thoracic stomach

[θəˈræsɪk ˈstʌmək][θɔ(:)ˈræsik ˈstʌmək]

[医] 胸位胃

  • The tubular gastric technology has been widely applied in the clinic some studies suggest that it is effective to prevent thoracic stomach syndrome and reflux esophagitis happening .

    目前临床上已广泛应用的管状胃技术,有研究认为,能有效预防 综合症和反流性食管炎。

  • Left Thoracic Esophagectomy with Total Stomach Substitute and Cervical Anastomosis in the Treatment of Esophageal Cancer

    食管床移植颈部吻合治疗 食管癌

  • PURPOSE To study the method of diaphragmatic muscle incision plasty for the prevention of emptying disturbance of thoracic stomach after resection for carcinoma of esophagus .

    探讨膈肌切开成形术预防食管癌术 后胸 排空障碍的作用。

  • One case : congenital short esophagus associated with right thoracic stomach in an adult

    成人先天性短食管伴右 胸腔 1例报告

  • Objective To introduce the pathogenicity diagnosis differential diagnosis treatment and prevention of thoracic stomach empting disturbance after total thoracic esophagectomy .

    目的介绍全胸段食管切除术 后胸 排空障碍的发病原因、诊断、鉴别诊断、治疗及预防,以减少并发症的发生,降低死亡率。

  • Clinical analysis of 32 cases of thoracic stomach dilatation after esophagectomy via left cervical route esophagogastric anastomosis

    食管切除左颈食管胃吻合术 后胸 扩张32例临床分析

  • The cases of reflux esophagitis and thoracic stomach syndrome were less in NGT group than WS group .

    术后反流性食管炎及 综合征等并发症实验组少于对照组。

  • Objective To investigate the change of pressure wave and pH in thoracic stomach after the operation of esophageal carcinoma and compare the effect of two stomach and intestines kinetic drugs on thoracic stomach .

    目的了解食管癌根治术后 胸腔 不同 部位的压力及pH值的变化,评价比较胃肠动力药物对胃压力波的影响,为术后选择用药提供依据。

  • Three cases with thoracic stomach bubble were diagnosed congenital diaphragmatic hernias 3 cases with small stomach bubble were esophageal atresia .

    3例 泡出现在 胸腔 ,为先天性膈疝畸形;1例小胃泡,为先天性食管闭锁;

  • Postoperative anastomotic leakage occurred in 36 cases ( morbidity 3.42 % ) and perforation of the stomach in thoracic cavity in 8 cases ( morbidity 0.8 % ) requiring second thoracotomy . With pedicled great omentum the perforation of the stomach in the thoracic cavity was repaired .

    自1979年4月至1994年3月共行食管癌切除术1052例,术后发生 穿孔8例(0.8%),均急诊行二次开胸,应用带蒂大网膜修补穿孔。

  • Objective : To detect the effects of the thoracic stomach on respiratory function after esophagectomy for esophageal carcinoma .

    探讨 对食管癌围术期呼吸功能的影响。

  • There were 13 cases of recurrence on thoracic stomach barium meal presented compression of the thoracic stomach filling defect or destruction of mucosa .


  • Methods : The pressurs in residual esophagus andin thoracic stomach were measured in 18 patients who under-went resection of esophageal cancer by SGY - 3 digestive tract motility measuring instrument . Twenty normal men were cho-sen as controls .

    方法:应用 SGY-3型多功能消化道检测仪对18例食管癌切除术后患者进行食管、 的压力测定,同时与20名正常人对照。

  • Measurement of Pressure inside Thoracic Stomach and the Remnant Esophagus after Resection of Esophageal or Cardiac Carcinoma

    食管贲门癌术后 食管重建的测压研究

  • The dorsal horn of the lower thoracic spinal cord is one of the important convergent and integration regions of information from EA of acupoints of the Stomach Meridian and the stomach .

    胸部脊髓背角是 胃经穴位电针和胃扩张信息汇聚和整和的部位。

  • This article presents the operation of thoracic transplantation of stomach in the treatment of six children with cicatricial stricture of esophagus .

    介绍6例全 移植治疗小儿食管瘢痕性狭窄的手术及 经验

  • RESULTS There occurred altogether 5 cases of emptying disturbance of thoracic stomach exclusively in the controlled group CONCLUSIONS Diaphragmatic muscle incision plasty revealed better result for the prevention of emptying disturbance of thoracic stomach after surgery .

    结果全组病例有 排空障碍5例,均发生在对照组。结论膈肌切开成形术对预防胸胃排空障碍有较好的效果。

  • METHODS 1547 cases of carcinoma of esophagus and cardia of stomach have been operated in this series among which in 15 cases there occurred disturbance of emptying of thoracic stomach . All occurred in right thoracic approach with 3 incisions method .

    方法食管贲门癌手术1547例,发生 排空障碍15例,均为上腹、右胸、左颈吻合。

  • Case of them occurred thoracic stomach empting disturbance supplying nutrition through duodenum nutrition tube treating against symptims resuming in take foods through mouth 26 days after operation .


  • This study mainly investigated the clinical features of thoracic stomach cancer ( TSC ) after surgical treatment for esophageal carcinoma .

    目的本研究应用无创胃肠电图仪观察食管癌术后不同时间段的患者 胸腔 电活动的变化。

  • Objective To study the measurement of the movement of residue thoracic stomach after surgical resection for esophageal cancer and define the optimal planning target volume ( PTV ) .

    目的为了获得 胸腔肿瘤精确照射的适宜合理计划靶体积(PTV),进行了放疗中 胸腔位置移动的观察,目的是为确定三维适形放疗PTV的适宜范围。

  • Methods : 63 cases of cardiac and esophageal carcinoma were treated during 1991.3 ~ 2001.4 We analyzed the effect of gastric interposition Roux-Y operation on resisting reflux relieving thoracic stomach affect on respiratory function and preventing gastric emptying disorders .

    方法:总结1991年3月至2001年4月本科收治63例食道贲门癌临床资料,分析胃间置Roux-Y对抗返流,减轻 胸腔 对呼吸功能的影响及防止胃排空障碍的作用。

  • By the way of neck right thoracic abdomen the esophagus was reconstructed with stomach in 20 cases and with right colon in 2 cases .

    经颈右 腹, 代食管20例,右半结肠代食管2例。