


  • Survey of Threadworm Infection in Children in Kindergarten of Xining

    西宁市幼儿园儿童 蛲虫感染情况调查及分析

  • Conclusion The infection rate of threadworm in our children is decreasing .

    结论西宁 儿童 蛲虫的感染呈下降趋势。

  • Objective To investigate the threadworm infection situation of children in out city and provide basis for the control of threadworm infection .

    目的了解西宁市儿童 蛲虫感染情况,更好地控制和减少蛲虫感染,保障幼儿健康成长。

  • We can control threadworm infection by enforcing the prevention and treatment of the disease .

    进一步加强防治 工作 蛲虫感染的预防可 达到 良好 效果

  • In recent years the studies of several model systems ( for example drosophila threadworm ) have revealed a general feacture of asymmetric cell division : the polarity cue is a prerequisite for asymmetric cell division .

    近些年,细胞不对称分裂的重要性逐渐为人们所认识,通过对一系列生物模型(比如:果蝇, 线虫 )的研究揭示了不对称分裂的共同特点&细胞不对称分裂是以细胞极性的形成为前提。