throttle plate

[ˈθrɑtl: plet][ˈθrɔtl pleit]


  • It consists of a bored housing that contains a throttle plate that rotates on a shaft .

    它由一个无聊的房子,包含一个 节流 轴上旋转。

  • Secondly throttle orifice plate is theoretically analyzed by completely applying relating theory of hydrodynamics and hydrokinetics and combining kinetics equitation of stickiness flow and confused flow relation of distances of obtaining press and all parameters .

    综合应用流体力学及流体动力学的有关理论,同时结合粘性流动与紊流流动的动力学方程,对 节流进行了理论分析,得出了取压间距与各参数间的关系。

  • Air enters the engine through the air cleaner and proceeds to the throttle plate .

    空气通过空气滤清器进入发动机,并进入 节气

  • Experimental study on throttle orifice plate is processed in this paper .

    本文就 节流进行了试验研究。

  • Flow field and structure in throttle orifice plate is systematically analyzed and studied by experiment and locale research and finally theoretical foundation is provided for design of throttle equipment and test-bed on blower .

    通过试验和现场调研,对 节流内的流场及结构等进行了系统地分析研究,最终为节流装置及风机试验台的设计提供理论依据。

  • In the entire aero-engine control system the design of the throttle lever in the control plate is very important .

    在航空发动机数字控制系统试验 平台中,操作 油门杆装置的设计是重要的组成部分。

  • When the accelerator is depressed the throttle plate opens and allows air into the engine .

    当加速器是郁闷、 节流 开启,让空气进入引擎。

  • Numerical Simulation of a Boiler Primary Air Flow through a Throttle Orifice plate

    锅炉一次风通过 节流板时的数值模拟

  • BMW Valvetronic engines have a conventional throttle plate at the intake 's entry point but it closes only when the engine is not running and for a brief period after start-up .

    宝马Valvetronic引擎在进气入口点有一个传统的 节流 ,但只有发动机不运行和启动后的短暂时间内是关闭的。

  • Following this warm-up period the throttle plate remains open in normal driving so there 's no low-pressure area in the manifold impeding the engine 's ability to pump air .

    紧跟这个暖升期间,正常驾驶 时节 保持打开,所以没有歧管阻碍发动机泵空气行为的低压区。

  • Thin Oil Lubricating System with Throttle Pore Plate

    节流 稀油循环润滑系统

  • Design and research on throttle valve plate of oil-pneumatic spring

    油气弹簧 节流设计与研究

  • For the forced circulation system to avoid the excessive values of circulation water dynamic every water cooling tube must be mounted throttle plate in the design .

    对于强制循环系统,为了避免循环水动力的多值性,设计均要求在每一根水冷壁管设置 节流

  • Base speed of an adjustable-speed motor The throttle plate moves toward the closed position as rated speed is reached .

    当达到发动机额定转速时, 节流 趋于关闭位置。

  • A systematic study was performed on the extruder set via analyses of the factors such as feeding screw speed throttle valve screen pack changer die plate and pelletizer aimed at saving energy .

    选择进料状况、螺杆转速、 节流阀、换网器和 模板及切粒机等因素对挤出机机组的影响进行了系统分析、研究,发现这些因素对挤出机的负荷和能耗影响较大。