think of doing

[θɪŋk ʌv ˈduɪŋ][θiŋk ɔv ˈdu:ɪŋ]


  • Ashley would never suspect that she would even think of doing anything so immoral .

    艾希礼决不会怀疑她竟然会 这样不道德的事情。

  • You have so little time ! How can you think of wasting a moment doing something for a living that you don 't like to do !

    你的时间是那么少,你 怎么浪费掉哪怕一秒 你不想做的事,为了谋生!

  • As I steered the car along the rough highway I began to think of what I had been doing to myself and my family .

    当我沿着起伏不平的公路行驶的时候,我开始不断地 想着我对于家庭和自己究竟 了什么。

  • I think there may be other ways of doing it than with a tariff approach he said .

    认为也许有其它途径 达到 目的,而不需要采取征收关税的方法,他表示。

  • But again if you think of the possibility of doing that for all eternity and never getting away from it never being free from it the positive dream of immortality I think becomes a nightmare .

    但是 想想如果永远, 那样下去,永远不法逃离,永远无法 解脱,永生的美妙梦想,就会变成恶梦。

  • People go to night clubs to show off and attract the opposite sex so I think it 's a valid way of doing this Dr Neave explained .

    尼威博士解释道:“人们去夜总会是为了炫耀和吸引异性,所以我 认为这样 是有根据的”。

  • You really think he 's capable of doing something like this ?

    你真 以为他有能力 做出 这样的事吗?

  • You should think of it as doing polar coordinates not only in the horizontal direction but also in the vertical direction at the same time .

    你应 看作极坐标,不仅考虑水平方向,也包括竖直方向。

  • Surely no one today would think of doing what John money of Johns Hopkins university did in1967 : amputating the genitalia of a boy who had suffered a botched circumcision and advising the parents to bring him up as a girl .

    当然,今天不会有人会 考虑 约翰霍普金斯大学的约翰曼尼在1967年做的那种事情了:他阉割了一个包皮环切术失败的男孩,并且建议他的父母把他当作一个女孩来抚养。

  • Your servant 's heart is revealed in little acts that others don 't think of doing as when Paul gathered brushwood for a fire to warm everyone after a shipwreck .

    仆人的心志常在没有人 的小事上显明出来。正如保罗在沉船后去拾柴生火,让众人取暖。

  • Yeah everyday I think of you wonder what are you doing how is everything going I wonder where are you with who what 's your emotion .

    是的,每天我都在 你,想你 什么,一切怎么样,想你在哪里,和谁在一起,你的心情怎么样。

  • Think of something you avoided doing until the last minute : your taxes for example .

    想想哪件事你是不拖到最后一分钟不 的:比如说,缴税。

  • Have you ever had a student you think might be capable of doing something like this ?

    你曾教过可能会 这事的学生

  • You think one of our own people is doing this ?

    觉得是我们中的一个人 的?

  • When we encounter bewilderment in life why not think of some people doing something they do not like at all ?

    当我们面临生活的困惑时,何不 想想那些别人不愿 的事?

  • Why is it that you think that your speed of doing things is the best maybe slow down and smell the roses .

    我问这些是 帮你。为什么你要 认为自己 做事的速度就是最好的呢,或许停下来闻闻玫瑰花香也是个不错的主意呢!

  • Never think of doing anything else .

    其他的,别 了!

  • You can think about millions of people in North America doing the same thing .

    你可以 想象在北美有几百万的人跟 同样的事情。

  • Can you think of anything I could be doing so we could get along better ?

    你能 相处任何我能 这样我们能更好相处的事情吗?

  • I find it astounding that you could ever think of doing anything so terrible .

    你竟会 出去 如此可怕的事,真叫我目瞪口呆。

  • Why didn 't ye think of doing some good for your family instead o'thinking only of yourself ?

    你为什么只是为自己打算,而不为 我们一家人 件好事呢?

  • Think not of what your partner isn 't doing think instead of what he is doing .

    不要想你的伴侣没在做什么,而是 他正在 什么

  • Do you think it of any use doing jogging every day ?

    认为每天 慢跑有用吗?

  • Student : I did Prof : So you don 't think you could have an experience of me doing what I 've been doing and yet I am not yet .

    学生:是的,教授:如果你不 认为你能有我的经历,我现在在做的和没有 的。

  • But an online game lets people think of themselves doing one of the hardest jobs in American Politics : cutting the federal budget .

    但一款在线游戏让人们 觉得自己是 美国政治中最为艰难的工作之一:削减联邦预算。

  • Many younger Americans have never bought a GM car and would not think of doing so .


  • Think of what you are doing .

    想想你正在 事情