纯音 听阈与微量 元素