thin-film sensor

[θɪn fɪlm ˈsɛnsɚ][θin film ˈsensə]

[计] 薄膜传感器

  • On-line thin-film stress measurement system based on Hartmann-Shack sensor technique

    基于 哈特曼 原理 薄膜应力在线测量系统

  • New Type Thin-film Thermocouple Sensor for Cutting Temperature Measurement

    新型 薄膜式热电偶切削温度测量 传感器

  • By using thin-film depositing technology a thermal-resistant miniature thinfilm transient heat flux sensor is developed by the authors .

    为满足燃料电池内微小空间内瞬变大热流的测量要求,利用 薄膜技术,制作了热阻式微型薄膜瞬态热流

  • And the paper designs the signal processing circuit of the thin-film PVDF sensor provided with tactile and slip and pick up the signal characters served for specific feedback information of the control system .

    设计了触觉、滑觉 一体的PVDF压电 薄膜 传感器的信号处理电路,并提取了信号的触滑觉特征,为假手控制系统提供了明确的反馈信息。

  • The principle and experimental law of testing sets to test reaction temperature change were introduced . Using powder sputtering plane thin-film SnO_2 / CeO_2 alcohol sensor the reaction temperature change was tested and the law of versus gas concentration was given by the inserting method .

    介绍了反应温变测试装置原理及其实验规律,利用粉末溅射平面 薄膜型SnO2/CeO2酒 传感器测试了反应温变;并用内插法给出了反应温变随酒气气体浓度变化的规律。

  • The Theoretical Calculation of Dynamic Characteristics of A New Thin-Film Cutting-Temperature Sensor

    新型 薄膜切削温度 传感器动态特性的理论计算

  • Performance Test of the Powder Sputtering Plane Thin-film SnO_2 / CeO_2 Gas Sensor

    粉末溅射平面 薄膜 SnO2/CeO2酒敏 元件性能测试

  • A new type of thin-film thickness sensor of a modified SC-cut quartz crystal bulk resonator vibrating in the B mode of thickness shear with the in-line field electrodes is described .

    介绍一种利用B模式厚度切变体波工作的新型水晶谐振式 传感器

  • Powder sputtered ZnO thin-film alcohol sensor

    粉末溅射ZnO 薄膜 元件

  • The three corrected optical filters for red green and blue are designed and made with the method of vacuum deposition thin-film coating that cause the color sensor is simply made at low cost .

    制作过程中,用真空沉积 镀膜的方法设计并制作红、绿、蓝三色修正滤光片,使得颜色 传感器的制作简单方便,又经济实用。

  • Hardware Design of an Instrument for Weak Magnetic Fields Measurement Based on Thin-film Magnetoresistive Sensor

    基于 薄膜磁阻 传感器的微弱磁场测量仪的硬件设计

  • On the study of the dynamic characteristic of the thin-film thermocouple used in transient high temperature measurement an approach that can widen the working frequency band and reduce the dynamic error is reported by using the compensator of sensor dynamic inverse model .

    针对用于瞬态高温测量 薄膜热电偶的动态特性研究问题,提出通过建立 传感器的动态逆模型补偿器,来展宽其工作频带,以此来减小动态误差的方法。

  • Experimental results showed that the higher linearity and stability are found in the range from 0 ℃ to 250 ℃ on the resistance-temperature curve of the thin-film sensor .

    测试结果表明 薄膜 传感器在0~250℃之间温度电阻曲线有较好的线性度和稳定性。

  • Finally aluminum cutting tests are carried out with the thin-film thermocouple temperature sensor .

    最后采用 薄膜热电偶温度 传感器进行铝合金切削试验。

  • A Kind of Thin-Film Stress Sensor Based on Beam-Focusing Multi-Beam Array

    基于自会聚多光束阵列的 薄膜应力 传感器

  • Research of Thin-film Strain-gauge Weighing Sensor

    薄膜应变栅称重 传感器的研制

  • The advent of a thin-film sensor satisfies the request .

    工业 生产中,人们对 温度 传感器 小型化的要求 越来 迫切,而 薄膜 传感器的出现能满足这一要求。

  • An integrated thin-film glucose and galactose sensor was developed by immobilizing glucose oxidase and galactose oxidase on Nafion chemically modified substrate electrodes .

    本文采用微电子 薄膜技术制作了具有双铂工作基底电极的 传感器芯片。

  • Measuring ship motions with thin-film tilt sensor

    基于 电位倾角 传感器的船舶姿态测量

  • This paper introduces the construction and the system of the smart bearings mainly presents the characteristic type and installing form of thin-film sensor . moreover it discusses that sensing film needs to settle problem .

    本文介绍了 基于微机 薄膜 传感器的智能轴承的结构及组成,着重探讨了应用于智能轴承的 薄膜 传感器的特点、种类、安装形式,并指出智能轴承用薄膜传感器 的关键技术问题。

  • Upon comprehensive reviews of the predecessors ' results and using thin-film depositing technology the author developed a thermal-resistant miniature thin-film transient heat flux sensor .

    在分析总结国内外众多瞬态热流计测量原理的基础上,本文利用薄膜技术,制作出了热阻式微型 薄膜瞬态热流计 头。

  • Thin-film Magneto-resistive Element and Magneto-resistive-current Sensor

    薄膜磁阻元件及电流 传感器