


  • To introduce the application of anterolateral thigh flap transfer for coverage of soft tissue defect of dorsal foot .

    目的介绍应用 外侧皮瓣修复足背软组织缺损。

  • And joins your thigh muscles .

    一直延伸到你的 肌。

  • The leg muscle and ligament stretcher is for training the dancer 's inside muscle and ligament of thigh stretch .

    huiney腿部肌肉韧带拉伸机,是针对舞蹈者的 大腿内侧肌肉进行韧带拉伸的专业舞蹈设备。

  • She was wearing a white dress slit to the thigh .

    她身穿一条开叉开到了 大腿的白色连衣裙。

  • It might be that thigh and hip fat protects against heart disease .

    也可能是 大腿和臀部脂肪保护人体对抗心脏病。

  • Stephen fractured a thigh bone

    斯蒂芬断了一根 股骨

  • The bullet lodged in the sergeant 's leg shattering his thigh bone

    子弹嵌进了中士的腿里,使其 股骨碎裂。

  • So the buttock and thigh do the violence by being lazy but we blame the knee .

    因此是 大腿和臀部懒惰的暴力,我们却指责膝盖。

  • Blood poured from the main artery of the thigh .

    血从 大腿的主动脉涌出。

  • I think that 's part of his thigh behind me .

    我想我背后的是他的一部分 大腿

  • Objective : to exercise the stomach muscles and the inner thigh muscles .

    目的:锻炼腹部肌肉和 大腿 内侧肌肉。

  • The man 's gun flicked up from beside his thigh

    那个男人迅速从 大腿一侧抽出枪来。

  • The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg .

    膝盖是 大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。是人与人之间的 交往,而 不是他们 各自 生活 事件

  • He locked his knee against the man 's inner thigh and sent him sprawling to the ground .

    他用膝盖抵住那个人的 大腿 内侧,将他按趴在地上。

  • A thigh injury increasingly hindered her mobility


  • The left thigh and right calf both had knife stab wounds .


  • Hamstrings are supporting muscles at the back of the thigh

    腿筋是 位于 大腿后侧起支撑作用的肌肉。

  • She put her hand on my thigh and felt me up .

    她把手放在我 大腿上,然后让我立起来了。

  • I wasn 't badly hurt but I injured my thigh and had to limp

    我伤得不重,但一 大腿伤到了,只好一瘸一拐地走。

  • He tore a muscle in his right thigh

    他右 大腿的一块肌肉拉伤了。

  • He felt a sharp pain in the abductor muscle in his right thigh .

    他感到右 大腿外展肌一阵剧痛。

  • You can do this with your calf muscles thigh muscles ( front and back ) chest abdomen buttocks shoulders and back .

    你可以对你的小腿肌肉、 大腿肌肉(前面和后面)、胸部、腹部、臀部、肩部和背部这么做。

  • Jane was suddenly aware that she was digging her nails into her thigh .

    简突然间意识到她正在用指甲抠 大腿

  • If thigh and buttocks'on flank zone abdomen .


  • His fall left him with a nasty bruise on his thigh .

    他摔了一跤, 大腿受了严重的瘀伤。

  • How can make the thigh and the crus cramp ?

    怎样可以令 大腿和小腿抽筋?

  • He fell back blood welling from a gash in his thigh .

    他向后倒去,鲜血从他 大腿 的一个口子里涌了出来。

  • He is suffering from a strained thigh muscle

    他的 大腿肌肉拉伤了,疼得很。

  • This exercise emphasizes hip swings and it exercises the waist hips and the inner side of thigh .

    这种运动注重臀部扭动。它锻炼腰部、臀部,和 大腿