thoracic curve

[θəˈræsɪk kɚv][θɔ(:)ˈræsik kə:v]

[医] 胸曲

  • Conclusion : The most significant shoulder imbalance before operation is occured in the Lenke 1 and Lenke 2.The proximal thoracic curve has critical influence on the shoulder balance .

    结论:术前肩部不平衡主要为Lenke1型及Lenke2型患者。上 胸椎 侧凸畸形对肩部平衡产生关键性影响。

  • Thoracic curve is apt to lead to negative imbalance while lumbar curve is apt to lead to positive imbalance .


  • Methods After the thoracic curve was changed from inferior to superior the yellow ligment between C3 and C4 and the lateral funiculus were transected under the operating microscope ;

    方法将大鼠 由下突位变为上突位,在手术显微镜下切开C3、C4间的黄韧带,横断颈髓外侧索;

  • The patients were classified into subtypes of Lenke classification based on the factors influencing the shoulder balance including the upper thoracic curve the balance between the curves and the Cobb angle of the main curve .

    根据可能影响肩部平衡的因素(上 胸椎侧凸情况、各个侧凸间相互平衡情况及主侧凸角度大小)将患者的 Lenke分型进一步分为不同类型。

  • Rat caudal artery and thoracic aorta induced by KCl and CaCl 2 buflomedil made the curves shift to right with reducing maximal efficacy compared to the control curve . The pD ′ 2 values were 3.88 3.76 3.33 4.03 and 3.60 respectively .

    氯化钾、氯化钙致大鼠尾动脉、 主动脉收缩的累积对数浓度反应 曲线右移,最大反应降低,其pD′2分别为3.88和3.60。

  • Postoperative Cobb 's angles of 2 cases of Lenke type ⅲ were 20 ° and 25 ° the correction rate of thoracic curve averaged 65.1 % . One patient developed thoracic effusion .

    2例 LenkeⅢ型术后Cobbs角分别为20°和25°,Cobbs角矫正率平均65.1%;

  • Methods There were 14 patients ( 5 males and 9 females ) with congenital upper thoracic curve and their mean age was 11 years ( range : 9 ~ 15 yrs ) .

    方法本组先天性上 胸椎 脊柱 14例,男5例,女9例;年龄9~15岁,平均11岁;

  • The high risks of progress are as followed : curve more than 20 degrees female double thoracic curve double thoracolumbar curve right thoracic scoliosis and top vertebral rotation more than grade .

    进展的危险因素包括:Cobb角>20°,畸形发生在女性,双 ,胸腰双弯,右胸弯型,侧凸顶椎旋转度在Ⅱ度及以上。

  • The terminal segment of an invertebrate 's limb . The Effects of Classification Systems on the Selection of Thoracic Curve Fusion and Lowest Instrumented Vertebrae in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

    无脊椎动物肢体的末端不同分型系统对AIS单 融合和下端融合椎选择的影响

  • The shoulder imbalance of the Lenke 2 subtype 2 patients improved after both thoracic curve fusion .


  • The type of curve in scoliosis included thoracic curve in 23 patients lumbar curve in 3 and thoracolumbar curve in 5 . There were 6 cases of thoracic curves associated with kyphosis .

    侧凸的类型包括 胸椎 侧凸23例,腰椎侧凸3例,胸腰段侧凸5例;其中胸段侧凸合并后凸6例。

  • Conclusion : The results of this study show that selective fusion of the thoracic curve in idiopathic scoliosis King type ⅱ can achieve acceptable coronal and sagittal plane balance of the spine but must be discreet .

    结论:KingⅡ型特发性脊柱 侧凸进行选择性 胸椎融合是可行的,但应慎重。

  • The strategy for the selective fusion of thoracic curve in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

    青少年特发性脊柱侧凸选择性 融合的策略

  • While the thoracic aorta were cut into 4mm rings and mounted in organ bath for measurement of isometric force development . Dose response curve to acetylcholine nitroglycerine and noradrenaline were constructed .

    主动脉切成4mm长的血管环置浮槽中做离体实验,观察对乙酰胆碱、硝酸甘油、去甲肾上腺素的剂量反应 曲线

  • Treatment for congenital upper thoracic curve in adolescence

    青少年先天性上 胸椎 的治疗