think aloud

[θɪŋk əˈlaʊd][θiŋk əˈlaud]


  • Think aloud method is adopted to probe into translation process in this paper which describes the use of translation strategies of 37 translators at different levels examines the differences in the use of translation units and investigates the role of knowledge and experiences in translation practice .

    运用有 思维 实验方法,描述了37位受试运用翻译策略的状况,考察了各层次的译者在翻译单位使用上的差异,并探讨了知识和经验在翻译过程中的应用。

  • Ask participants to think aloud during the observation saying what comes to mind as they work .

    用户在被观察时 自言自语,说出他们使用您的产品时心里所想的。

  • I don 't think that Chinese students do enough reading aloud when they learn English ; they read to themselves .

    认为中国学生在学习英语时没有 大声 朗读,他们是在读给自己

  • Before him I may think aloud .

    在他面前,我可以 自言自语

  • He is murmuring to himself . I often like to think aloud .

    我常常喜欢 自言自语

  • And plenty of Americans who dismiss the Turkish account as whitewash nonetheless think that their lawmakers are fools for saying so aloud .

    而且作为掩饰,大量的美国人解除了与土耳其客户的关系,尽管他们 认为立法者如此 大张旗鼓的炒作此事真是愚蠢。

  • Do you think reading aloud is helpful with your English ?

    认为 大声 朗读对提高英语有帮助吗?

  • I don 't think it necessary that you should read English aloud .

    认为你没有必要 大声 朗读英语。

  • Four students were then asked to finish the think aloud sessions .

    之后,四个学生完成了有 思维部分。

  • I think Louisa the other nurse the young person ' here Miss Nipper sobbed aloud ' being so much younger and necessarily influenced by Paul 's nurse may remain .

    ,路易莎,另一位保姆,年轻的那一位,这时尼珀姑娘 大声哭泣着,由于年龄要小得多,而且一定受了保罗奶妈的影响,所以可以继续留用。

  • Thank you for letting me think ( aloud ) .

    感谢您能让我 独自 思考

  • ' Now you think of someone you could marry miss said Liddy then read aloud the words on that page and if the Bible moves perhaps you 'll marry him .

    小姐,现在你 一个你可能与之结婚的人,利蒂说,然后 朗读那页上的话,如果圣经动了,也许你就会和他结婚。

  • Think aloud method was adopted to record the process of the argumentation writing of the subjects to examine the influence of the mother tongue on L2 production .

    这次实验采用有 思维的方法来记录学生写作的全部 思维过程。

  • You think too much old man he said aloud .

    “你 得太多了,老家伙,”他说出

  • Now can I find out the difficulties of surrounding persons ? I think the answer is yes but not answered aloud .

    现在,我能够发现 身边的人的困难吗?答案是是,但 底气 不足

  • Past researches into the translating process mostly employ TAP ( Think Aloud Protocol ) or reverse engineering from the translated text .

    以往对翻译过程的研究方法主要是有 思维法、译文倒推法。

  • As an individual she is absolutely entitled to think aloud .

    作为个人,他绝对有权利 说出 自己 想法